Hi, buyer this product included 6 swords from the character name Zoro in one piece. 3 swords are the normal version of Zoro's sword and the other 3 are the haki version with the moving haki aura texture. This product comes with the .json file and ready-to-use texture pack that works with the 1.6.1 – 1.18 version and these models are optifine's models so you must have an optifine of whatever version you want and you can simply put this texture pack into your folder. Actually, these swords are the models of the normal diamond sword so you have to name the diamond sword exactly like this 1. shusui 2. shusuihaki 3. wado ichimonji 4. wado ichimonji haki 5. sandaikitetsu 6. sandai kitetsu haki it can be bold, italic or whatever and it should show up in the game
. if you have any issues contact SuperKillerGG69#3705 on discord.