This is a Bed Wars plugin based in the most popular server and it's fully customizable! You can create your own maps, leaderboards, languages, playnpcs, shopkeeper skins and more!
In this plugin you can create your own language files.
Non-player npcs that allow the user to join games.
All scoreboards of this plugin is fully customizable in language file.
A hologram that will show the best players in some stats of the game.
Player Commands:
This is a Bed Wars plugin based in the most popular server and it's fully customizable! You can create your own maps, leaderboards, languages, playnpcs, shopkeeper skins and more!
- MultiArena
- LeaderBoards
- Play Game NPCs
- Statistics
- Coins (Compatible with Vault)
- Experience and Level
- Customizable Languages
- 4 Game Modes: solo, doubles 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4
- Shopkeeper Skins (Editable, by default has 11 skins)
- Death Cries (Editable, by default has 12 cries)
- Watch System (Watch other players ingame)
- Favorite Maps and Daily Limit for Normal Players
- 2 Database Types: MySQL, SQLite
- Titles, Actionbar and Scoreboard
- Ingame events time editable on settings
- Language System (per player)
- Fully customizable Menus into Language file
In this plugin you can create your own language files.
- By default, the plugin comes with the en_US language.
- The language is applied per player, meaning you will no longer have difficulty with players from other countries or languages.
- To create a new language access the plugin's languages folder and copy the en_US.ymlfile and rename it to whatever language you want, just edit it.
- TIP: If you need a skinvalue (skull item skin) for your language I recommend this site: Minecraft-heads
- Skins values looks like that:
- eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19
Spoiler: Pictures
Profile Languages Icon:
Languages Menu:
Language Item:
Non-player npcs that allow the user to join games.
- Command: /lbw playnpc
- The skins of the NPC can be edited for each mode using /lbw playnpc setskin <mode> <username>
Spoiler: Pictures
Play Menu:
Map Selector:
All scoreboards of this plugin is fully customizable in language file.
- The scoreboard also has a scroller, can be edited on settings.
Spoiler: Pictures
A hologram that will show the best players in some stats of the game.
- Command: /lbw leaderboard
- Available Stats: KILLS, WINS and LEVEL.
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Lifetime Wins:
Lifetime Kills:
BedWars Levels:
- Mystery Vault and The Delivery Man
- Mystery Vault is an optional integration with the LostBoxes plugin, which gives the possibility to open mystery boxes.
- When playing matches you can receive a Mystery Box, in Mystery Vault you can open it to receive a random reward from those listed in the Box.
- You always need LostBoxes to use the internal system of mystery boxes.
- The Delivery Man is an npc that offers the ability to distribute rewards to your loyal or higher rank players every month or days.
Spoiler: Pictures
Delivery Man Menu:
Mystery Vault Menu:
- Mystery Vault is an optional integration with the LostBoxes plugin, which gives the possibility to open mystery boxes.
- Party System is an optional integration with LostParties plugin, allows the creation of groups with players, so that when the leader connects to the server members are sent together and if possible on the same team.
Player Commands:
- /stats <username> - Shows username stats.
- /watch <username> - Watch a player match.
- /lbw - Main command.
- /lbw <page> - Help page.
- /lbw setlobby - Set the lobby of your server.
- /lbw build - Enable builder mode.
- /lbw leaderboard - Manage LeaderBoards.
- /lbw leaderboard add - Add a LeaderBoard.
- /lbw leaderboard remove - Remove a LeaderBoard.
- /lbw playnpc - Manage PlayNPCs.
- /lbw playnpc add - Add a PlayNPC.
- /lbw playnpc remove - Remove a PlayNPC.
- /lbw playnpc setskin <mode> <user> - Set skin of the NPCs to a skin from user.
- /lbw deliverynpc - Manage DeliveryMans NPCs.
- /lbw deliverynpc add - Add a DeliveryMan.
- /lbw deliverynpc remove - Remove a DeliveryMan.
- /lbw deliverynpc setskin <user> - Set skin of the Delivery Man to a skin from user.
- /lbw boxnpc - Manage MysteryVaults.
- /lbw boxnpc add - Add a MysteryVault.
- /lbw boxnpc remove - Remove a MysteryVault.
- /lbw shopkeeperskin - Create new Shopkeeper Skin.
- /lbw deathcry - Create new Death Cry.
- /lbw give coins <player> <amount> - Give coins to a player.
- /lbw remove coins <player> <amount> - Remove coins from a player.
- /lbw fstart - Force starts your current server.
- /lbw load - Load a world of server folder.
- /lbw unload - Unload a server world.
- /lbw teleport - Teleport to an server world.
- /lbw create - Create a new game.
- /lbw spawn - Enter in the spawn mode (Add spawns in a game).
- /lbw generator - Enter in the generator mode (Add generators in a game).
- lostbedwars.lobby.fly - Fly in lobby.
- lostbedwars.chat.delay - Bypass delay to text on chat.
- lostbedwars.chat.color - Use colors on chat.
- lostbedwars.mapselector.infinite - Infinite map selector attempts.
- lostbedwars.cmd.bedwars - Use /lbw (All Commands).
- lostbedwars.cmd.stats - Use /stats <username>.
- lostbedwars.cmd.watch - Use /watch <username>.
- Compatible spigot.
- How to see your version?
- Open the .jar with rar viewer and open the folders in that order: net, minecraft, server.
- If you've opened folders correctly will have the folder with server version.
- Compatible:
- v1_8_R3
- v1_9_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_10_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_11_R1 (Not fully tested)
- v1_12_R1 (Not fully tested)
- How to see your version?
- Download plugin.
- Required:
- Optional:
- LostBoxes (MysteryVault)
- LostParties (PartySystem)
- Vault & Economy Plugin (Custom Economy)
- Drag and drop all you downloaded into your plugins directory.
- Start the server for creating default configs.
- Stop the server and Configure what your needs.
- You can edit or add a new language in LostBedWars/languages
- Enjoy!
- Video:
- Load your world with /lbw load <world-name>
- Use /lbw teleport <world-name> after loading
- Use /lbw create <solo/doubles/3v3v3v3/4v4v4v4> <name>
- Use the "Border" item to mark the corners of the map.
- Use the "Waiting Border" item to mark the corners of the lobby.
- What is "Waiting Lobby"?
- Waiting Lobby is the structure that players will stay in until the game starts, you need to set the edges for it being removed correctly when starting the game.
Spoiler: Waiting Lobby Example
That is the Waiting Lobby:
- Waiting Lobby is the structure that players will stay in until the game starts, you need to set the edges for it being removed correctly when starting the game.
- Use the "Waiting Location" item to determinate the Waiting Lobby Location.
- After mark the corners click on "Confirm" item.
- After the map creation you will receive the Spawn Items.
- Beacon: Team Spawn
- Gold Block: Team Generator
- Bed: Bed Location (click on bed)
- Emerald: Team Item Shop
- Enchantment Table: Team Upgrade Shop
- Wool: Current Team
- Green Clay: Add Team
- Red Clay: Leave Spawn Mode
- Setup Generators with /lbw generator
- Enjoy!
Join our Discord server to get support or add me: lostedd#5285. You can use Private Message on spigot or plugin discussion too.
Remember that: by purchasing this plugin you accept the following terms and conditions.
- You are over 18 years or have your parent's consent to purchase.
- You know all features, limitations and requirements.
- You aren't allowed to redistribute the plugin.
- You aren't allowed to modify the code.
- You aren't able to receive the source code.
- Before reviewing the plugin, check out him and make sure you make no mistakes.
- Don't make stupid reviews, such as missing features or the developer aren't adding features that were requested.
- If founds a plugin error, it is your responsability to inform the developer about it.
- No refunds.
- If you are caught leaking the plugin your user ID will be blocked.
- These terms are subject to change.