Make your server unique and more proffesional with custom textured in-game menu and holograms with 13 premade gamemodes icons!
  • 13 manually drawed gamemodes icons for GUI and holograms;
  • Source files for changing in Photoshop and Krita;
  • Any icon/GUIs/Holograms can be used in vanilla game, in your mods or in your websites;
  • Fast install with ItemsAdder and DeluxeMenus plugins, just drag and drop needed files and it works!

  • You can set any description for your gamemodes with special layer;
  • Don't like yellow color? No problem - you can easily change GUI color with special layer!


List of games icons:
  • Annihilation
  • Battle Royale
  • Creative
  • Duels
  • EggWars
  • Mineral Contest
  • MMoRPG
  • Murder Mystery
  • Prison
  • SkyBlock
  • Survival
  • Sub server for your Twitch streamer
  • Whitelist

How to install in vanilla minecraft:
1) Install any plugin for texture providing with font-picture and items creating features
Recommended: ItemsAdder
Included fast install. So you can skip step 5, 6 and 7.
2) Install any GUI-menu plugin
Recommended: DeluxeMenus development build
Included fast install. So you can skip step 5, 6 and 7.
3) Install any holograms plugin with placeholders support
Recommended: HolographicDisplay with HolographicExtension
4) Install PlaceholderAPI
5) Add this assets to your texture providing plugin and configure them;
6) Create blank item for arrows working;
7) Create your menu with GUI-menu plugin and paste needed texture in, don't forget about blank item to make arrows interactible | Create your holograms with your holograms plugin and paste needed texture in;
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Reactions: Vanila0 and Shafuq
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