The premium version of the Executable Items plugin has unlimited possibilities for creating and customizing custom items with which you can create unlimited actions in the game. You can also craft these items. Learn more about the plugin by watching the video below.
Negative permission: -ei.item.{id}
Allow all items: ei.item.*
Example: ei.item.Test
Cooldown Bypass:
Permission: ei.nocd.ID, ei.nocd.*, ExecutableItems.nocd.ID, ExecutableItems.nocd.*
Description: Give this individual permission to disable reklfeyf for your VIPs.
Required: NO
Description: create a new ExecutableItem
Description: delete ExecutableItem
Description: reload command
Description: give a command
Usage: /ei give {PlayerName} {ItemID} {amount}
Example: /ei give Ssomar Test 4
Description: giveall [world] command not needed
Usage: /ei giveall {ItemID} {amount} [world]
Example: /ei giveall Test 4
Description: giveusage command
Usage: /ei giveusage {PlayerName} {ItemID} {amount} {use}
Example: /ei giveusage Ssomar Test 4 3
Description: giveallusage [world] command not needed
Usage: /ei giveallusage {ItemID} {amount} [world] {use}
Example: /ei giveallusage Test 4 3
Permission: ei.cmd.editor
Description: show available items
Description: Open the editor for the item with ID: {itemID}.
Description: enable/disable the actionbar
/ei actionbar on
/ei actionbar off
Description: Clear all pending player commands
/ei clear
/ei clear {player name}
Command /ei giveslot:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveslot
Description: Give an executable file to a specific slot.
/ei giveslot {player name} {id} {amount} {slot}
/ei giveslot {player name} {id} {amount} {slot} {use}
Command /ei drop:
Permission: ei.cmd.drop
Description: Drop EI items to a custom location
/ei drop {item} {quantity} {world} {x} {y} {z}
/ei drop {item} {amount} > LOCATION is the location of the player who is executing this command.
/ei drop {item} > Location is the location of the player who executes this command, and QTY = 1 by default;
Element requires the storeItemInfos option to TRUE
Description: Show information about the ExecutableItems in your hand (owner, break blocks, kills, id, usage).
Usage :
/ei inspect
Description: Remove ownership of the ExecutableItem in your hand. and after that, the next player who clicks on that item will become the new owner (the player must be non-op).
/ei unowned
Description: Removes certain executable items in your inventory.
/ei take {playerName} {itemID} [quantity]
Description: Refresh your players ExecutableItems with latest history, names, attributes... (players must have AI in their inventory)
[] = required {} = optional
/ei refresh [player|all ] [ExecutableItemID|all] {resetUsage} {resetDurability}
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Video on the Executable Items plugin:
Executable Items plugin rights commands:
TO GIVE PERMISSION I ADVISE YOU TO LOAD THE PERMISSION PLUG LIKE LUCKPERMS AND IF YOU WANT PERMISSION TO USE ALL ITEMS AND FOR ALL PLAYERS, set the group default permission /lp group default permission set ei.item.* trueItem Permission
Permission: ei.item.{Id}Negative permission: -ei.item.{id}

Allow all items: ei.item.*
Example: ei.item.Test
Cooldown Bypass:
Permission: ei.nocd.ID, ei.nocd.*, ExecutableItems.nocd.ID, ExecutableItems.nocd.*Description: Give this individual permission to disable reklfeyf for your VIPs.
Required: NO
All EI approvals
Resolution: ei.*All permissions for EI teams
Permission: ei.cmds/ei create command:
Permission: ei.cmd.createDescription: create a new ExecutableItem
/ei delete command:
Permission: ei.cmd.deleteDescription: delete ExecutableItem
/ei reload command:
Permission: ei.cmd.reloadDescription: reload command
/ei give command:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveDescription: give a command
Usage: /ei give {PlayerName} {ItemID} {amount}
Example: /ei give Ssomar Test 4
/ei giveall command:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveallDescription: giveall [world] command not needed
Usage: /ei giveall {ItemID} {amount} [world]
Example: /ei giveall Test 4
/ei giveusage command:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveusageDescription: giveusage command
Usage: /ei giveusage {PlayerName} {ItemID} {amount} {use}
Example: /ei giveusage Ssomar Test 4 3
/ei giveallusage command:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveallusageDescription: giveallusage [world] command not needed
Usage: /ei giveallusage {ItemID} {amount} [world] {use}
Example: /ei giveallusage Test 4 3
Command /ei show or /ei editor:
Permission: ei.cmd.showPermission: ei.cmd.editor
Description: show available items
Command /ei edit {itemID}:
Permission: ei.cmd.editDescription: Open the editor for the item with ID: {itemID}.
/ei actionbar commands:
Permission: ei.cmd.actionbarDescription: enable/disable the actionbar
/ei actionbar on
/ei actionbar off
/ei clear command:
Permission: ei.cmd.clearDescription: Clear all pending player commands
/ei clear
/ei clear {player name}
Command /ei giveslot:
Permission: ei.cmd.giveslotDescription: Give an executable file to a specific slot.
/ei giveslot {player name} {id} {amount} {slot}
/ei giveslot {player name} {id} {amount} {slot} {use}
Command /ei drop:
Permission: ei.cmd.dropDescription: Drop EI items to a custom location
/ei drop {item} {quantity} {world} {x} {y} {z}
/ei drop {item} {amount} > LOCATION is the location of the player who is executing this command.
/ei drop {item} > Location is the location of the player who executes this command, and QTY = 1 by default;
/ei inspect command:
Permission: ei.cmd.inspectElement requires the storeItemInfos option to TRUE
Description: Show information about the ExecutableItems in your hand (owner, break blocks, kills, id, usage).
Usage :
/ei inspect
/ei unowned command:
Permission: ei.cmd.unownedDescription: Remove ownership of the ExecutableItem in your hand. and after that, the next player who clicks on that item will become the new owner (the player must be non-op).
/ei unowned
/ei take command
Permission: ei.cmd.takeDescription: Removes certain executable items in your inventory.
/ei take {playerName} {itemID} [quantity]
Command /ei refresh
Permission: ei.cmd.refreshDescription: Refresh your players ExecutableItems with latest history, names, attributes... (players must have AI in their inventory)
[] = required {} = optional
/ei refresh [player|all ] [ExecutableItemID|all] {resetUsage} {resetDurability}
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How to install the Executable Items plugin?
- Download the archive.
- Open the archive and move the contents to the plugins folder of your server.
- Restart the server.
- Ready.