----- General -----
MythicalRaces premium is the premium version of the plugin MythicalRaces. This plugin gives the ability for abilities, classes and lots of extra features and customizations to let your imagination run loose. Abilities have a massive range of capabilities, from running commands from other plugins, regular minecraft plugins, running from the player themselves and from the console. The specific situations you could call events, events are what happens in-game and when they are fired, events can be shown below inside the configuration comments.
By buying this plugin, you also get an extra 18 races on top of your default races from MythicalRaces, each race having 2 sub-races and utilizes abilities.
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/xdf1N0cy/awdawdawawd.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/XvYySKcb/awduawdawdwad.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/mrnkvvgY/ihdawdwda.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/gkpjbqmT/awuhdawddw.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
- Leaderboard command
- Add race XP command
- Custom GUI heads
- Leaving race execute commands
- Temperature attribute & potion effect specific situations
- Block attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
- Biome attribute & potion effect specific situations effects
- Y-axis attribute & potion effect situation effects
- Light level attribute & potion effect situation effects
- Custom ability command situations with more than 35 event types
- Each event type is highly customizable
- The ability to create as many races as you desire, and can create up to 53 evolutions for a base race
- Custom leveling [12 different types of leveling]
- Add many types of sub-trees for one race, (use the discord server there is a picture containing how to do it within the support channel and pins)
- GUI selection of races
- Randomized race selection upon joining (optional choice)
- A race tree evolution for races
- Class system
- Sub classes can have up to 53 sub classes
- Classes can also utilize abilities
- Autotab Completer
- MySQL Support
- WorldGuard Support
- %mythicalraces_race%
- %mythicalraces_display_race_name%
- %mythicalraces_cooldown_time%
- %mythicalraces_has_cooldown%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp%
- %mythicalraces_get_level%
- %mythicalraces_get_max_xp%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp%
- %mythicalraces_class%
- %mythicalraces_display_class_name%
- %mythicalraces_cooldown_time_class%
- %mythicalraces_has_cooldown_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_level_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_max_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_get_xp/max_xp_class%
- %mythicalraces_leaderboard_num_[leaderboard position]
- /races choose [race] | mythicalraces.race.[race] example (mythicalraces.race.Elf) OR mythicalraces.class.[class]
- /races help | mythicalraces.help
- /races info [race] | mythicalraces.info.races
- /races gui | mythicalraces.gui
- /races classgui | mythicalraces.gui.class
- /races tree | mythicalraces.tree
- /races classtree | mythicalraces.tree.class
- /races profile | mythicalraces.profile
- /races profile [player] | mythicalraces.profile.other
- /races set {race} {player} | mythicalraces.race.setrace [Do not give to default players]
- /races biome | mythicalraces.biome
- /races list | mythicalraces.list.races
- /races lvlset [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlset
- /races lvlsetclass [player] [level] | mythicalraces.lvlsetclass
- /races leaderboard | mythicalraces.leaderboard
- /races addxp [player] [xp] | mythicalraces.addxp
- /races addxpclass [player] [xp]
- /races sub [race/class] | mythicalraces.sub.display
- mythicalraces.cooldown.bypass to bypass race choosing cooldowns
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
Spoiler: FAQ
Spoiler: Why do you call these abilities when they are commands?
The thing about commands is that they allow billions of possibilities, rather than just allowing certain 'abilities' at a time. You can instead get a lot more versatile with this plugin.
Spoiler: Can I get some examples for the mythical races?
Can I get some examples? If you go onto the free version of mythical races, there are a ton of videos there to help you out. As well as the videos on this page as well.
Spoiler: How do I use custom heads?
Copy the Minecraft-URL link and put it inside 'material' with a semi colon at the end
Spoiler: Races Pack Race Names
Kitten -> Cat -> Sphinx
Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> GreaterButterfly
Cub -> Scout -> Bear
Lesser Apotamkin -> Apotamkin -> Greater Apotamkin
Dying Human -> Skeleton -> Lich
Infected Human -> Zombie -> Undead Lord
Lesser Fairy -> Fairy -> Pixie
Horse -> Unicorn -> Pegasus
Lesser Cyclopse -> Cyclopse -> OneEyedLord
Green Goo -> Lucky-Goo -> Lepricon
Lesser Yeti -> Greater Yeti -> Grandmaster Yeti
Lesser Snake -> King Cobra -> Divine Slither
Wraith -> Ghoul -> Reaper
Lesser Scaled -> Wyvern -> Dragon
Baby Griffen -> YoungGriffen -> Griffen
Seed -> Sprout -> Dryad
Mutated Organism -> Lesser Chimera -> Chimera
Snowball -> Snow Golem -> Elder Snow Golem
And of course the default races from the free version
Here is the lore + abilities of each one word wise
Spoiler: imgs
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/8cBk5cks/classgui.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/MpGZ6zCK/awdygadwadw.png)
Spoiler: Config And Features
Code (YAML):
# ********************************************** #
# #
# -- Mythical Races Premium Addons -- #
# -- Version 2.2.3 -- #
# #
# ********************************************** #
# Attributes are as follows
# Some useful links when creating complicated races
# > https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/block/Biome.html
# > https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# > https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# > https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# broadcast-console-to-ops
# to false inside server.properties
# Here are some ABILITY examples
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={commands}====10===={miliseconds}===={self}===={target}===={event type}
# the first argument which is CUSTOMABILITY, represents that you're telling the plugin hey its a custom ability and now do a bunch of stuff
# the second argument is the MATERIAL of what can be executed/interacted with/ a lot of times this will be ignored if not in certain event types at the end of the arguments
# the third argument is the COMMAND to execute when the conditions are met
# {x} = players X coords | or the entitys coords if the sixth argument is CUSTOM
# {z} = players Z coords | or the entitys coords if the sixth argument is CUSTOM
# {y} = players y coords | or the entitys coords if the sixth argument is CUSTOM
# {hitPlayer} = hit enemy player name
# {name} = players name
# the fourth argument is the CHANCE this occurs, so for example 10 is a 10% chance of it occuring
# the fifth argument is the TIME limit for it to happen again, so 1000 = 1 second, so every 1 second this player can use this ability again
# the sixth argment can either CUSTOM[num] or SELF, this means apply command to SELF OR apply to nearby entities
# the seventh argument means the TARGET of what can be done for the sixth entity, this never applies to the player themselves, this can be either ALL, PLAYERS, MOB, ANIMALS
# the eighth argument is the event type on when to apply these 'effects'
# the eighth argument can either be
# RIGHTCLICKBLOCK {replace material for what block needs to be right clicked}
# RIGHTCLICKAIR {replace material for what block needs to be right clicked}
# LEFTCLICKBLOCK {replace material for what block needs to be left clicked}
# LEFTCLICKAIR {replace material for what block needs to be left clicked}
# BLOCKBREAK {replace material for what block needs to be destroyed}
# BLOCKPLACE {replace material for what block needs to be placed}
# RIGHTCLICKAIRCONSUME {replace material for what needs to be right clicked} - consume item and then execute command
# LEFTCLICKAIRCONSUME {replace material for what needs to be right clicked} - consume item and then execute command
# DAMAGECAUSEEVENTCANCEL {replace material for what damage cause needs to be cancelled and then command to be executed}
# HOLDINGITEM {replace material of what item the player needs to hold for it to execute}
# HOLDITEM {difference between HOLDINGITEM and HOLDITEM is, HOLDITEM only executes the ability once when the item is held, while HOLDINGITEM applies consisently on a timer}
# HASPOTIONTYPE {Replace material with the type of potion effect, please note that this depends on timerCheckingPotionEffects, if this number is set to 1 then it will instantly detect a potion effect
# if its not 1 then it wont instantly detect the potion effect}
# DAMAGECAUSEEVENT {Replace material with the damage cause, damage cause can be found here -> https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html}
# PLAYERKILLENTITY {player kills an entity, replace material with the entity type}
# DEATHEVENTCANCEL {if player died then cancel event and execute commands}
# DEATHEVENT {if player died and execute commands}
# CHATWHISPEREVENT {replace material as the players message needed to trigger} this means if correct word is said, CANCEL the event BUT execute the command (so it doesnt clutter chat up)
# CHATLOUDEVENT {replace material as the players message needed to trigger} this means execute command if the correct word was said BUT the message will still be said in chat
# PLAYERCONSUMEEVENT {replaces the materials argument with your own item of consumed item name}
# You may use as many abilities as you want per race or class, each one can be unique
# can use custom model ID inside the {material}
# for example
# - 'CUSTOMABILITY====123:,IRON_INGOT,412:====say hey i executed====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIR'
# By putting a number with a colon to the right of it will indicate to the plugin that it is looking for a custom model ID instead of a material
# So it will check if the item right-clicked has a custom model id of 123, or 412 or an iron ingot
# This is useful for servers that have more specific RPG components that want to have special types of items to be executed
# For example to test that out you can use this command to give you an item
# /give @s minecraft:feather{CustomModelData:123}
# This will give you a feather with a custom model id of 123
# Let us look a bit more into special placeholders that replace {x} {y] {z}
# We can replace them with {[mathX+100]}, what this will do is, add 100 to the players X coords
# We can replace them with {[mathY-10]}, what this will do is, subtract 10 to the players Y coords
# We can replace them with {[mathZ*3]}, what this will do is, multiple 3 to the players Z coords
# We can also do something like this {[mathZ/2]}, what this will do is, divide the players Z coords by 2
# Do note that you can only do one math operation per placeholder, so you can't do {[mathZ/2+100]}, you can only do one math operation per placeholder
# Let us dive into another feature ability for CHATWHISPEREVENT and CHATLOUDEVENT
# These two abilities have the means to take placeholders from the player and insert them into the command
# For example
# CUSTOMABILITY====Server repeat me! {0};====say {0} was said ====100====10====SELF====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT
# If the player types 'Server repeat me! test' in chat
# then the following command will be used
# 'say test was said'
# You can use up to 5 placeholders ranging from {0} to {5}
# Don't forget to put a semicolon at the end to indicate to the plugin you are using player placeholders
# Now lets get onto something a tad more complicated for custom abilities and making
# the "ability" look nice when executing it
# That means particle effects!
# Inside the {self} you know it can either be SELF or CUSTOM
# Self being the player and CUSTOM[num] being surrounding entities
# With this template
# PARTICLEEFFECT is the particle effect to be used
# Particle effects can be split using a comma
# From this site https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Length being the "size" of the shape and "spacing" being the spacing number between each particle of the shape
# INSTANT/MEDIUM/FAST/SLOW define on when to display the particles at a set speed
# the TYPE can be one of these
# This youtube video can help you set up these new particle effects ->
# Some special cases of 'CUSTOM' ability can be this
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}===={chance}===={miliseconds}===={self}===={target}===={event type}====REPEATING===={repeating timer}===={ending command}
# Repeating means - Repeat {command} every '{repeating timer}' ticks, and if the player triggers the event again, the timer will end and the {ending command} will be executed
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}===={chance}===={miliseconds}===={self}===={target}===={event type}====ONCE===={ending command}
# This means if the event was triggered, then do "{command}", if the event is triggered again then {ending command} is triggered
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL===={event type}===={latercommand}===={timing}
# Means if event is triggered then do command, after {timing} which is in ticks, execute {latercommand}
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACE===={distance}
# Means if the player is looking at an entity while right clicking MATERIAL, within distance {distance} then do command for entity, note {x} {y} and {z} would be the entity coords
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACEBLOCK===={distance}
# Means if the player is looking at an entity while right clicking MATERIAL, within distance {distance} then do command for entity, note {x} {y} and {z} would be the entity coords
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACELOCATION===={distance}
# Meaning execute commands, along the coords between the player and the entity that it passes through {x} {y} {z}
# Meaning execute commands, along the coords between the player and the entity that it passes through {x} {y} {z}
# And it will stop once it hits a SOLID block
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====LEFTCLICKAIRRAYTRACE===={distance}
# Means if the player is looking at an entity while right clicking MATERIAL, within distance {distance} then do command for entity, note {x} {y} and {z} would be the entity coords
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====LEFTCLICKAIRRAYTRACEBLOCK===={distance}
# Means if the player is looking at an entity while right clicking MATERIAL, within distance {distance} then do command for entity, note {x} {y} and {z} would be the entity coords
# CUSTOMABILITY====MATERIAL===={command}====10====1000====SELF====ALL====LEFTCLICKAIRRAYTRACELOCATION===={distance}
# Meaning execute commands, along the coords between the player and the entity that it passes through {x} {y} {z}
# Meaning execute commands, along the coords between the player and the entity that it passes through {x} {y} {z}
# And it will stop once it hits a SOLID block
# All ray trace types have another placeholder which is {uuid} which is the uuid of the entity that was hit or passed through
# Another ability is
# INFLICTDAMAGEEVENT====say hello====10====10000
# When a player damages another entity or player
# {x} = enemys X coords
# {y} = enemys Y coords
# {z} = enemys Z coords
# {hitPlayer} = hit enemy player name
# {name} = players name
# {hitUUID} - hit enemy UUID
# first argument is stating what the plugin should do with the line
# second argument is the command
# third argument is chance, so 10 is 10% chance
# fourth argument is cooldown time, 1000 = 1 second
# When a player recieves damage from an entity
# RECIEVEDAMAGEFROMENTITY====say hello====10====10000
# {x} = enemys X coords
# {y} = enemys Y coords
# {z} = enemys Z coords
# {hitPlayer} = hit enemy player name
# {name} = players name
# first argument is stating what the plugin should do with the line
# second argument is the command
# third argument is chance, so 10 is 10% chance
# fourth argument is cooldown time, 1000 = 1 second
# You can also do this
# LEVELUP===={command}
# OR it could look like this LEVELUP===={command}===={level needed to execute command}
# Meaning if the player has leveled up in a their race execute X command
# second arguments seperated by commas are telling the plugin which mobs are friendly to the player itself and the mobs wont attack them at all
# PROJECTILEEVENT====ARROW====say hello====10====10000
# When a player damages another entity or player
# {x} = enemys X coords
# {y} = enemys Y coords
# {z} = enemys Z coords
# {hitPlayer} = hit enemy player name
# {name} = players name
# first argument is stating what the plugin should do with the line
# second argument is what the projectile should be to hit the enemy entity or player
# third argument is chance, so 10 is 10% chance
# fourth argument is cooldown time, 1000 = 1 second
# Now heres a very important detail, so
# YOU COULD do this at the end of each CUSTOM ABILITY/projectile data
# [ability]===={message}===={type}====NOTIFY
# {cooldown} is the cooldown
# {type} can either be HOTBAR/ACTIONBAR/MESSAGE
# this is what is sent to the player
# We also have another feature for the FIRST word of the events
# If you do "CUSTOMABILITY;10==== rest of the ability"
# This will mean, the player has to be level 10 or above for this specific ability to execute with its events
# RESTRICTARMOR===={material}
# Player will not be able to wear armor
# RESTRICTWEAPON===={material}
# Player will not be able to use weapon
# RESTRICTTOOL==={material}
# Player will not be able to use a certain tool
# RESTRICTFOOD==={material}
# Player will not be able to use a certain tool
# Note that this does use the ITEMCONSUME event, so if you want to restrict food or another consumable item, you can use this
# It doesnt just have to be food
# IMMUNETOX===={potion effect type}
# it can be seperacted using a comma
# Do extra damage to a race or class with extra dmg at the end
# Example EXTRADMG====Cat====3.0 does 3 extra damage to the Cat race
# Some helpful commands
# execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft
# An example of some 'Abilities'
# CUSTOMABILITY====GRASS_BLOCK====heal {name}====100====10====CUSTOM5====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIR
# This means on RIGHT click in the air, with the item grass block in the hand
# CUSTOMABILITY====SALMON====say {name}====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIR====REPEATING====30====say ending
# INFLICTDAMAGEEVENT====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft
# PROJECTILEEVENT====ARROW====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft
# If the player shoots a projectile and its called "ARROW" then give the entity that was hit poison with a 10 second cooldown TRY timer
# FRIENDLYMOBS====WITCH,ZOMBIE | Meaning the entities, "witch and zombie" are friendly towards the player
# CUSTOMABILITY====STRING====effect give {name} minecraft:invisibility 60 0====100====5000====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIR====REPEATING====100====effect clear {name} | meaning give player invis every 5 seconds when they right click string
# if they right click it again then disable the giving of invis and clear all effects of the player
# please note that the miliseconds mean every X miliseconds then TRY again, not if the command was successful
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/9MtSRqNJ/ezgif-3-8955fff45b.gif)
Spoiler: Crit straight line poison
Code (YAML):
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====STICK====execute at {name} run particle minecraft:crit {x} {y} {z}====100====10====SELF====ALL====RIGHTCLICKAIRRAYTRACELOCATION====20'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/Wzj1PrQV/ezgif-3-598cf358de.gif)
Spoiler: kill ability
Code (YAML):
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====KILL====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:instant_damage 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:FLAME:3:0.2:INSTANT:CROSS====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/TYgBDFLt/ezgif-2-53021feabd.gif)
Spoiler: Area heal
Code (YAML):
- 'CUSTOMABILITY====heal====execute at {name} run effect give @e[sort=nearest,x={x},y={y},z={z},limit=1] minecraft:regeneration 10 10====100====10====CUSTOM10:ENCHANTMENT_TABLE:4:0.2:FAST:UPWARDCIRCLES====ALL====CHATLOUDEVENT'
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
----- Basic Tutorial -----
----- Another Tutorial -----
---- Particle Effect Tutorial ----
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.postimg.cc/dtC5r7Vm/Artboard-1.png)
----- What You Need To Know Before Buying -----
It is highly recommended that you know how to configure MythicalRaces, as well as know basic Minecraft commands and have the ability to utilize them with this plugin. All player storage is still done within the base MythicalRaces Premium still (YML Storage). This plugin contains no config-based commands and is entirely configuration-based.
MySQL support is experimental, all of the different (MythicalRaces/MRPremiumAddons) server configs configurations has to be the same when using MySQL as the storage type
DISCORD SERVER -> https://discord.gg/GK3rmrze2Q
If you do require support or have any questions, or request a certain feature inside this plugin. I will try my best to respond to you ASAP
This plugin does recommended that you do join the discord-server for comments/documentation
Do you prefer to pay from Kofi? Join the discord and donate 7 euros to https://ko-fi.com/korbsti , send a screenshot of payment to Korbsti#0001 and you will be added to the buyers list
Terms Of Service
No refunds
Do not leak this resource or the configuration to others, this includes people who have not paid for the resource
Do not leak this resource to other sites
Do not decompile or modify the source code
By purchasing this resource you agree to any changes in TOS even after purchasing