License System | An explanation comes to the bottom of the page!
Cosmetics |
Proyectil Effects (You can add more)
Victory Dances (16)
Final Kill Effect (14)
Sprays (You can add more)
Cries (You can add more)
Shop Keppers (You can add more)
Kill Messages (You can add more)
Glyphs (NEW! You can add more)
Bed Destroy Effects (12)
Wood Skins (You can add more)
Island Toppers (You can add more)

Overview Releases (2)

Supported versions 1.8


License System | An explanation comes to the bottom of the page!
Cosmetics |
  • Proyectil Effects (You can add more)
  • Victory Dances (16)
  • Final Kill Effect (14)
  • Sprays (You can add more)
  • Cries (You can add more)
  • Shop Keppers (You can add more)
  • Kill Messages (You can add more)
  • Glyphs (NEW! You can add more)
  • Bed Destroy Effects (12)
  • Wood Skins (You can add more)
  • Island Toppers (You can add more)
Arena Votes |
  • Shop & Upgrades (You can create, edit the items and prices of the store and team upgrades!)
  • Health (Hardcore, Normal & Double)
  • Time (Day, Sunset & Night)
Groups |
  • You can create different groups like 5v5v5, 2vs2, etc!
  • Statistics are saved by group!
Custom Menus |
  • Most of the menus are custom!
  • You can create more menus
Languages |
  • You can create unlimited languages!
  • Each player can set their language; menus, holograms, scoreboards, etc.
Top Holograms |
  • You can create tops of any group and of any stat!
  • Totals or by group
  • Permanent, monthly, weekly or daily
Generators |
  • You can create custom generators like Carbon, Clay, etc.
  • You can edit all time values
  • You can edit the amount of items when spawning
  • Add or remove levels
Game Settings |
  • Be able to create up to 14 different teams
  • Maximum height to build
  • Edge limit so they don't stray
  • Block protection radius
  • Radio for the traps
  • Activate / Deactivate votes
  • Choose default votes
  • You can create different scoreboards for each mode
Items Join | You can create custom items!
Duplicate Games | You can create from the same map; Airshow-1, Airshow2 and have the Airshow displayname!
Waiting Lobby | You can edit the waiting lobby.
Party | Has its own party!
MySQL/SQLite | You can use two types of database according to your preference.
Levels | Level system, per group you can edit the amount of experience you want to give per kill, death and victory.
Tab | Compatible with Tab plugins like NametagEdit or Tab

BungeeMode (80% using Redis) | BETA!
Privated Games (0%) | It has no private games!






















How to create a map!

How to create a cosmetic spray!

How to create cosmetic Island Topper!

Video in Chinese by Coquettishpigs (Click here)
More videos will be uploaded soon!


/bedwars |
  • reload | To reset the plugin configuration, it is not 100% effective!
  • leaderboard | To see the remaining time of the leaderboards!
/join |
  • random | To enter an arena of any group
  • random <group> | To enter a specific group arena!
  • menu <group> | To open a group menu!
/language |
  • list | To see the list of languages
/leave | To get out of an arena!
/menu |
  • open | To open a menu
  • create <name> <type> <size> | To create a specific menu, the menu types are; custom, team, spectator, enemy_tracker, map_selector.
  • edit | To edit an already created menu!
  • icon | To edit a menu and add a new item, you have to use this command and add actions and then save it!
  • list | To see the menu list!
/party | Commands to play with your friends!
/points |
  • add | Add points to a player!
  • remove | Take points away from a player!
/rejoin | If you leave a game by accident you can join again!
/setup |
  • setspawn | This command is NECESSARY, if it is not placed it will not work!
  • create | To create a new arena!
  • toppers | To create a new Island Topper!
  • waiting | To edit the waiting lobby!
  • holograms | Create / delete the tops created in leaderboards.yml
  • tp | Teleport to a world!
/start | To force the start of the game, you need twice as many players per team; 2x2
/Tntboost | Increases the boost values of the TNT according to the value: /tntboost 10


Commands |
  • Language Command: bedwars.command.language
  • Points Command: bedwars.command.points
  • Start Command: bedwars.command.start
  • Setup Command: bedwars.command.setup
  • Menu Command: bedwars.command.menu
  • Tntboost Command: bedwars.command.tntboost
  • Spect Command: bedwars.command.spect
Cosmetics | If you want a specific cosmetic, replace * with the cosmetic id!
  • bedwars.trails.*
  • bedwars.windance.*
  • bedwars.killeffects.*
  • bedwars.sprays.*
  • bedwars.cries.*
  • bedwars.shopkeepers.*
  • bedwars.killmessages.*
  • bedwars.glyphs.*
  • bedwars.beddestroys.*
  • bedwars.woodskins.*
  • bedwars.toppers.*
Chat |
  • Use Colors: bedwars.chat.color
  • Bypass Cooldown: bedwars.chat.cooldown
Votes |
  • bedwars.votes.health.*
  • bedwars.votes.shop.*
  • bedwars.votes.time.*





import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.game.arena.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.game.player.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.holograms.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.levels.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.npcs.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.api.events.party.*;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.arena.ArenaTeam;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.arena.api.Arena;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.beddestroys.BedDestroy;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.killeffects.KillEffect;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.windances.WinDance;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.custom.holograms.Hologram;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.custom.npc.NPC;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.custom.party.Party;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;

public class Main extends JavaPlugin {

private BedWarsAPI bedWarsAPI;

public void onEnable() {
this.bedWarsAPI = BedWarsAPI.getInstance();

You can create your own bed destruction effect!
this.bedWarsAPI.addBedDestroy(new BedDestroy("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Location location) {
final Item item = location.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(location, new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND));

You can create your own kill effect!
this.bedWarsAPI.addKillEffect(new KillEffect("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Player player, Player killer) {


You can create your own win dance!
this.bedWarsAPI.addWinDance(new WinDance("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Player player, Arena arena) {


public void onRestart(final BedWarsGameRestartEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();

public void changeState(final BedWarsGameStateChangeEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();

public void onStart(final BedWarsGameStartEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();

public void onWin(final BedWarsGameWinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();

public void onBaseEntered(final BedWarsPlayerBaseEnteredEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();

public void onBaseLeave(final BedWarsPlayerBaseLeaveEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();

public void onDeath(final BedWarsPlayerDeathEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onJoin(final BedWarsPlayerJoinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onKill(final BedWarsPlayerKillEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer(),
victim = event.getVictim();

public void onLeave(final BedWarsPlayerLeaveEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onRejoin(final BedWarsPlayerRejoinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onSelectTeam(final BedWarsPlayerSelectTeamEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();

public void onHologramDespawn(final BedWarsHologramDespawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();

public void onHologramInteract(final BedWarsHologramInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();
final BedWarsHologramInteractEvent.Click click = event.getClickType();

public void onHologramSpawn(final BedWarsHologramSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();

public void onHologramUpdate(final BedWarsHologramSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();

public void onLevelUpgrade(final BedWarsLevelUpgradeEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final int level = event.getLevel();

public void NpcDespawn(final BedWarsNPCDespawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();

public void NpcInteract(final BedWarsNPCInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();
final BedWarsNPCInteractEvent.Click click = event.getClickType();

public void NpcSpawn(final BedWarsNPCSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();

public void onPartyCreate(final BedWarsPartyCreateEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onPartyDestroy(final BedWarsPartyDestroyEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();

public void onPartyInvite(final BedWarsPartyInviteEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

public void onPartyLeave(final BedWarsPartyLeaveEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();

The plugin has a key license protection system; AAAA1234, once purchased you have to send a message to my discord and I will give you a key!

Questions |

  • Can I only use one IP? No, it does not go by ip system
  • Where do I place it? In the config.yml file in the license-key section
  • What happens if the key is WRONG? You need to send me a message to my discord and a new one will be generated for you.
  • Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2SVMUQdSTP


  • Like
Reactions: insanesanityy

Product Information

Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

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