Supported versions 1.8
License System | An explanation comes to the bottom of the page!
Cosmetics |
- Proyectil Effects (You can add more)
- Victory Dances (16)
- Final Kill Effect (14)
- Sprays (You can add more)
- Cries (You can add more)
- Shop Keppers (You can add more)
- Kill Messages (You can add more)
- Glyphs (NEW! You can add more)
- Bed Destroy Effects (12)
- Wood Skins (You can add more)
- Island Toppers (You can add more)
Arena Votes |
- Shop & Upgrades (You can create, edit the items and prices of the store and team upgrades!)
- Health (Hardcore, Normal & Double)
- Time (Day, Sunset & Night)
Groups |
- You can create different groups like 5v5v5, 2vs2, etc!
- Statistics are saved by group!
Custom Menus |
- Most of the menus are custom!
- You can create more menus
Languages |
- You can create unlimited languages!
- Each player can set their language; menus, holograms, scoreboards, etc.
Top Holograms |
- You can create tops of any group and of any stat!
- Totals or by group
- Permanent, monthly, weekly or daily
Generators |
- You can create custom generators like Carbon, Clay, etc.
- You can edit all time values
- You can edit the amount of items when spawning
- Add or remove levels
Game Settings |
- Be able to create up to 14 different teams
- Maximum height to build
- Edge limit so they don't stray
- Block protection radius
- Radio for the traps
- Activate / Deactivate votes
- Choose default votes
- You can create different scoreboards for each mode
Items Join | You can create custom items!
Duplicate Games | You can create from the same map; Airshow-1, Airshow2 and have the Airshow displayname!
Waiting Lobby | You can edit the waiting lobby.
Party | Has its own party!
MySQL/SQLite | You can use two types of database according to your preference.
Levels | Level system, per group you can edit the amount of experience you want to give per kill, death and victory.
Tab | Compatible with Tab plugins like NametagEdit or Tab
BungeeMode (80
% using Redis) |
Privated Games (
0%) | It has no private games!
How to create a map!
How to create a cosmetic spray!
How to create cosmetic Island Topper!
Video in Chinese by Coquettishpigs (Click here)
More videos will be uploaded soon!
/bedwars |
- reload | To reset the plugin configuration, it is not 100% effective!
- leaderboard | To see the remaining time of the leaderboards!
/join |
- random | To enter an arena of any group
- random <group> | To enter a specific group arena!
- menu <group> | To open a group menu!
/language |
- list | To see the list of languages
/leave |
To get out of an arena!
/menu |
- open | To open a menu
- create <name> <type> <size> | To create a specific menu, the menu types are; custom, team, spectator, enemy_tracker, map_selector.
- edit | To edit an already created menu!
- icon | To edit a menu and add a new item, you have to use this command and add actions and then save it!
- list | To see the menu list!
/party |
Commands to play with your friends!
/points |
- add | Add points to a player!
- remove | Take points away from a player!
/rejoin |
If you leave a game by accident you can join again!
/setup |
- setspawn | This command is NECESSARY, if it is not placed it will not work!
- create | To create a new arena!
- toppers | To create a new Island Topper!
- waiting | To edit the waiting lobby!
- holograms | Create / delete the tops created in leaderboards.yml
- tp | Teleport to a world!
/start |
To force the start of the game, you need twice as many players per team; 2x2
/Tntboost | Increases the boost values of the TNT according to the value: /tntboost 10
Commands |
- Language Command: bedwars.command.language
- Points Command: bedwars.command.points
- Start Command: bedwars.command.start
- Setup Command: bedwars.command.setup
- Menu Command:
- Tntboost Command: bedwars.command.tntboost
- Spect Command: bedwars.command.spect
Cosmetics |
If you want a specific cosmetic, replace * with the cosmetic id!
- bedwars.trails.*
- bedwars.windance.*
- bedwars.killeffects.*
- bedwars.sprays.*
- bedwars.cries.*
- bedwars.shopkeepers.*
- bedwars.killmessages.*
- bedwars.glyphs.*
- bedwars.beddestroys.*
- bedwars.woodskins.*
- bedwars.toppers.*
Chat |
- Use Colors:
- Bypass Cooldown:
Votes |
- bedwars.votes.time.*
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.arena.ArenaTeam;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.arena.api.Arena;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.beddestroys.BedDestroy;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.killeffects.KillEffect;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.cosmetics.windances.WinDance;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.custom.holograms.Hologram;
import com.axeelheaven.hbedwars.custom.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
private BedWarsAPI bedWarsAPI;
public void onEnable() {
this.bedWarsAPI = BedWarsAPI.getInstance();
You can create your own bed destruction effect!
this.bedWarsAPI.addBedDestroy(new BedDestroy("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Location location) {
final Item item = location.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(location, new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND));
You can create your own kill effect!
this.bedWarsAPI.addKillEffect(new KillEffect("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Player player, Player killer) {
You can create your own win dance!
this.bedWarsAPI.addWinDance(new WinDance("custom", 1000, false) {
public void execute(Player player, Arena arena) {
public void onRestart(final BedWarsGameRestartEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
public void changeState(final BedWarsGameStateChangeEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
public void onStart(final BedWarsGameStartEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
public void onWin(final BedWarsGameWinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();
public void onBaseEntered(final BedWarsPlayerBaseEnteredEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();
public void onBaseLeave(final BedWarsPlayerBaseLeaveEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();
public void onDeath(final BedWarsPlayerDeathEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onJoin(final BedWarsPlayerJoinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onKill(final BedWarsPlayerKillEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer(),
victim = event.getVictim();
public void onLeave(final BedWarsPlayerLeaveEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onRejoin(final BedWarsPlayerRejoinEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onSelectTeam(final BedWarsPlayerSelectTeamEvent event) {
final Arena arena = event.getArena();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final ArenaTeam arenaTeam = event.getArenaTeam();
public void onHologramDespawn(final BedWarsHologramDespawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();
public void onHologramInteract(final BedWarsHologramInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();
final BedWarsHologramInteractEvent.Click click = event.getClickType();
public void onHologramSpawn(final BedWarsHologramSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();
public void onHologramUpdate(final BedWarsHologramSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final Hologram hologram = event.getHologram();
public void onLevelUpgrade(final BedWarsLevelUpgradeEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final int level = event.getLevel();
public void NpcDespawn(final BedWarsNPCDespawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();
public void NpcInteract(final BedWarsNPCInteractEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();
final BedWarsNPCInteractEvent.Click click = event.getClickType();
public void NpcSpawn(final BedWarsNPCSpawnEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
final NPC npc = event.getNpc();
public void onPartyCreate(final BedWarsPartyCreateEvent event) {
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onPartyDestroy(final BedWarsPartyDestroyEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();
public void onPartyInvite(final BedWarsPartyInviteEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
public void onPartyLeave(final BedWarsPartyLeaveEvent event) {
final Party party = event.getParty();
final Player player = event.getPlayer();
The plugin has a key license protection system; AAAA1234, once purchased you have to send a message to my discord and I will give you a key!
Questions |
- Can I only use one IP? No, it does not go by ip system
- Where do I place it? In the config.yml file in the license-key section
- What happens if the key is WRONG? You need to send me a message to my discord and a new one will be generated for you.
- Discord: