
GOLD ShowItem

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Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
  • 1.18
  • 1.19
Made in Germany with love (and beer)
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Did you ever want to show your items and their abilities to other players like you can in big MMORPGs? Or do you have players that are sick of having to throw their items on the ground or buying the wrong ones? Then this plugin is exactly what you need!






With the ShowItem Bukkit plugin you will be able to take full advantage of what the game has to offer while working with items! It even takes it a step further and adds the ability to show an actual icon of the item in the chat as well as a live view of the inventory and enderchest!
(Note: You will need to use an updated version of WolfieMario's Text Icons RP if you want item icons)
Test server:
Issue tracker and repo:
IRC channel:
#showitem on
Discord channel:
Joining through that invite auto subscribes you to update notifications, if you don't want that use this one.

This plugin also supports translatable item names so that players will see the name of the showed item in the language of their client!

Use either commands (/showitem, /showinv, /showender) or chat placeholder (%item%, %inv%, %ender%) to display items, inventories and enderchest directly in your message.

The placeholder works with almost every Bukkit chat plugin! (Also works in DiscordSRV, please refer to the spoiler below regarding known chat plugin issues) If you find one that doesn't work (and is free/open source) then contact me and I will look into it! It also works together with ChestShop to display hover messages and item infos in buy/sell messages.

Prevents client crashes due to lots of item data! E.g. when the full content of a shulker box or a player head are send to the player this might lead to some issues that might cause the client to disconnect as it can't handle that amount of data. You can also individually configure certain item types to be blocked in the config!

Please note that this plugin will only work on server and client versions starting with 1.8 and some functionality might break if you use different client and server versions!
(According to some users 1.7.10 servers with the 1.8 protocol-hack seem to also be working, but the players still need to use 1.8+ clients for the display to work properly! You also might need old versions of this plugin to get it running on older Bukkit servers.)

Spoiler: Known compatibilities and incompatibilies

In order to provide all functionality of this plugin properly it hooks into some internal server code (commonly known as NMS). This might break on some custom forks or game updates but I will try to keep it updated as best and fast as I can. (See the past update history for some reference on how fast that was possible) If you notice any errors that you think might be due to such breakage then please contact me asap!

The wiki contains lots of information about the different aspects of the plugin:
For developers
You can use maven to depend on my plugin by using this API artifact and repository:
Code (XML):
Code (XML):
<version>{insert plugin version}</version>
There are also online javadocs.

Used Utilities
ShowItem contains some utilities you might find useful in your own projects for example one to convert Bukkit Material names to item ids, one for Material to translation key resolving and one to map WolfieMario's text icons to the Materials. Feel free to use them, they are licensed under open source licenses!

External Requests
This plugin makes certain web requests to external servers which might disclose some information about your machine, your game server and the plugin usage. You can opt out of all requests and none of those requests will download any executable data!
It submits metrics to as well as my own servers. You can opt-out by changing the config option disable-metrics in the plugin's config.yml or in the plugins/bStats/config.yml file!
It also includes an update checker to provide you with information regarding new versions in the console/log or if you have certain permissions, that checker can be disabled with the setting update-check.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me any time! The best way is via a private message here or the discussion thread.
Generally I should be able to get back to you with an answer in less then 12 hours ‒ during East Coast working hours it can even be under 1 hour!

This plugin is licensed under GPLv3. By purchasing this resource you are gaining the rights stated in the license. E.g. you can receive the source code either in form of GitLab repo access, a manual download or a physical copy (if shipping is paid). Contact me for that.
You are not allowed to distribute this plugin in any form to anyone who has not obtained the right to use the plugin themselves unless you follow the terms described in the previously mentioned license. All of the rights given to you can be revoked at any time by the author in the case that the terms were violated as outlined in the license.
By downloading you accept the previous terms and the license this resource is under!
Purchases are not subject to VAT according to §19 (1) of the German UStG
This product is not affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft nor does it use copyrighted material of the game "Minecraft" unless under the assumption of Fair Use. (Screenshots/Videos)
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