Tested Minecraft Versions:
50% SALE
Having problems or questions? Join our discord server.
AdvancedEnchantments is the first Spigot Custom Enchants Plugin 1.8 - 1.19 that allows you to create custom enchantments without any programming knowledge. Custom enchants are integrated with enchantment table and anvil, Enchanter and Tinkerer.
Download community enchantments from cloud using /ae market in-game!
Some of the Popular servers using AdvancedEnchantments
Currently features 3+ configurations.
* Share your paid premades by posting a ref. link to it in discord in order to have it featured in the list
Create Custom Effects for plugin
Use AEAPI to extend functionality
Still not convinced this is the right plugin for you? This plugin is
Books /dupe addon (For Cosmic Tests) [Free]
Essentials Kits Addon to support CE in kits [Free]
Essentials /fix addon to fix issues with repair [Free]
Titan Trap Addon [Free]
Optional Dependencies:
* Vault
* Factions Plugins
*please notice that these are just examples and everything can be changed (names, item types, inventory layouts, items, etc.) in configuration.
Permissions can be found here (all current permissions for commands and other feature accessibility)
Terms of Service (you agree to, by buying/downloading this plugin from www.spigotmc.org):
Spoiler: TOS
More information about enchantment creation and configuration is provided with configuration files
If you have questions or come across any issues, do not report them in Discussions thread. I do not get notifications for replies - use Discord or Github.
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
50% SALE
Having problems or questions? Join our discord server.
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/mtPbtjw.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/eCYuTN9.gif)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/erAolzb.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/efQyADp.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/9LZ9svJ.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/ZDh37v7.png)
AdvancedEnchantments is the first Spigot Custom Enchants Plugin 1.8 - 1.19 that allows you to create custom enchantments without any programming knowledge. Custom enchants are integrated with enchantment table and anvil, Enchanter and Tinkerer.
Download community enchantments from cloud using /ae market in-game!
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/cF5jDmt.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/WKMLAm6.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/JJ9otx3.gif)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/Jy3HDn4.gif)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/aAk7HPM.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/blGbOkL.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/YJg3FEq.gif)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/fi03vFc.gif)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/NPUxY7d.gif)
Some of the Popular servers using AdvancedEnchantments
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://servers.advancedmarket.co/ae/ae-features.png)
- Custom Enchantments [Over 450 total enchantments available]
- This plugin provides ability to create enchantments with simple configuration. The enchantments are easy to create and to customize already pre-made ones
- We offer pre-made configurations of big servers
- Great Enchantment Configuration [cooldown, chances, etc.]
- Assign cooldowns, chances, souls required per-level of enchantments, as well as effects of the enchantment
- Apply conditions per-level of enchantment, to carefully select when enchantment activates, chances are decreased or increased
- Use built-in effects to affect players in combat or in radius (AOE)!
- Configuration Auto Updater
- Just drag 'n drop the latest plugin version and let it sort all new settings out
- Never worry about so-many updates that this plugin receives
- Extremely Reliable
- Every feature has been carefully tested by our team to make sure the best possible experience.
- Custom Mob Drops
- Drop any custom item from plugin with chances when mob is killed
- Drop random enchantment books as well
- Plugin Wiki
- Wiki is available over at Github with great explanation of certain more complex features
- Armor Sets
- Create custom armor sets (which require 4 pieces of same armor set to be equipped)
- Apply any effect to armor, from potions to lightning (all enchantment effects are supported with armor sets)
- Heroic Armor
- Armor which turns Diamond armor into Leather, while doubling durability and armor strength
- Armor Crystal
- Upgrade Non-Armor Set piece to an armor set one by applying this crystal
- Plugin Items [Scrolls, Trackers, etc.]
- Slot Increaser
- Spoiler
Applying will increase number of slots available on item. - Boundaries can be set to limit number of total slots, or how many increaser can be applied.
- Enchantment Orbs
- Spoiler
- Enchantment orbs can be applied to armor/weapons and will increase the amount of enchants you can apply on that item by number specified in the orb command
- White Scroll
- Spoiler
- Applying one of these to your item will protect it from being destroyed from a failed enchantment
- Secret, Mystery and Magic Dust
- Spoiler
Spoiler - Increase book(s) success rate, while decreasing failure. The higher success rate is, the higher chance of enchantment applying on item.
- Spoiler
- Black Scroll
- Spoiler
- Applying this item will take away one random custom enchantment from item, and give a book of it with certain success & destroy rates [can be changed in config]
- Randomization Scrolls
- Spoiler
- Applying one of these to the given custom enchant book will randomize the success and destroy rates
- Item Nametags
- Spoiler
- Using one will let you rename items. Word blacklist and other settings (such as colors) can be toggled in config.yml
- BlockTrak
- Spoiler
- Apply a tracker on tools to track number of blocks mined using the item.
- StatTrak
- Spoiler
- Applyable on weapons, to track kills done with the item.
- Soul Tracker
- Spoiler
- "Stack" souls on items as fuel, then use for enchantments.
- Transmog Scroll
- Spoiler
- Organize enchantments on item in order
- Holy White Scroll
- Spoiler
- Save items after death.
- Mob Trak
- Spoiler
- Track how many mobs have been killed with an item.
- Enchantment Slots
- Limit enchantment count per-item.
- You're able to increase slots, by applying "Slot Increaser", within the boundaries set in config.
- Enchanter
- Buy enchantment books, which right-clicked or instantly can reveal true enchantment.
- Enchanter can be re-configured to sell books for different economy other than Experience, for example: Money Economy
- Add Items to execute commands [for player/console], add price for commands [This way you can add admin items
- such as scrolls for sale!]
- Tinkerer
- Exchange your enchanted armor in for experience, or exchange your custom enchant book for a fireball. A fireball has a chance of getting magic dust, which improves the success rate on a given rarity enchant book
- GKits
- GKits are unique, god kits designed to be created with a timed cooldown, to give as a perk for donators.
- GKits items can be assigned with custom enchantments from the plugin (even your created ones), with chances of enchants applying, random levels, etc.
- Souls
- Create enchantments to use this "virtual" economy for enchantment activation.
- Gather souls by killing players with items Souls Trackers on them.
- Add soul price for enchantment per-level, to make players pay-to-activate their enchantment.
- Withdraw souls from items to SoulGems (via command /withdrawsouls) and put them on armour!
- Groups
- Create "Unique", "Common", etc. Dusts, Randomization Scrolls and more
- Define per-group enchantment color
- Factions & McMMO Support
- Conditions for enchantments with Factions and McMMO
- Check player territories
- Give effects to faction members/enemies in radius and more.
- Alchemist
- Combine two dusts for better rate
- Combine two enchantment books for increased enchantment level (i.e. two Speed I books for Speed II)
Currently features 3+ configurations.
* Share your paid premades by posting a ref. link to it in discord in order to have it featured in the list
Create Custom Effects for plugin
Use AEAPI to extend functionality
Still not convinced this is the right plugin for you? This plugin is
- #1 Minecraft Custom Enchantments plugin by player count
- #1 Premium Enchants plugin on SpigotMC by downloads
- #1 Premium Enchants plugin by using server count
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://servers.advancedmarket.co/ae/ae-addon.png)
Books /dupe addon (For Cosmic Tests) [Free]
Essentials Kits Addon to support CE in kits [Free]
Essentials /fix addon to fix issues with repair [Free]
Titan Trap Addon [Free]
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://servers.advancedmarket.co/ae/ae-commands.png)
- /enchanter - Open Enchanter; no permission
- /tinkerer - Open Tinkerer; no permission
- /ae - Main plugin command; no permission (aliases: /ce, /customenchants)
- /ae about - Information about current build; no permission
- /ae list - List all custom enchantments; ae.list
- /ae admin - Open a menu with all possible enchantments (100% success rate); ae.admin
- /ae giveitem <player> <item> - Give various plugin items; ae.giveitem
- /ae give <player> <enchantment> <level> - Give custom enchanted book; ae.give
- /ae info <enchantment> - Information about custom enchantment; ae.info
- /ae reload - Reload all configurations; ae.reload
- /ae enchant <enchantment> <level> - Enchant held item; ae.enchant
- /ae greset <player> <gkit> - Reset GKit for a player; ae.gkits
- /ae givebook <player> <enchantment> <level> <count> <success> <destroy> - Give book with specific rates; ae.givebook
- /ae pasteenchants - Paste a formatted list of enchants (e.g.); ae.admin
Optional Dependencies:
* Vault
* Factions Plugins
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/hpVKzTa.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/OKoNcYW.png)
*please notice that these are just examples and everything can be changed (names, item types, inventory layouts, items, etc.) in configuration.
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://servers.advancedmarket.co/ae/ae-info.png)
Permissions can be found here (all current permissions for commands and other feature accessibility)
Terms of Service (you agree to, by buying/downloading this plugin from www.spigotmc.org):
Spoiler: TOS
More information about enchantment creation and configuration is provided with configuration files
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/mtPbtjw.png)
If you have questions or come across any issues, do not report them in Discussions thread. I do not get notifications for replies - use Discord or Github.