PlayerControlPlus | Save and Inspect players Activity on your Server [1.8-1.19]

NULLED PlayerControlPlus | Save and Inspect players Activity on your Server [1.8-1.19] 3.9.2

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The plugin will constantly save what your players do on your server/network. If someone writes something in the chat, executes a command, kills a user, even craft some item, the plugin is going to save it. Using the
/pc check command you will be able to see all player information inside an interactive inventory, filtering and sorting what you need.

The plugin has support for multiple events/actions (even other plugins events) and you can define which variables will be stored. For example, for a JOIN event, you can set the specific location where the player joined. Sensitive information like
/login and /register commands will not be saved!

You can now check some server statistics per day using /pc stats command!

The plugin has support with PlaceholderAPI so you can save 1000+ variables. The plugin allows you to save custom events from other plugins.

✓ = PlayerControl | ✓ = PlayerControlPlus

- Log file for every player
- Saves Actions:

  • Join, Leave, Chat, Commands, Change World, Block Break, Block Places, Kills, Deaths, Drops
  • Craft Item, Interact Item, Pickup Item, Entity Kill, Player Kick
  • Unlimited Custom Events from other plugins
- Check player events in Real Time
- Information removal after a period of time
- PlaceholderAPI variables
- MySQL Database
- GUI Inventory to see data inside the game
- Filter Player data by Category and Time
- Sort Player data by Time and Activity
- Search data for specific word/phrase
- Server statistics GUI
- Modify Inventory data descriptions
- Modify inventory data items
- Save data permission
- Conditions for Actions
- Ignore players
- Extra options for Actions
- Improved performance
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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