PIRATE'S SKYBLOCK [1.16.5] ▸ ⛵ RPG º ⚓ CUSTOM SOUNDS º ⚔️ DUNGEONS º ✨ CHEST º ❄️[$29.99]

Free PIRATE'S SKYBLOCK [1.16.5] ▸ ⛵ RPG º ⚓ CUSTOM SOUNDS º ⚔️ DUNGEONS º ✨ CHEST º ❄️[$29.99] 2022-11-30

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⚓Classic RPG | Interact with the pirates in the game, explore and find new treasures as you level up and gain new skills to protect yourself from the dangers in this incredible world.
⚓Skills | Each pirate will have 15 skills that can be upgraded as you gain more experience through playing and having fun.
⚓Individual introduction | Individual launch of the game for greater immersion in the server.
⚓Ambient sounds | Environmental sounds in the main biomes, as well as on the bottom of the sea, like in a dungeon or on the surface, will be able to listen to these incredible sounds that fade and change depending on the hour in the game.
⚓Treasure chests +36 |Treasure chests can be found throughout the main map, usually guarded by dangerous monsters.
⚓Treasure box | Get keys and get amazing rewards.
⚓Voting box | Players who vote for the server can receive a key to receive a reward.
⚓world events | Discover the events taking place in the main world, where you can seek out the secrets of the Kraken or find all the cannibals, and also try to plunder the booty of thieving pirates.
⚓Mines | Mines that are guarded by guards, you will receive materials, but first you must defeat them.
⚓Bossbar Posts | Automatic messages are used to inform players about certain things on the server.
⚓Monster levels |Each monster has a difficulty level, be very careful.
⚓Monsters drop out money | By killing them, you have a chance to win between $1 and $200.
⚓Dungeons | Places with incredible treasures, but remember, they are guarded by terrible monsters!
⚓Quick Creation | Now you can make your tools or armor much faster.
⚓Custom menus | Customized menus for more immersion in the server and your experience.
⚓Custom Rank Menu | A menu where players can see the available VIP ranks and their perks.
⚓Customs bank | An individual bank where you can safely store your money.
⚓Custom textures |In the settings you will find unique textures that will allow you to achieve the best appearance.
⚓Custom Ender Chest | Much more compact and with levels of space to store your most valuable items.
⚓Custom guides | The customized spawn guides are available in four languages such as English, Spanish, Brazilian, Turkic, Russian, French, Dutch, Chinese and Japanese.
⚓Custom Stores | Individual shops where you can buy and sell items to merchants.
⚓Custom NPC | Personalized citizens with a pirate atmosphere will make the immersion in the game unique.
⚓Custom pets |A unique variety of pets that you can buy and upgrade their skills
⚓Custom Kits | Unique and customized sets depending on your rank.
⚓Custom statistics menu | In this menu, players will be able to see personal and exclusive information about their progress on the server.
⚓Custom blood | When fighting humans, monsters, or animals, they release blood particles. Red-blooded people, golden-blooded monsters.
⚓Custom death title | When you die, a sound will be heard and a personal title will appear.
⚓Boat to order | A boat with a 3d model and custom texture to make you feel like a real sailor while sailing.
⚓Community Chest | You can leave items in this chest to share with other players.
⚓Educational system | A system by which the user can learn a little about the server.
⚓Friends system | A system by which players can have friends.
⚓Cannibals | There are cannibals all over the map waiting for any user to pass by and attack them.
⚓Pirate thieves | Fight these thieves and try to take their booty!
⚓Pirate drops | Each time a pirate is killed, there will be an opportunity to drop items.
⚓Drop NPC | You have a chance to get items by killing some NPCs.
⚓Pirate fight |If you hit a pirate, he will try to kill you if you don't kill him first.
⚓Mysterious pirate | Merchant where you will find rare and unusual items.
⚓Gold exchanger | You can sell your gold to get money.
⚓Auctions | You can sell your items to earn money or buy them.
⚓Backpack | A backpack where you can store all your items if you don't have room in your inventory.
⚓Fashion and icon | Individual mod and icon with a pirate theme.
⚓Loot Rewards | Every time you mine with your generator, you have a chance to find rewards or keys.
⚓Ranks and chat formats | Each range has its own colors and formats in the chat.
⚓Death prey | When your items die, they will remain in the soul fire.
⚓Hydration and temperature | A hydration and temperature system is included, you must drink water or take off your armor to maintain the best body temperature.
⚓Island | You can have an island with missions, upgrades and everything a Skyblock server has to offer.
⚓And much more | You have to join many things in the game to find out!

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