Description of the ProSkyWars plugin:
ProSkyWars is a plugin with which you can create a SkyWars mini-game on a minecraft server. ProSkyWars has a huge number of advantages over other plugins for the sky wars mini-game, because with this plugin you can create solo and type / solo and team game modes, you can set up kits for sale, buy cells, there are cool effects, perks, mysterybox and holograms with statistics.Peculiarities:
- Completely independent, can work alone;- Ability to create solo and team modes with any number of players;
- Almost 100% customizable, your messages, arenas, whales, cages and chests;
- You can create any number of arenas;
- Can work with other mini-games and plugins;
- Support for multiple arenas in one world;
- Salute at the end of the game;
- After death, you can watch the game;
- Bungee Cord support;
- MySQL support;
- Can be used as survivalgames plugin or custom pvp plugin;
— Coin multipliers for VIP users;
- Player stats: wins. kills, deaths, broken blocks;
- Mobs for arenas that will only attack your enemies;
- Create a party and play with your friends.
ProSkyWars plugin commands:
Creating an arena:
/arena wand - Gives you an ax to choose the boundaries of your arena;
/ arena create "Arena_Name" - Create an arena;
/ arena edit "Arena_Name" - Edit the boundaries of the arena;
/ arena remove "Arena_Name" - Remove the arena;
/arena setlobbyspawn "Arena_Name" - Set the spawn point in the waiting lobby;
/arena setspectatorsspawn "Arena_Name" - Set the spawn point of observers (Players after death);
/arena setmainlobby "Arena_Name" - Set the point of the main lobby;
/arena setminteams "Arena_Name" "Number" - Set the minimum number of players to start the game;
/arena setmaxteams "Arena_Name" "Number" - Sets the maximum number of players for the arena;
/arena setteamsize "Arena_Name" "Number" - Sets the number of players for each team;
/arena addspawn "Arena_Name" - Add a spawn point in the arena;
/arena addchest "Arena_Name" "standard_chest" "Rare chest" - Add a chest to the arena with different types of things, (use chesttypes.yml);
/arena chestwand "Arena_Name" "Standard_Chest" "Rare Chest" - Gives you an ifrit rod that you can use to add chests to the arena;
/arena removechest "Arena_Name" - Remove chests from the arena;
/arena setevent "event_name" "Arena_name" - Sets the game end event for the arena;
/arena removeevent "Arena_Name" - Removes all events from the arena;
/ arena join "Arena_Name" - Enter the arena;
/arena leave - Leave the arena;
/arena list - Show a list of arenas;
/ arena forcestart "Arena_Name" - Quick start.
Game teams:
/sw join "Arena_Name" - Enter the arena;/ sw join - Open the arena selection menu;
/sw autojoin "solo/teams" - Entry to the random arena;
/sw shop - Open SkyWars shop;
/sw coins add/set/remove "Player" "Number" - Add / install / remove coins from the player;
/sw souls add/set/remove "Player" "Number" - Add / install / remove souls from the player;
/sw kits/trails/cages/perks add "Player" "Name" - Unlock a kit, effect, cage, perk for the player.
/sw kits/trails/cages set "Player" "Name" - Select kits, effect, cage for the player;
/sw addmysterybox - Install a new mystery box, (You need to be above the block and look at it);
/ sw hologram add / remove - Add / remove a hologram;
/sw removemysterybox - Remove myster box, (You need to be above the block and look at it);
/sw npc create <SOLO/TEAM/MEGA> - Creates an npc so your players can join arenas (to change or delete an npc, right click while hiding)
/sw leave - Leave the arena;
/sw reload - Reload the plugin.
Party commands:
/ party create "Name" - Create a party;/party invite "Player" - Invite a player to a party;
/party join "Name" - Join a party, (invitation required);
/party kick "Player" - Kick the player out of the party;
/party list - List of players in your party.
Set creation commands:
/sw kit create <kitname> - Create a new kit kits.yml with the current contents of the player's inventory (armor and items), including enchantments./sw kit setdisplayitem "Kit name" "material" ":ID" - Set the item to be displayed in the menu;
/sw kit setpermission "Kit name" "Right" - Set the right to use the kit;
/sw kit setprice "Kit name" "Price" - Set the price for buying a kit, (this function will only work if you enable the use of money for kits in config.yml);
/sw kit setrarity "Kit name" "common/rare/legendary" - Set the value of the kit for the MysteryBox;
/sw kit addloreline "Name of the whale" "Text" - Add a description for the whale;
/sw kit lorereset "Kit name" - Remove the description of the whale;
/sw kit save "Kit Name" - Reset the GUI inventory to show the new kit.
Permissions for the ProSkyWars plugin:
proskywars.admin - Access to all commands;proskywars.arena - Access to arena configuration commands;
proskywars.signs - Allow players to create signs to enter the arena;
proskywars.autojoin - Access to the autojoin command;
proskywars.mysteryboxadd - Allow player to add block as mystery box
proskywars.mysteryboxremove - Allow the player to remove an existing mystery box
proskywars.holograms - Allow the player to set the location of the stats hologram;
proskywars.bypass - Allows you to bypass the white list of commands;
proskywars.coins - Allow the player to run commands to change the number of coins;
proskywars.souls - Allow the player to run commands to change the number of souls; - Access to the skywars shop
proskywars.join - Allow to enter arenas;
proskywars.joingui - Allow to enter the arena through the GUI;
proskywars.kitcreate - Allow to create kits;
proskywars.npc - Allow creating and deleting NPCs;
proskywars.5x - 5x coin multiplier;
proskywars.4x - 4x coin multiplier;
proskywars.3x - 3x coin multiplier;
proskywars.2x - 2x coin multiplier;
proskywars.souls1 - Set the maximum number of souls in config.yml for Souls.vip1Souls;
proskywars.souls2 - Set max souls in config.yml for Souls.vip2Souls.
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Ready chest config for ProSkyWars plugin
- 'GRASS:16:100'
- 'WOOD:32:70'
- 'IRON_AXE:1:50'
- 'IRON_SWORD:1:50'
- 'IRON_HELMET:1:50'
- 'IRON_BOOTS:1:50'
- 'BOW:1:30'
- 'ARROW:20:40'
- 'FISHING_ROD:1:50'
- 'BREAD:16:50'
- 'LAVA_BUCKET:1:50'
- 'ENDER_PEARL:1:50'
- 'GRASS:16:100'
- 'WOOD:32:70'
- 'IRON_AXE:1:50'
- 'IRON_SWORD:1:50'
- 'IRON_PICKAXE:1:100'
- 'IRON_HELMET:1:50'
- 'IRON_BOOTS:1:50'
- 'BOW:1:30'
- 'ARROW:20:40'
- 'FISHING_ROD:1:50'
- 'BREAD:16:50'
- 'LAVA_BUCKET:1:100'
- 'ENDER_PEARL:2:100'
- 'MONSTER_EGG:1:null:Spawn Zombie:40'
For the ProSkyWars plugin to work correctly, you need to install additional plugins:
1. Vault2. PlaceHolderAPI
3. HolographicDisplays
4. ProtocolLib
How to install the plugin?
1. Download the plugin.2. Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
3. Restart the server.
4. Done.