Description of the plugin AntiAura:
AntiAura is a good paid anti-cheat for the Minecraft server. Anti-cheat offers a high level of protection against almost all detected hacks on your server, and even blocks some hacks that cannot be detected by a regular anti-cheat. It blocks cheats such as: KillAura, Fly, Speed, as well as FastClick/AutoClicker, Aimbot/ClickAimbot, AntiKnockback/Velosity, AutoBow/FastBow, Criticals, AutoSoup, Regen, NoPotion, AntiFire, Teleport, ChestESP, X-Ray, Tracers/ ESP, Freecam, Anti-Blind, ElytraFly, Flight, Speed, NoFallBlink, InventoryMove, ScaffoldWalk, Tower, FastLadder, Jesus, Sneak, Phase, BoatFly, GhostHand, FastBreak, Nuker, FastPlace.List of cheats that AntiAura protects against :
- KillAura
- FastClick/AutoClicker
- Aimbot/ClickAimbot
- AntiKnockback/Velosity
- AutoBow/FastBow
- Criticals
- autosoup
- Regen
- NoPotion
- AntiFire
- teleport
- ChestESP
- X Ray
- Tracers/ESP
- freecam
- Anti blind
- ElytraFly
- flight
- Speed
- no fall
- Blink
- InventoryMove
- Scaffold Walk
- Tower
- FastLadder
- Jesus
- Sneak
- Phase
- BoatFly
- ghosthand
- fastbreak
- Nuker
- FastPlace
AntiAura plugin commands:
/areload - Reload plugin/atps - Get TPS
/anotify - get all server delays.
/aconfig - Change configuration via command.
/aconfiga - Same as /aconfig, only it changes the advanced configuration.
Rights of the AntiAura plugin:
- antiaura.bypass - no anti-cheat checks.- antiaura.reload - access to the /areload command (Reload plugin)
- antiaura.command - access to plugin commands.
How to install the plugin?
ATTENTION! For the plugin to work, install ProtocolLib1. Download the plugin.
2. Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
3. Restart the server.
4. Done.