Download InteractiveBoard

GOLD Download InteractiveBoard 19.96

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is a unique and innovative solution for true contextual graphical user interfaces in Minecraft. Anything from touchscreen shops to teaching players your server mechanics with videos is possible. The limit is your imagination.
Examples of things you can do with InteractiveBoard


InteractiveBoard has an always expanding list of features.
  • BannerBoard compatibility - BannerBoard boards/configs can be loaded through InteractiveBoard by the BannerBoard compatibility for InteractiveBoard plugin.
  • Contextual rendering - every player sees a different image specifically made for them at that moment.
  • Scenes - you can have multiple scenes in a single board, so a single board can have a large assortment of uses.
  • Buttons - clickable buttons with sub-pixel precision that can execute a variety of functions like opening a crafting table, switching a scene, changing properties of an object like text color or size, scrolling, buying and selling items, etc.
  • Permissions - you can set the default board scene to be different depending upon what permissions the player has. For example, you can make it, so a VIP player can see a list of their perks on the board which a normal player wouldn't see.
  • Images - you can upload any image you want to the board. Supported formats: .jpg and .png
  • Animated GIFS - the plugin can display animated GIFS on any board you want. This can be used to teach players new mechanics which could only be shown easily with a video playing.
  • Fast and optimized rendering - all aspects of the plugin have been tweaked to ensure optimal performance. Using custom smart caching and packet systems, InteractiveBoard is extremely fast and very light, only updating boards when necessary.
  • PlaceholderAPI support - you can use all the placeholders from the PlaceholderAPI in text on your board.
  • Shops - Vault API is supported, so you can create shops with the board.
  • Scrollpanes - you can use scrollpanes to let the player scroll in case all the things you want to show don't fit in your scene.
  • Translatable - messages sent to the player can be changed in the language configuration file.
  • Music Support - InteractiveBoard has NoteBlockAPI support which allows you to play any .nbs song you want in a board.
  • 3D Player Skin rendering - you can render the skin of the player on the board.

/ib create - to create a board
/ib delete - to delete a board
/ib reload - to reload all board configurations
/ib teleport <board name> - teleport to a board
/ib fonts - get names of fonts loaded from the font folder
/ib name - get name of a board
/ib reset - reload a specific board
/ib coordinates - get x and y coordinates of a board pixel

To create and delete boards you need the permission interactiveboard.admin this permission should only be given to server owners and admins who configure the plugin.

This is a basic tutorial on the main features of the plugin. More detailed documentation and video tutorials are coming soon. An advanced API for developers to use is available.

If you need any help with the plugin configurations you can message me on spigot, reply to the plugin thread or join InteractiveBoard Support server with this link

Note: all objects have default values for everything that isn't important, so you shouldn't set the values that you don't need to change from the defaults.


Spoiler: Text Renderer
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case text
type: text
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 200
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 169
## the text
text: 'Welcome to the server %player_name%'
## font of text
font: Impact
## size of text
fontsize: 45
## if text is bold
bold: false
## color of text
color: 255 170 60
## set the text alignment (possible aligments: left, right, center)
alignment: left
## the spacing between letters, shouldn't be changed unless the font spacing is wrong. The value should be between -0.3 and 0.1
spacing: 0.0
## the color of the outline (no outline if color isn't set)
outlinecolor: 255 0 0
## the stroke width of the outline
outlinestroke: 2.0
## should the text have antialiasing / smoothing applied, fonts with curves will look better with this option on
antialiasing: false
## text capitalization (possible settings: default, uppercase, lowercase)
capitalization: default
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root

Spoiler: Auto Font Size Text Renderer
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case text
type: autofontsizetext
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 200
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 169
## the maximum width the text can take up
width: 300
## the maximum height the text can take up
height: 100
## the text
text: 'Welcome to the server %player_name%'
## font of text
font: Impact
## if text is bold
bold: false
## color of text
color: 255 170 60
## set the text alignment (possible aligments: left, right, center)
alignment: left
## the spacing between letters, shouldn't be changed unless the font spacing is wrong. The value should be between -0.3 and 0.1
spacing: 0.0
## the color of the outline (no outline if color isn't set)
outlinecolor: 255 0 0
## the stroke width of the outline
outlinestroke: 2.0
## should the text have antialiasing / smoothing applied, fonts with curves will look better with this option on
antialiasing: false
## text capitalization (possible settings: default, uppercase, lowercase)
capitalization: default
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root

Spoiler: Background renderer
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case background
type: background
## color of background
color: 255 170 60
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root

Spoiler: Button
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case button
type: button
## color of button (can be entered as hex, rgb, or the name of the color)
color: 255 170 60
## color of the button on hover (can be entered as hex, rgb, or the name of the color)
onhovercolor: green
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 200
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 169
## width of button
width: 200
## height of button
height: 200
## is invisible
invisible: false
## the cooldown of the button in milliseconds
cooldown: 50
## corner radius (roundness of corners)
cornerradius: 10
## functions that the button executes on a click, all of the available functions are listed further down in the tutorial
type: command
command: 'warp spawn'
## functions that the button executes on hover, all of the available functions are listed further down in the tutorial
## functions that the button executes when exiting hover state, all of the available functions are listed further down in the tutorial
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root
Spoiler: Image
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case image
type: image
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 200
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 169
## width of image
width: 200
## height of image
height: 200
## set this to true if the image is from the internet (URL / link)
frominternet: false
## should the image refresh every set period
refresh: false
## how often should the image refresh (seconds)
refreshtime: 60
## image
image: image.png
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root

Spoiler: GIF
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type, in this case gif
type: gif
## should gif be only played once and pause
playonce: false
## should the gif run fast at 20 fps
fast: false
## should the gif reset when a scene is loaded
reset: true
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 200
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 169
## width of gif
width: 200
## height of gif
height: 200
## gif
gif: image.gif
## is the gif paused
paused: false
## these objects are going to be drawn with the position of this object as root

Spoiler: Delayed function timer
Code (Text):

##timer activates when the scene is loaded or when the timer is enabled by another function
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type
type: delayedfunctiontimer
## delay time (in milliseconds, 1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
time: 200
## functions
## some function you want to use
type: ## some function replace this
type: ## some function replace this

Spoiler: Repeat function timer
Code (Text):

## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
##timer activates when the scene is loaded or when the timer is enabled by another function
## object type
type: repeatfunctiontimer
## repeat time (in milliseconds, 1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
time: 200
## functions
## some function you want to use
type: ## some function replace this
type: ## some function replace this

Spoiler: Music player
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type
## Note: You need to have NoteBlockAPI installed for music player to work!
type: musicplayer
## music file to play
music: somemusic.nbs
## the volume of the music
volume: 100

Spoiler: Scroll pane
Code (Text):
## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type
type: scrollpane
## The actual width of the scrollable area
scrollinnerwidth: 900
## The actual height of the scrollable area
scrollinnerheight: 200
## The width of visible area
width: 200
## The height of visible area
height: 200
## should scroll pane react to scrolling with mouse
mousescroll: true
## should the mouse scrolling be vertical (if false it is horizontal)
mousescrollvertical: false
## how many pixels the scroll pane scrolls by on a mouse scroll
mousescrollamount: 128
## The objects inside the scroll pane
## some object you want inside the scroll pane
type: text
text: 'Hello this is some example text!'

Spoiler: 3D Skin Renderer
Code (Text):

## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type
type: skin3d
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 0
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 0
## width
width: 1000
## height
height: 1000
## x/y/z rotation of the skins body
rotationbody: 0 0 0
## x/y/z rotation of the head
rotationhead: 0 0 0
## x/y/z rotation of the right arm
rotationrightarm: 0 0 0
## x/y/z rotation of the left arm
rotationleftarm: 0 0 0
## x/y/z rotation of the right leg
rotationrightleg: 0 0 0
## x/y/z rotation of the left leg
rotationleftleg: 0 0 0
## is antialiasing enabled
antialiasing: false
## the skin of the 3d model
## accepted values (uuids, player names, base64 skin textures)
## you can use placeholders
skin: '%player_name%'

Spoiler: 3D Head Renderer
Code (Text):

## object name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## object type
type: head3d
## x position relative to root of parent
x: 0
## y position relative to root of parent
y: 0
## width
width: 400
## height
height: 400
## x/y/z rotation of the 3d head
rotation: 0 0 0
## is antialiasing enabled
antialiasing: false
## the skin of the 3d head
## accepted values (uuids, player names, base64 skin textures)
## you can use placeholders
skin: '%player_name%'


Spoiler: Switch Scene
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: switchscene
## name of scene that the board is going to switch to
scene: scene2
## enable this if you want to switch scenes of a different board
remoteboard: false
## the name of the different board you want to switch scens of
remoteboardname: 'differentboardname123'

Spoiler: Open crafting table
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: opencraftingtable

Spoiler: Open enchanting table
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: openenchantingtable

Spoiler: Buy Item
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: itembuy
## name or id of item
item: carrot
## item price
price: 20
## item amount
amount: 1

Spoiler: Sell Item
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: itemsell
## name or id of item
item: baked_potato
## item price
price: 20
## item amount
amount: 1

Spoiler: Send Message
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: sendmessage
## the message that you want to send
message: 'Hello %player_name%, this is an example message!'

Spoiler: ScrollChange
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: scrollchange
## which scroll pane to move
object: objectscrollpane
## how much to scroll in x direction
xchange: 10
## how much to scroll in y direction
ychange: 0

Spoiler: Command
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: command
## execute as player or console
executefromconsole: false
## the command (you can use placeholderapi inside command)
command: 'warp spawn'

Spoiler: Set enabled state
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: setenabledstate
## name of object to enable / disable
object: button1
## disable or enable
enabled: true

Spoiler: Switch enabled state
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: switchenabledstate
## name of object to switch enabled state of
object: button1

Spoiler: Set playback state
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: switchplaybackstate
## name of gif/music player that should be played/resumed
object: gif1
## set the object to paused or not
paused: false

Spoiler: Switch playback state
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: switchplaybackstate
## name of gif/music player that should be played/resumed
object: gif1

Spoiler: Switch server function
Code (Text):

## function name, you can set this to anything that is unique
## function type
type: switchserver
## name of server to switch to
server: survival

Spoiler: Legal information
InteractiveBoard uses a modified part of BKCommonLib library that is licensed under Apache 2.0 license that can be found inside the plugin jar.

InteractiveBoard uses a modified version of XMaterial library that is licensed under the Mit license. The class file which includes the license can be found here

InteractiveBoard uses a part of AnimatedFrames plugin for GIF file conversion. The permission to use this code was kindly provided by @inventivetalent
First release
Last update
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More resources from admin

Latest updates

  1. 19.96

  2. 19.6

  3. 17.8
