Description of the CryptoCurrency plugin:
This plugin is still under development. There are many more features that I would like to add. The most interesting feature that I would like to add is mining farms. The plugin supports Vault and MySql database. Thus, players will be able to buy, sell and transfer cryptocurrencies from one server to another. The plugin uses the Coinbase or Binance API, so prices for cryptocurrencies change in real time.Cryptocurrencies by default:
- btc (Bitcoin)
- bch (Bitcoin cash)
- eth (Ethereum)
- etc (Ethereum classic)
- doge (Dogecoin)
- ltc (Litecoin)
- USDT (Tether)
- Other cryptocurrencies can be added in the cryptocurrencies.yml file
CryptoCurrency plugin commands:
/<Cryptocurrency name> help - View plugin help./<Cryptocurrency name> price - View the price/rate of a certain currency.
/<Cryptocurrency name> price <quantity> — View the price/rate of a certain currency by specifying the quantity.
/<Name of cryptocurrency> balance - Check the balance of the crypt.
/<Cryptocurrency name> balance <Player Nickname> — View the balance of the specified player's crypto.
/<Cryptocurrency name> buy <amount> — Buy the specified amount of crypto. /< Cryptocurrency
name> sell <amount> — Sell the crypto by specifying the amount. /<Cryptocurrency name> send <Player Nickname> <amount>
/<Cryptocurrency name> give <Player Nickname> <amount> - Give the player a cryptocurrency.
/<Cryptocurrency name> take <Player Nickname> <amount> - Take the player's cryptocurrency.
/<Cryptocurrency name> reload - Reload the plugin configuration.
Rights of the CryptoCurrency plugin:
cryptocurrency.reload - The right to reload the plugincryptocurrency.give - The right to give the player cryptocurrency
cryptocurrency.take - The right to take away the player's cryptocurrency
cryptocurrency.balance - The right to check the balance
of the
Translation of the CryptoCurrency plugin:
It is created automatically when the server starts.Here is the Russian.yml file just in case
# ----------- + CryptoCurrency by Ziga Zajc + ----------- #
# #
# Config #
# Translated: VLADik #
# #
# ----------- + --------------------------- + ----------- #
# You can use chat colors:
# ________________________
# | code: | color: |
# |________________________|
# | &0 | Black |
# | &1 | Dark Blue |
# | &2 | Dark Green |
# | &3 | Dark Aqua |
# | &4 | Dark Red |
# | &5 | Dark Purple |
# | &6 | Gold |
# | &7 | Gray |
# | &8 | Dark Gray |
# | &9 | Blue |
# | &a | Green |
# | &b | Aqua |
# | &c | Red |
# | &d | Light Purple |
# | &e | Yellow |
# | &f | White |
# | &k | Obfuscated |
# | &l | Bold |
# | &m | Strikethrough|
# | &n | Underline |
# | &o | Italic |
# | &r | Reset |
# |________________________|
# Prefix
prefix: "&7[&bCryptoCurrency&7] "
# Commands
permission: "&cУ вас нет прав чтоб использовать это!"
is_not_a_player: "&c{player} не игрок!"
is_not_a_number: "&c{number} не число!"
wrong_arguments: "&cПожалуйста используйте /{crypto} help"
vault_required: "&cУстановите Vault для выполнения этого действия."
# Help
- "&7Список команд:"
- ""
- "{color}/{crypto} balance &7- Посмотреть {crypto} баланс."
- "{color}/{crypto} price <amount> &7- Посмотреть {crypto} цену."
- "{color}/{crypto} buy <amount> &7- купить {crypto}."
- "{color}/{crypto} sell <amount> &7- продать {crypto}."
- "{color}/{crypto} send <player> <amount> &7- передать {crypto} игроку."
- ""
# Messages
message_money_not_enough: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег для этого действия."
message_balance: "&aУ вас есть {color}{amount} {crypto} &aв Вашем кошельке."
message_balance_player: "&2{player}&a имеет {color}{amount} {crypto} &aв Его кошельке."
message_not_enough: "&cВам не хватает {color}{crypto} &cчтобы завершить это действие."
message_send_success: "&aВы передали {color}{amount} {crypto} &aигроку &2{player}&a."
message_send_yourself: "&cВы не можете отправить {color}{crypto} &cсамому себе!"
message_receive_success: "&2{player} &aпередал вам {color}{amount} {crypto}&a."
message_taken_player: "&aВы получили {color}{amount} {crypto} &aот &2{player}&a."
message_taken_target: "&2{player} &cполучил от вас {color}{amount} {crypto}&c."
message_sell: "&aВы продали {color}{amount} {crypto} &aза &2${money}&a."
message_buy: "&aВы купили {color}{amount} {crypto} &aза &2${money}&a."
message_price: "{color}{amount} {crypto} &aстоит &2${money}"
message_maximum: "&cВы не можете изменять больше чем {color}{amount} {crypto}&c."
message_minimum: "&cВы не можете изменять больше чем {color}{amount} {crypto}&c."
message_max_supply_reached: "&cВы не можете купить {color}{amount} {crypto}&c, потому что {color}{crypto} &cзавершил продажу."
# Sign Shop
message_bought: "&aВы купили &6{amount}x {material} &aза {color}{crypto}&a!"
message_sold: "&aВы продали &6{amount}x {material} &aза {color}{crypto}&a!"
message_not_enough_items: "&cУ вас недостаточно &6{material} &cчтоб завершить это действие."
message_not_enough_money: "&2{player} &cне хватает денег."
message_empty_chest: "&cТовары в этом магазине закончились!"
message_full_chest: "&cМагазин переполнен!"
message_full_inventory: "&cВаш инвентарь переполнен."
Placeholders of the CryptoCurrency plugin:
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_balance%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_balance_<player_name>%
- %cryptocurrency_balance_fiat%
- %cryptocurrency_balance_fiat_<player>%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_price%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_price_<amount>%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_supply%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto_name>_marketCap%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_fiat%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_percent%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_percent_abs%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_close%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_open%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_low%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_fast_change_high%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_fiat%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_percent%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_percent_abs%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_close%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_open%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_low%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_daily_change_high%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_fiat%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_percent%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_percent_abs%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_close%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_open%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_low%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_weekly_change_high%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_fiat%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_percent%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_percent_abs%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_close%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_open%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_low%
- %cryptocurrency_<crypto>_monthly_change_high%
How to install the CryptoCurrency plugin?
The plugin requires Vault to work.
- Download the plugin.
- Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
- Restart the server.
- Ready.