- Hunter
Hunter, Adrenaline: Taking damage for most people might
be a problem, but for you its the best
thing to happen! Bonus Damage!
Hunter. Regeneration: When you get struck, you gain a stack
of regeneration, at the cost of a
MASSIVE hunger debuff
- Nether
Nether, Skull Yeet: This skill lets you throw a Wither skull
just like a Wither! This does damage to
the terrain, and entities.
Nether, Wither-Resist: When you wear Netherite Armor, you
gain a resistance to wither damage
up to complete negation.
- The Rift
Rift, Access: This allows for you to create an item
called “Reliquary portkey” that allows
you to open ANY container, anywhere
Rift, Blink: Short-ranged, Instantaneous instant
teleportation! Blink Through walls,
or to building tops!
Rift, Enderchest: Open an enderchest by holding it in
your hand and clicking! No need to
place this chest down.
Rift, Gate: This is your own personal recall object.
Allows you to return to any point after
a short delay.
Rift, Resist: Using any Ender ability, or Rift skill
gives you a stack of resistance that
can stack up to 100% resistance.
- Unarmed
Unarmed, Glass-Cannon: Just like hunter Adrenaline, this buffs
your damage. based on the lack of
armor that you have on. 0 is max.
Unarmed, Power: This is a flat bonus to Unarmed
damage, and it stacks with all other
damage ramping effects.
Unarmed, Sucker punch: The faster you are moving (sprinting)
the more damage you do in a single
- Seaborne
Seaborne, Oxygen: While underwater you are able to
not consume the air in your lungs
and you can stay underwater longer.
- Stealth
Stealth, Ghost Armor: This passively creates armor that
only lasts for 1-hit then vanishes and
regenerates over time again
Stealth, Sight: Gain Night vision when you have
activated Sneak. lasts until you
Stealth, Snatch: When you crouch, you suck all nearby
items into your inventory as soon as
you crouch (close-range)
Stealth, Speed: Gain a speed boost when you sneak.
(Turn off your Screen FOV warp or you
will regret using this)
- Ranged
Ranged, Arrow Recovery: When you land ranged shots, with
this skill you can regenerate the
spent arrows that you shot
Ranged, Force: This is a flat damage bonus to all of
your ranged skills, be that a crossbow
or bow, or skill here
Ranged, Lunge-Shot: When you shoot an arrow, Reverse
your velocity. IE: 360 no-scope,
and Hanzo-jump away
Ranged, Piercing: This allows for you to shoot an arrow
that when it hits a Target, it goes right
through and keeps going.
- Taming
Taming, Damage: This skill increases the raw damage
that all of your tames can do. This only
works on animals that do damage
Taming, Health Boost: This skill increases the raw health of
all of your tames. making them far more
resilient to anything
Taming, Health Regen: Tamed animals will have a passive
regeneration buff applied to them
at the moment they become adult
- Pickaxe
Pickaxe, Chisel: Instead of mining, you can right click
and get small bits of ore to drop, but
increase the total durability impact.
Pickaxe, Veinminer: This allows you to Sneak-mine and mine
all nearby blocks in one go. this does
not bring all blocks to you.
- Swords
Sword, Machete: This allows for you to chop through
tough foliage, grass, and leaves in
a single swipe!
- Agility
Agility, Wind up: As you run, you will slowly
but steadily increase in
speed as you sprint away.
Agility, Wall-Jump: This skill gives the user the
capability to jump, and latch
onto a wall, and jump again.
Agility, Super-jump: This allows the user to crouch
and do a hefty leap into the
air higher than 2+ blocks
- Architect
Architect, Foundation: When you crouch, and have no blocks
under you, this creates a magic
platform for you to stand on.
Architect, Glass: This is a simple ability that gives the
user’s empty hand the capability to
mine glass with silk touch.
Architect, Placement: If you are holding a block type and
sneaky and look at a block, this is a
type of builders wand for you.
- Enchanting
Enchanting, Lapis Return: This is a utility for all Enchanters from
Novice to Master this is a critical tool
To give Lapis back when its spent
Enchanting, XP Return: Every enchantment gives you back
some experience when you craft it
making enchantments cheaper
Enchanting, Quick Enchant: Enchanted books can now be auto-
bound to items just bu clicking the
book over the item in your inventory
- Herbalism:
Herbalism, Growth-Aura: Passively Grow plants around you,
Spends hunger to do so. but rapidly
grows plants
Herbalism, Hunger-Shield: Spends Hunger to prevent the damage that is done to you. Leveling scales
hunger consumption
Herbalism, Replant: You can use a hoe and harvest, then
replant the plants in the area. this is
a useful tool for herbalists.
- Crafting
Crafting, Deconstruction: Using a Smiting Table, ans shears,
you can deconstruct ant item that was
crafted into its base components
Crafting, Experience: Gain Experience when crafting, This is
scaled to always be the same amount
per level, but its configurable
- Discovery
Discovery, Armorer: As you are walking in the world you
gain a passive armor boost. This
changes based on blocks around
Discovery, Unity: Gain more experience when you get
experience, and each level increases
the amount of xp you gain by a percent
- Axes
Axe, Chop: Axe Chop is a type of lumber axe that
you can use to cut down clusters of
Axe, Ground-Smash: Slam into the ground dealing a small
cluster of damage in an area around
- Brewing
Brewing, Lingering: Potions you craft with this skill (scales)
have increased duration, up to 2x at
max level
Brewing, Super-Heated: This allows for Brewing stands that you
placed to have an increased speed!
Allies also gain this bonus
Plugin Accessing
Adapt Abilities are all accessible in the in-game GUI (Right-clicking any Bookshelf Face(This bookshelf block is configurable)) providing a more user-friendly experience to a "skills" system. Most servers want to increase the quality of the "vanilla" experience. That's where Adapt comes in. Lightweight on the server, and providing mere quality of life enhancements to a user's experience, While also adding skills that don't break the flow of the game.
We Recently Added MYSQL Support! Keep in mind this feature is in BETA and its stability is not perfect. Please report any bugs you may have with MYSQL, and we don't encourage that you use it on non-development servers until we get feedback about bugs and so on. Any issues will be resolved quickly!
SO recently we added custom brewing as something you can do, both in the API, and ingame. Please keep in mind that this feature is new! New Brews: Haste, Health Boost, Darkness, and more! (Splash, Lingering, and Normal Variants for 10+ potion-types)
We Recently Added PAPI Support, And All the Keys / How to use is here:
https://docs.volmit.com/adapt/skills/placeholder-api Let us know if you find any issues with the values / if they seem broken and we will fix it asap!
Custom Advancements
Videos, and Skill Showcase:
Spoiler: Videos / Showcase Here
Preface: This will have Videos Over the course of the Next Few Days, showing off Adapt! And keep in mind that they are not ALL shown here, as you still need to discover things yourself! but here you will find some highlights, and quick examples for the complex and use cases you might want to know.
Spoiler: Ui Interactions
Spoiler: Agility Tree
Spoiler: Architect Tree
Spoiler: Discovery Tree
Spoiler: Excavation Tree
Spoiler: Herbalism Tree
Spoiler: Hunter Tree
Spoiler: Pickaxes Tree
Spoiler: Rift Tree
Docs: https://docs.volmit.com/adapt
- This is NOT a "Make your own Skill" plugin, Skills can be configured but not made, same for advancements and anything else I add. (If you want a skill added, we would love to add to Adapt, feel free to reach out on the discord!)
- The GUI for Adapt is not configurable (Yet, if enough people want it, we can make this a feature)
- Wiki: https://docs.volmit.com/adapt
- If you want any content added, Make an issue here and explain what you want to see in Adapt: https://github.com/VolmitSoftware/Adapt/issues
- [Adapt / Iris] : [1.19.2] : adapt.g.akliz.net [TESTING SERVER]
- [Adapt / Iris] : [1.19.2] : play.arbormc.org [ACTUAL SERVER]
- Maybe your sever? Let us Know on Discord!
Known Incompatibilities
Spoiler: Known Incompatibilities
Citizens and geyser work, you just might see an error in console, if you do please report it and I can fix it!
- geyser - They modify events, and make fake Spoofed players that aren't actually players, Fixed*.
- Citizens - They modify events, and make fake Spoofed players that aren't actually players, Fixed*.
Language and Localization
Do you know a language other than english? do you want to be a big part in Adapt's localization into different languages? Join the discord and let us know, or Click Here, and you can help is remotely with language localizations! if you don't see a language you can easily add it, or let us know here in discussions! We take this on an Honor System, so please only if you are confident in the language submit a translation key, they will be verified.
Spoiler: Reviews