vSpigot is the last chance to revive 1.8.9 version of Minecraft.
This spigot is capable of easily holding more than 1000 online players in 20 TPS.
Massive configuration of all the most necessary options for server owners, the best profiled knockback system, smooth potions and HCF pearling system. You can change absolutely all of our options right in the game without restarting the server, including knockback and also change all command messages and even /version.
Our team provides best customer support very quickly.
If you have any questions or need help / license, please refer to our Discord.
We have optimized all gaming aspects affecting server performance.
The list below shows you what we have been working on for years to achieve best impact.
View list
Spawners & Hoppers
Explosions & Droppers
Cannons & Sand
Redstone & Mechanisms
Network & Packets
Entities & Tiles
Chunks & World
Our spigot has plenty useful commands
to provide the best use experience.
View commands
Use this format for command permissions:
/config - Change options or reload spigot configs in-game
/knockback - Edit knockback profiles and set to players
/setslots - Set max slots of server in-game without reload
/killentities - Kill all world entities
/chunkunload - Unload all unused chunks
/graceperiod - Toggle explosion damage (Toggleable)
/plugman - Toggle plugins in-game without reload (Toggleable)
/ping - View your or others ping (Toggleable)
We have implemented unique bug fixes
and patches for all popular exploits.
View patches
Arrow bouncing off randomly
Random double hitting whilst pvp-ing
Blockhit or eatin whilst running
Playing cancelled block place sounds
Fix of Nametags/ESP hack
Fix of Freecam hack
NBT / invalid packet exploits
Log4J vulnerability exploit
and plenty other exploits...
Our spigot has the biggest configuration.
You can change every aspect of the spigot such as:
world generation, knockback, pots, pearls, messages.
View configs
We are highly recommending to watch through all configs
to understand what our spigot contains.