VehiclesPlus (1.12 - 1.19)

GOLD VehiclesPlus (1.12 - 1.19) 2.3.5

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Realistic custom vehicles for in your Minecraft server!



This plugin only supports Java 11 or higher! Please make sure you are running the correct Java version.

Why functionalities does VehiclesPlus have?

  • Drive vehicles in your Minecraft server!
  • The plugin supports: Cars, Planes, Bikes, Hovercrafts, Boats & Helicopters.
  • Add real moving wheels!
  • Make your vehicles upgradable.
  • Sound that horn, or drift with your vehicle.
  • Drive up on slabs or even full blocks.
  • All the vehicles have a realistic momentum, to make them move as realistic as possible.
  • A garage menu to store your vehicles in.
  • A vehicle shop menu to buy your vehicles, with customizations options like color.
  • A fuel system, refuel your vehicles if it's time to, otherwise they will stop moving.

How do I install VehiclesPlus?
  1. Install the plugin into your plugins folder.
  2. Install the plugins ProtocolLib and Vault into your plugins folder.
  3. Install an economy manager plugin like EssentialsX into your plugins folder.
  4. Restart your server.
  5. Done! Have fun with the plugin.
You can set up the most things in the files. For some things, you can also use the commands!

Commands and permissions:

Found out more about the VehiclesPlus plugin in our wiki. Here you can find the commands and permission, but also information about how to set up your vehicles.

Help! I can't see the example vehicles.
You need a resourcepack to see the models provided with this plugin. We have downloads for multiple versions.

Other links:
Server List:
Yourself on this list? Send a message to me! You must already have an IP!

Terms of Service:
  • By purchasing this plugin, you confirm that you have read the entire description of the plugin.
  • You may not modify, resell or redistribute this plugin.
  • You may not decompile or reverse engineer this plugin.
  • You may not request support in the reviews section. Use the Discord server or GitHub issues page for this.
  • By clicking on the download link, you loose your right to withdraw this product according to European Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer Rights.
  • These Terms of Service may change without notice.
First release
Last update
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