Ultra Scoreboards

Free Ultra Scoreboards 1.1.8

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Terms and conditions
This Plugin cannot be refunded.
You're not allowed to redistribute, resell this Plugin on any website, to modify or decompile the plugin.

Spoiler: Plain Text Description
Ultra Scoreboards is the ultimate scoreboard Styling and Management solution to create scoreboards your
unique way.

Updates Wiki Discord

Highlighted Features:
Ease of Use

All aspects of the plugin are configurable with an In-Game GUI and commands

Completely customize each scoreboard with numerous settings

Works with any placeholders

Multiple Scoreboards
Add as many scoreboards as you like

Permission Management
Add Permissions to a single line or entire scoreboards

Switch & Toggle Scoreboard
Switch between all scoreboards you have the specific permission for

BungeeCord & MySQL
Compatible with MySQL & Multple Servers

very frequent updates which can be installed with just a click

Julia Dev
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from Julia Dev

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