SimpleBlockRegen Premium Create automatic regeneration regions

Free SimpleBlockRegen Premium Create automatic regeneration regions 0.4.0

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SimpleBlockRegen is a plugin that allows you to make mining zones so that your players can be rewarded. (You can set any block)

You can create zones with WorldGuard/WorldEdit (SBR can work with FAWE in some cases, although there is no added compatibility), create regions with SimpleBlockRegen without relying on plugins or use SimpleBlockRegen on 1 world only, SBR would manage the world so that only the blocks set in the configuration can be broken.
You can use SBR in several ways.

SBR is fully configurable, you can set any block, the time it takes for the block to regenerate, rewards to be dropped to the inventory directly, natural dropping like in Vanilla, custom drop with the amount you want of the item you want, experience in amount or levels per mined block, tools needed to mine a block (including the hand) plus compatibility with MMOItems or other plugins, possibility to run commands like console, player and OP per mined block.



Java 17
(This is the java I use to develop the plugin, but you can use java 8, 11, 15... on your server)
Version: 1.8 - 1.19

  • Many features, everything can be configured
  • Constant updates & very friendly discord support
  • Great compatibility, also with event priorities.
  • Performance, we use the cache for incredible speed
  • Permissions, every function has its own permission to make it more customised.


Free version

Regeneration Random
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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