PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.19.X] [Full Release - NEW Storms]

NULLED PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.19.X] [Full Release - NEW Storms] 4.2.1

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What features are planned for this plugin?
There are many different features that I have planned for this plugin. Please note, these are only plans and they do not reflect what may be added in the future.
  • Solar flares
  • Custom Mobs
  • Tsunamis
  • Hurricanes
  • Bosses that can be summoned during storms that drop equipment to defend against the storms
  • Tornadoes
  • Hail Storms
  • Meteor Showers
  • Special and unique weapons and armour sets
  • Superstorms (Next Update)
  • Statistics.
Why should I use this plugin over others?
You should use this plugin for many different reasons. The main reason is because I am actively adding all the suggestions that I receive. I have added many new features that have been requested by PyroWeather users. I believe that adding all these suggestions helps to make the plugin more diverse. If you have any suggestions feel free to message me them.
Furthermore, the plugin also features an extensive configuration file which can help to make the plugin unique to any server due to the fact that there is so many customization features and options at your disposal.

Permissions & Command Reference:
You can find the commands and permissions below for the plugin.
  • /pw reload - (pw.admin)
  • /pw start <stormtype> <world> (pw.admin)
  • /pw stop <stormtype> <world> (pw.admin)
  • /pw info
  • /pw optout (pw.optout)
  • /pw stopall [world]
  • Like
Reactions: Bleabik and MashesB
First release
Last update
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