Private Mines Publicmines, Claim fix, And SQL support

Free Private Mines Publicmines, Claim fix, And SQL support 5.3.5

No permission to download

PrivateMines allows your players to make private mines similar to a prison server.

  • Vault
  • FastAsyncWorldEdit (Normal WorldEdit throws a UnsupportedVersionEditException)
  • WorldGuard
  • Java 17
Either one of the following selling plugins:
  • AutoSell by clip
  • UltraPrisonCore by Drawethree


  • Players can open their mine to other players, and set a tax for all AutoSelling done while in the mine
  • Customise the mine structure, the world, spawnpoints, messages, and more!
  • Every mine gets an NPC that users can right click on to sell their items
  • Fully customisable GUIs!
  • Full WorldGuard support - every mine has 2 protected regions automatically generated!
  • Upgradable mines as seen on popular servers!
  • %privatemines_size% - Returns the size of the mine
  • %privatemines_owner% - Returns true or false if the player owns a mine
  • %privatemines_location% - Returns the location of the mine if a player owns a mine
  • %privatemines_spawn% - Returns the spawn location of the mine if a player owns a mine
  • %privatemines_inqueue% - Returns true / false if the player is waiting in the queue to get a mine

  • Base: /privatemines (aliases: privatemine, pm, pmine)
  • /pm - Go to your private mine, or view the menu if you don't have one (no permission)
  • /pm help - View help (no permission)
  • /pm tax - View the current tax percentage of your private mine (privatemines.owner)
  • /pm tax <value> - Set the tax percentage of your private mine - must be between 0 and 100 (privatemines.owner)
  • /pm open - Open your private mine up to other players (privatemines.owner)
  • /pm close - Close your private mine from other players (privatemines.owner)
  • /pm delete - Remove your private mine (privatemines.owner)
  • /pm ban|banish|blacklist <player> - Ban a player from your mine (privatemines.ban)
  • /pm unban|pardon <player> - Unban a player from your mine (privatemines.ban)
  • /pm give <player> - Give a player a private mine (privatemines.give)
  • /pm delete <player> - Remove a player's private mine (privatemines.delete)
  • /pm status <player> - View the status of a player's mine: block type, tax percentage, etc (privatemines.status)
  • /pm teleport|visit <player> - Teleport to a player's mine (privatemines.teleport)
  • /pm upgrade <player> - Upgrades a players Private Mine to the next stage!
Some commands may be missing currently, but we're working on bring them all back as swiftly as possible!

You can change the default schematic by going into the config.yml file and changing the file variable please remember to add ".schem" on the end of the the file name in the config.

Code (YAML):

Test: # The name of the mine type
file: "debugschem.schem"
priority: 1
resetTime: 5
STONE: 0.9
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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