MMOHorses [1.12.2/1.16.5/1.17.1] || HORSE OWNERSHIP AND UPGRADES!

GOLD MMOHorses [1.12.2/1.16.5/1.17.1] || HORSE OWNERSHIP AND UPGRADES! 3.0

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Native Minecraft Version:1.17Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.12
  • 1.16
  • 1.17
Languages Supported:Spanish

Give some life to your horses with an RPG touch!










/Horse give [Custom horse id] <Player> <true/false> (Horse.Admin.Give)
Give a prefedined horse to a player. This predefined horses are configured on the Custom.yml file. The ID is the name used to open the section for this horse on the file. If the name is invalid, the plugin will show you all the current predefined horses. Specifying the player it'll be registered on his owned horses. Setting true or false allows you to define if the horse will be spawned on the player location or not. This last parameter is useful when selling horses with other plugins or selling them on premium stores like Enjin (Actually this doesn't works with offline players).

/Horse heal (Horse.Admin.Heal)
Heals the current riden horse to its maximum health.

/Horse info (Horse.Admin.Info)
Used to show information about the plugin. Useful to make sure you're using the correct version of the plugin.

/Horse listall (Horse.Admin.ListAll)
Used to list all the horses that are registered on MMOHorses. This command, instead of getting the horses listed on the server, gets all the horses listed on the database. With this command, admins can managed all the horses of the players, remove them, telport them, teleport to them, or modify their items and settings.

/Horse list <player> (Horse.Player.List) (Horse.Admin.List)
Used to list all your horses. This command is used to manage your own horses, teleport to them, teleport them to you, or unsummon them. With the admin permission, you can specify the player you want to look.

/Horse release (Horse.Player.Release)
Used to release the current riden horse. Useful for players whne they foind a new horse and they have exceeded the maximum of claims allowed for their rank.

/Horse reload (Horse.Admin.Reload)
Used to reload the memory data of MMOHorses. This will allow you to update the Config.yml settings, the Lang.yml messages and the Custom.yml prefedined horses.

/Horse rename [name] (Horse.Player.Rename)
Used to rename the current riden horse.

/Horse sell [price] (Horse.Player.Sell)
[Dependency: Vault]

Allows you to set a price for the current riden horse. This horses will be shown up on the /Horse buy inventory. To remove the price of a horse, just use the same command setting the price as 0.

/Horse setcolor [color] (Horse.Admin.SetColor)
Allows you to set a color to a riden horse. This only works with normal horses and llamas. If you don't know the name that has to be used for the command, setting a wrong color will show up the allowed colors. Also using the tab completion will show you all the available colors.

/Horse setgender [gender] (Horse.Admin.SetGender)
Allows you to set the gender of the riden horse. This automatically manages if the horse was a gelding or another gender, removing or adding the jump bonus given by the /Horse geld command.

/Horse sethealth [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetHealth)
Sets the max amount of health for the riden horse.

/Horse setjump [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetJump)
Sets the jump amount in blocks of the riden horse.

/Horse setmarking [marking] (Horse.Admin.SetMarking)
Works on the same way as the /Horse setcolor command. Sets the type of marking (Or style called in MineCraft) that a horse will have. This is another private command for horses.

/Horse setowner [username] (Horse.Admin.SetOwner)
This command allows you to change the owner of a horse. It only works using online players and claimed horses.

/Horse setspeed [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetSpeed)
Sets the speed amount in blocks of the riden horse.

/Horse trust [username] (Horse.Player.Trust)
Allows you to trust a player on the current riden horse. Trusting them allows them to use the horse, but it doesn't allow them to edit their items. Works with online players (Using the GUI version allows you to use offline players if the inventory was opened before they left).

/Horse unsummon <confirm> (Horse.Admin.Unsummon)
Unsummons all the horses that are summoned and claimed.

/Horse untrust [username] (Horse.Player.Untrust)
Allows you to untrust a player on the current riden horse. Untrusting them will remove their privileges to ride the horses. Works with online players (Using the GUI version allows you to remove offline players).


MMOHorses contains placeholders that are enabled when PlaceholderAPI is enabled on your server. Here you have a list with all of them:

  • %mmohorses_speed%: Use this placeholder to show a bar with the actual speed percent. This bar will show the percent of the speed that is actually using.
  • %mmohorses_jump%: Use this placeholder to show a bar with the actual jump percent. This bar will show the percent of the jump that is actually using, taking reference of the max walk mode set for jump on the Config.yml file. This is useful if jump is on its highest level on earlier walk modes than speed.
  • %mmohorses_walkmode%: Use this placeholder to show the current walk mode in use.
  • %mmohorses_speedamount%: Use this placeholder to show the speed in blocks that your horse has.
  • %mmohorses_jumpamount%: Use this placeholder to show the jump in blocks that your horse has.
  • %mmohorses_gender%: Use this placeholder to show the gender of your horse.
  • %mmohorses_name%: Use this placeholder to show the name of your horse. This only works for claimed horses, where you had to set a custom name for it.
  • %mmohorses_owner%: Use this placeholder to show the horse's owner name. This only works for claimed horses. If the owner is unknown by the server, it'll be replaced with "???".
  • %mmohorses_price%: Use this placeholder to show the price of the horse. This only works for claimed horses.
  • %mmohorses_claimed%: Use this placeholder to show the amount of horses a player has claimed. This placeholder doesn't require a horse to be riden.
  • %mmohorses_level%: Use this placeholder to show the level of thehorse. This only works on claimed horses.
  • %mmohorses_foodlevel%: Use this placeholder to show a bar with the food level of a horse.
Internal placeholders
MMOHorses contains also placeholders that are used on some texts like the horse information or the action bar. To know in which places you can use them, usually they already contain a placeholder by default, with a same name as one of the next placeholders:

  • Only for claimed horses:
    • %horse_id%: Shows the id of your horse.
    • %horse_jumpupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of jump given by the horse upgrade.
    • %horse_speedupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of speed given by the horse upgrade.
    • %horse_healthupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of health given by the horse upgrade.
    • %horse_armorupgrade_amount%/%horse_armor%: Shows the total armor points given by the armor's horse upgrade.
    • %horse_permanentjumpupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of jump given by the jump's permanent upgrade.
    • %horse_permanentspeedupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of speed given by the speed's permanent upgrade.
    • %horse_permanenthealthupgrade_amount%: Shows the amount of health given by the health's permanent upgrade.
    • %horse_permanentarmorupgrade_amount%: Shows the atotal armor points given by the armor's permanent upgrade.
    • %horse_level%: Shows the actual horse level.
    • %horse_owner%: Shows the name of the horse.
    • %horse_price%: Shows the actual price of the horse (Uses the Not-in-sale text in case)
    • %horse_lifetime_date%: Shows the claim date of a horse with a date format.
    • %horse_lifetime%: Shows the amount of days since it was claimed.
    • %horse_deathtime_date%: Shows the last death date of a horse with a date format.
    • %horse_deathtime%: Shows the amount of days since the last death.
    • %horse_saddle%: Shows if the horse has a valid saddle.
    • %horse_is_dead%: Shows if the horse is actually dead or not.
    • %horse_status%: Shows if the horse is summoned.
  • For unclaimed and claimed horses:
    • %horse_food_bar%: Shows the food bar with its current food level.
    • %horse_speed_bar%: Shows the speed bar with its current walkmode.
    • %horse_speed_actual%: Shows the actual speed of the horse on its current walkmode.
    • %horse_speed_amount%: Shows the total speed of the horse.
    • %horse_jump_actual%: Shows the actual jump of the horse on its current walkmode.
    • %horse_jump_amount%: Shows the total jump of the horse.
    • %horse_health_actual%: Shows the actual health of the horse on its current walkmode.
    • %horse_health_amount%: Shows the total health of the horse.
    • %horse_name%: Shows the name of the horse.
    • %horse_uuid%: Shows the UUID of the horse.
    • %horse_gender%: Shows the gender of the horse.
    • %horse_walkmode%: Shows the actual walkmode name of the horse.
    • %horse_walkmode_percent%: Shows the percent of speed using with the actual walkmode.


Portuguese [2.1a] (English subtitles)

By buying MMOHorses you agree to

  • You are not allowed to distribute this plugin.
  • Use only for your network/server.
  • NO refunds.
  • All support given is on Spigot only. You will not have Discord, Skype or any of those type of contact to ask for support.
    • I'll probably reply in a few minutes, otherwise wait at least 12 hours or check my profile to see any updates.
  • Accept future terms.
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