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Description of Overseer Tools Pack models:​

This is a complete pack of beautiful weapon models for Minecraft. You can take a look at the screenshots to understand the beauty of this pack. Now imagine how your players will contemplate such models.

The Overseer Tools Pack includes:​

  • Sword (9 different textures);
  • Shield (9 different textures);
  • Crossbow (9 different textures);
  • Onion (9 different textures);
  • Picassa (9 different textures);
  • Ax (9 different textures);
  • Hoe (9 different textures);
  • Shovel (9 different textures);
  • Staff (9 different textures).

How to get these items in the game?​

Using the resource pack, enter:
/give <player name> <item id>{CustomModelData:<custom_model_data value>}}.
/give Akaleaf stick{CustomModelData:2607} - Gives the player the Akaleaf Blood Overseer Staff;
/give Akaleaf stick{CustomModelData:2609} - Gives the player an Akaleaf Emerald Overseer Staff;
/give @p crossbow{CustomModelData:2601} - Gives Overseer Netherite Crossbow to nearby player
/give @p crossbow{CustomModelData:2602} - Gives a Diamond Overseer Crossbow to the nearest player.
Also try staff, bow, crossbow, shield, netherite_sword, diamond_axe, iron_axe, gold_shovel, stone_hoof
and 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2607, 2608, 2609 valeus for CustomModelData.

How to install resource pack?​

  1. In the downloaded archive, find the .zip archive that ends with "";
  2. Unzip it to %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks folder;
  3. In the game, go to the Resource Packs options and enable the new resource pack that should appear on the left.

What other files are in the archive?​

The archive has several file extensions:
  1. .png - just an image, most often with a model texture;
  2. .json - a model file that is used by Minecraft to render models for the player;
  3. .bbmodel is a model file that is used by Blockbench (free modeling software) to store model data. Can be used if you want to modify models, export them to other extensions and whatever else you need;
  4. .zip - ZIP archive, most often with a ready-made resource pack.

Screenshots of Overseer Tools Pack models:​

004447ad bb6e 42f4 8816 67ff94f45728
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