Commands with Permissions
- /flipcard forceopen <PlayerName> <UIConfigName> - Start a card flip event for a player.
Permission: flipcard.admin
- /flipcard reload - Reload the plugin.
Some configs need restart your server.
Permission: flipcard.admin
- /flipcard save <FileName> - Save your hold items. Used in Custom Item reward.
Permission: flipcard.admin
- /flipcard givetimes <PlayerName> <UIConfigName> <times>
Permission: flipcard.admin.
- /flipcard addtimes <PlayerName> <UIConfigName> <times>
Permission: flipcard.admin. Taketimes just make times arg to negative number.
- /flipcard gettimes <PlayerName> <UIConfigName>
Permission: flipcard.admin.
- /fcopen <UIConfigName> - Cost one flip UI left time to start a card flip event for player self.
Actions Permissions
Try re-open flip card page - flipcard.reopen.
- You are not allowed to leak/resell/share this plugin to other person.
- You are not allowed to modify this plugin without our permission.
- One purchase for one server.
- No refunds.
- Report bugs in our Discord.