EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS! [1.8-1.19]

EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS! [1.8-1.19] 7.23.1

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✓ Add your own crafts
- Required items with custom names, lore and enchantments!
- ✓ Crafts with custom names / colors / lore / enchantments
- ✓ Crafts with a maximum of 15 required items!
- ✓ Crafts with custom permissions!
- Unbreakable Crafts
- ✓ Hide-flags for crafts
Hide-flags for required items
- ✓ Crafting Places
- ✓ Categorized Crafting Places
- Cooldown for Crafts (Wait time)
- Craft Commands

- ✓ Random Crafts Option
- Execute command when right click on the item
- /ecraft create (With GUI) for creating crafts in a very easy way (Without touching the config)

- ✓ /ecraft edit for editing the required items of a craft
- Extra Requirements: Player levels, JobsReborn levels, Money, BattleLevels, SkillAPI Class, TokenEnchant Tokens, PlaceholderAPI Variables, Crafted items
- ✓ Categories
- Probability of Success System
- NBT Tags Compatibility
- Potions Compatibility
- SpawnerEggs Compatibility (1.8,1.11,1.12,1.13,1.14)
- Colored Leather Armor Compatibility
- Heads with Texture Compatibility
- Banners Compatibility
- Shields Designs Compatibility
- Enchantment Books Compatibility
- Fireworks Compatibility

- Attribute Modifiers Compatibility

- Hide Craftings with Permissions
- Convert all Crafting Tables to open EpicCraftings Menu
- Open EpicCrafting menu with command
- ✓ Avoid crafting using money
- Crafts with random enchantment levels
- Crafts with random lore stats
- One Time craftings
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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  1. 7.23.1

  2. 7.18.3

  3. 7.18.1

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