DungeonsAndMobs | ✦ Best custom Mobs and Items plugin with XP system ✦ |

GOLD DungeonsAndMobs | ✦ Best custom Mobs and Items plugin with XP system ✦ | 1.3.6, Sp. 1.16

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Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
Contributors:UnLoriSelvatico (graphics)



DungeonsAndMobs is the definitive solution to create custom mobs and items. It lets you create custom mobs in a full-customizable GUI (you can change item's material, display name, lore, slot and even function) and custom items from a simple YAML file.

Spoiler: Special Discord free bot for SpigotMC users only!

Be aware that D&M is as user friendly as possible, but it has a lot of features, and an inexperienced user could find it complicated. Contact me for any problem, question or just to set it up.

Graphics by WildLori

Before buying read carefully everything, especially the "Requirements" sections below.

Warning: the latest version currently only works for 1.16.0.
1.14: download
1.15: download

1.16: download the latest version

Legacy versions:
Spoiler: Legacy versions
Spoiler: Legacy versions
Spoiler: Legacy versions
  • Create custom mobs groups with their own spawn-ratio, spawn-time and the maximum amount in an advanced GUI you can completely customize. These mobs will spawn in the given locations in a given range.
  • New: disguise your mobs as players.
    To do so, you have to install ProtocolLib and LibsDisguises (you can find the free version on that page).
    Spoiler: Example
  • Add new not yet added entities to the GUI.
  • Completely customizable GUIs.
  • Different locations for the same mobs.
  • Customize everything about your mob: entity type, equipment, spawn settings (spawn delay, mobs per spawn and maximum amount of mobs), mobs settings (custom damage, custom health, custom name, custom dropped experience), spawn locations.
  • Select your mobs' drops: item and drop percentage. It supports every item data (for example enchantments, colours, custom names, and every other item data).
  • Apply potion effects to the mobs. If you want a not-yet-added effect, you can add your own editing the GUI.
  • Choose your mobs' spawn range from the locations and if you want to delete default drops
  • Choose your mobs' commands on death and on death per player.
  • Advanced permissions system which lets you edit every single permission.
  • Completely customizable, you can edit every single message and GUI completely.
Custom items:
  • Create all the custom weapons you want with an XP system (level up) in a simple YAML file.
  • Item data is stored in the items itself, so you can transfer items between servers as far as the plugin is installed in them and has the same config.
  • Change their display name and lore with placeholders, including actual experience, needed experience to level up, damage (because you can make the items' damage change with each level), and level.
  • Advanced XP system: by killing mobs, your players' custom items will gain experience, and by doing so they will level up. You can choose the maximum level. They can also level up their personal profile (player level).
  • Advanced formula systems: you put a formula and the plugin will establish how much experience the items will need to level up at a certain level and how much damage they will deal at a certain level. Example:
    Spoiler: Formulas
    Spoiler: Formulas
  • Select the dropped experience for each custom mobs. You can also choose the exp gained for each standard mob killed and each player.
  • Choose enchantments for your weapons that change with each level: for example, you can create a sword that from level 1 will have fire aspect 1, from level 5 fire aspect 2 and from level 10 fire aspect 3 and sharpness 2. It's your choice!
  • Choose potion effects for your weapons that change with each level: for example, you can create a sword that gives the player speed 1 from level 1, speed 2 from level 3, speed 2 and regeneration 1 from level 5. It's your choice. Example:
    Spoiler: Example sword


Spoiler: Custom Mobs
Spoiler: Custom Items

See the Wiki.


See the Wiki.

Already done:
Custom mobs system DONE

Custom GUI system DONE

Custom weapons system DONE

Mob disguises into players DONE

Items using NBT Tags DONE

Things I plan to do for the future (they are just planned, so they might not get released, but this is what I want to work on on the future):
Custom armour system
Mob disguises into other mobs (not-aggressive ones as well)
Custom crafting system
Dungeon system with schematics
REQUIREMENTS (read before buying)
Using standard Spigot (PaperSpigot is not tested).

To make your mobs disguise into players, you have to install ProtocolLib and LibsDisguises (you can find the free version on that page). By not installing them, the plugin will work anyway, but you won't have that feature.
Terms of Service:
By buying the plugin, you accept the following terms:
- You can only use for your server/network and no others.
- You cannot redistribute this plugin (this means you cannot give it for free or sell to other people).
- You cannot decompile this plugin, as it is under Copyright license.
- You cannot publish the plugin to anyone.
- You will not get refunds of any type.
- The price can change anytime, it can decrease or increase but you will NOT get a refund about the difference between the two prices
- I am under no obligation to provide support and I will do so at my own discretion.

TESTED VERSIONS: JAVA 8, SPIGOT: See resource info
PaperSpigot compatibility is not granted.

Other versions are not tested, therefore plugin's functionality is only granted in the versions listed before.
Last versions are only compatible with latest Spigot versions.

Be aware that D&M is as user friendly as possible, but it has a lot of features, and an inexperienced user may find it very difficult. Contact me for any problem, question or just to set it up.

PM me here
Discord server (sometimes I make giveaways)
Telegram username: @Nexgan

All Rights Reserved © Nexgan
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