Spoiler: Performance notes
This plugin works on top of vanilla villagers, i.e. they have the usual behaviors, with the ones added by this plugin. As we all know, villagers in Minecraft are the reason for performance loss in most survival focused servers. While this plugin makes villagers more useful, the performance impact can be relatively high depending on the amount of villagers loaded and your system specs; please don't expect your server to run at 20TPS if there are more than 250 active villagers on the server; it's recommended to have a limit of villagers for a better experience and to avoid any kind of performance loss.
With every update of the plugin, we will do our best to improve the plugin performance.
Villager brains, job seeking behaviors and path computation (where the villager is going) are usually quite slow; where there's not much I can do to fix it without breaking vanilla mechanics.
Before reporting a performance issue, please use spark to create a profiler to easily get to the root of the problem and send it to me.
While the Village & Pillage update brought some innovations to the villagers, over time it tends to become boring. Inspired by the great mod, MCA.
Villagers are disguised as players, but they still have the same mechanics as before (with new ones implemented by this plugin). For the server, they are normal villagers.
Take a look at the images below.
By interacting with the villagers your reputation will increase. When you reach X reputation, you can give them a wedding ring to get married. Once married, you can procreate, establish the home where the villager will live and even manage their combat targets. Giving gifts is the best way to raise reputation. If you want to divorce a villager, you can do so within the main GUI, but this will reduce a large amount of reputation. To avoid this, you can ask the cleric villager for divorce papers. You can give as a gift a weapon (sword/axe/bow/crossbow) and they'll use it to defend themselves when necessary; the same with armor. This makes raids more entertaining.
It's possible to disable all interactions, if all you want are the mechanics.
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- This plugin only works on the latest patch version of each version, i.e. 1.18.2 & 1.19.3.
- For 1.19.2, use version from 1.0 to 2.0.
- Only Spigot and Paperare supported.
- While this plugin may work in other forks, no attempt will be made to fix bugs if they can't be replicated in Spigot or Paper.
- This plugin may have conflicts with other plugins that also use villagers (either custom entities or stores). If there's a plugin that conflicts with this one, just tell me the name and support will be added.
Supported plugins:
Spoiler: Performance notes
This plugin works on top of vanilla villagers, i.e. they have the usual behaviors, with the ones added by this plugin. As we all know, villagers in Minecraft are the reason for performance loss in most survival focused servers. While this plugin makes villagers more useful, the performance impact can be relatively high depending on the amount of villagers loaded and your system specs; please don't expect your server to run at 20TPS if there are more than 250 active villagers on the server; it's recommended to have a limit of villagers for a better experience and to avoid any kind of performance loss.
With every update of the plugin, we will do our best to improve the plugin performance.
Villager brains, job seeking behaviors and path computation (where the villager is going) are usually quite slow; where there's not much I can do to fix it without breaking vanilla mechanics.
Before reporting a performance issue, please use spark to create a profiler to easily get to the root of the problem and send it to me.
While the Village & Pillage update brought some innovations to the villagers, over time it tends to become boring. Inspired by the great mod, MCA.
Villagers are disguised as players, but they still have the same mechanics as before (with new ones implemented by this plugin). For the server, they are normal villagers.
Take a look at the images below.
By interacting with the villagers your reputation will increase. When you reach X reputation, you can give them a wedding ring to get married. Once married, you can procreate, establish the home where the villager will live and even manage their combat targets. Giving gifts is the best way to raise reputation. If you want to divorce a villager, you can do so within the main GUI, but this will reduce a large amount of reputation. To avoid this, you can ask the cleric villager for divorce papers. You can give as a gift a weapon (sword/axe/bow/crossbow) and they'll use it to defend themselves when necessary; the same with armor. This makes raids more entertaining.
It's possible to disable all interactions, if all you want are the mechanics.
- Open source.
- Fully customizable.
- HEX colors support (&#RRGGBB).
- 2595 skins generated (90 for male, 83 for female, including different professions).
- Interact with villagers (chat/greet/story/joke/insult/flirt/be proud of).
- Giving a piece of armor or weapon to a villager will equip it (if it's better than the current one, it'll be replaced).
- Ask villagers to follow you or stay in their current position.
- Marry villagers when you reach X amount of reputation.
- Manage the attack targets of the villagers.
- Divorce:
- After getting divorced, the villager will throw away the wedding ring.
- Divorce papers will reduce less amount of reputation with the villager (you can get them from the cleric villager).
- Villagers with weapons defend family members and the hero of the village.
- Villagers fix nearby cracked iron golems with iron ingots.
- When healing zombie villagers, the previous information will be restored.
- Customizable inventory size (maximum 4 rows / 36 slots).
- Gifts:
- Define customizable categories of gifts and the amount of reputation it'll give to the player.
- Profession condition for gifts.
- Choose weapon, armor and amount of arrows the villager will have when spawning.
- Modify attributes of villagers such as maximum health, attack damage, bow power, etc.
- Choose the bed in which the villager will sleep.
- Villagers will use the shield randomly if they have it equipped and are under attack.
- Option to drop the entire inventory upon death.
- View villager information such as reputation, type, profession, etc.
- Hunger system; villager eats to regain health (includes cakes).
- Villager fisherman can fish.
- Define worlds to disable the plugin behavior.
- Define wanted items by villagers.
- Tame and feed wolfs, cats and parrots.
- Inspect and modify villager inventory.
- Villagers will drink a milk bucket if they have any harmful effects.
- Villagers loot chests.
- Use the whistle to summon family members.
- Welcome messages when meeting a villager.
- Custom spawn loots.
- Throw tridents with riptide or loyalty.
- Villager adopts pets of other dead villagers.
- Drink beneficial potions before a raid wave.
- And much, much more! read below.
Spoiler: More features!
![[IMG] [IMG]](
Spoiler: More images!
![[IMG] [IMG]](
![[IMG] [IMG]](
![[IMG] [IMG]](
![[IMG] [IMG]](
- /realisticvillagers
- permission:
- description: shows available commands.
- /realisticvillagers reload
- permission: realisticvillagers.reload
- description: reload configuration files.
- /realisticvillagers get_ring
- permission: realisticvillagers.ring
- description: get a wedding ring.
- /realisticvillagers get_whistle
- permission: realisticvillagers.ring
- /realisticvillagers get_divorce_papers
- permission: realisticvillagers.divorce_papers
- description: get divorce papers.
- ProtocolLib (dev build for 1.19)
- Some options will take effect after the entities are unloaded and loaded back to the world.
- It's highly recommended to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
- Don't use /reload, this can have consequences with villagers. As mentioned above, just restart the server; it'll only take a few seconds.
- If you want to create your own skins, you can do it using, however, this could take quite some time, that's why this plugin comes with a considerable amount of skins already generated.
- This plugin completely replaces all villagers.