Description of the ServerNPC plugin:
Lightweight premium plugin for your server with which you can add actions to the NPC (send a private message to the player, execute a command, move to another server)Features of the ServerNPC plugin:
- An NPC without a name tag .
- Editable inventory
- Labymod support
- Several commands and actions are integrated .
- Connection to the server is integrated.
- Spigot and PaperSpigot support .
- skins are allowed .
- Send messages to the player when clicked.
- Holographic display support .
- NPCs execute console commands.
- Support for PlaceholderAPI skin names .
- NPC with own skin .
- Glowing NPCs.
- CMI support .
- TrHologram support .
- Support for holograms from SainttX .
- You can run BungeeCord commands with these NPCs.
ServerNPC plugin commands:
/npc or /snpc - Main plugin command/npc action - NPC action controls
ServerNPC plugin permissions:
npc.admin - To use / snpc commandsnpc.notify - Receive plugin news notifications
Setting up actions
The first thing you need to know is that there are multiple actions. Such as.- Send player to server
- Run command
- Send a private message to a player
Add new actions
For example, add the command "/say hello" to the npc./npc action {npc id} add {execute on console} {permission} {action}
On {action} you can put these options.
- cmd : /say hello
- server :Survival
- msg : &aHello %player%
/npc action npc1 add false none cmd:/say Hello!
How to install the ServerNPC plugin?
Required plugins for normal operation: PlaceholderAPI, HolographicDisplay, HolographicExtension, ProtocolLib- Download the plugin.
- Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
- Restart the server.
- Ready.