Download Plugin PvPManager [Premium]

Free Download Plugin PvPManager [Premium] 3.28.2

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PvPManager is designed as an all-in-one PvP plugin. This means that instead of using multiple plugins that set up PvP mode on your server, you would only use one.

one of its main functions is to stop the combat log, and it has been designed to be as efficient as possible, ideal for large servers . All features can be enabled/disabled at your discretion and the entire plugin can be disabled in certain worlds.

It's also not bloated, no need for a ton of add-ons/extensions, each with its own configuration or overly complicated menus.
Everything is ready out of the boxin one bank, can be configured in one configuration with very detailed descriptions and fully supports reloading.

Commands :
/pvp [on/off] - on/off
/pvp [player] [on/off] -
Enable PvP for another player / pvpgrant
<player> <minutes> - Grant PvP protection for x minutes
/pvpungrant <player> - Remove granted protection
/pvplist - Shows all players and their PvP status
/pvpinfo [player] - Shows information about you or another player
/pvpstatus [player] - Check your or another player's PvP status
/pvpo - Enables override and allows player to attack everywhere
/pvpm-Shows PvPManager help page
/pvpm reload - Reloads PvPManager
/pvpm cleanup <days> - Cleans up inactive users from database
/newbie [disable] - Check newbie's time left or disable protection
/pvptag [player] - Shows time left until untag or player tag
/untag [player] - Untag a player
/announce - Send a message to anyone with color code support!
/soup - Fill up all your empty bowls
/pvpglobal <on|off> - Toggle PvP for the entire

By default, players won't have access to any command like /pvp, so there's no need to set up permissions unless you want to allow them to use commands or exempt them from certain features.

There are some special permissions like anti-tagging and not being able to turn off your fly, game mode, etc.
You can view all permissions here: *poke*
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. 3.28.2

  2. 3.27.1

  3. 3.18.8

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