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Sync Between Servers is the latest stable release supporting all versions from 1.8.* to 1.18.* with easy migration from MPDB or Minecraft server data folder!

This plugin is suitable for every server. At certain intervals or at certain events, the player's inventory is stored in the database, so you can see what the player had and possibly return some items to him. You can also search for some items in the online/offline player inventories. For Bungeecord servers, inventory and player data synchronization between servers is also supported, see this page for more information.

Description of InventorySaver plugin:​

The plugin has been designed to store large amounts of data. Because a lot of data means a big database and CPU-intensive tasks, the plugin works completely asynchronously. This means your server will run perfectly with no lag from this plugin!

Synchronization between servers in the InventorySaver plugin:​

Function to synchronize data between multiple servers, also with the ability to import existing data from a Minecraft server or MySQLPlayerDataBridge with a single command .

  • Inventory with armor and offhand
  • Enderchests
  • Potion Effects
  • Experience points and levels
  • Health with Max Health
  • Hunger with satiety
  • Game mode
  • Compass location
  • Spawn location
  • Sneaking and flying
  • Walking and flying speed
  • Storage synchronization (does not work with offline transactions)
You can also enable/disable everything in the config file. Synchronization between servers can only be connected to a MySQL database. The sync process is fast and secure thanks to the sync lock technique that InventorySaver uses.

View and edit the inventory of offline players:​

Is the player online? Open and edit a player's inventory, or simply see what players are doing with their inventory. Player not online? It doesn't matter, open the player's offline inventory. Ender chests are also supported!

Inventory search in the InventorySaver plugin:​

Do you need to return some items from the players, but you do not know which players have the item you need? This feature is for you! You can search for shared content or custom items online and now connected players or offline players, enderchecks are also supported.

History of lost items in inventory:​

Want to recover some of the player's inventory in the past? It's simple! Open the player's inventory and enderchest history,

Fully customizable GUI:​

Do you want to change some texts, text colors or add completely new items? You can customize every menu! Custom Items, Story, Name, Item, etc!

Fully customizable messages and help:​

Don't like the style of standard messages or command help? Edit it!

Help on commands for each player:​

The plugin knows what permissions you have and displays personalized help for commands based on permissions. Players don't need to be shown admin commands, right?

Automatic deletion of old inventory:​

Do you want to delete old inventories after some time? With this plugin, you can automatically delete old saved inventories. Customize it in the config file with a few options!

More than just saving inventory:​

The plugin logs additional information about the player and saved inventory/chest, such as world position, health, food, game mode, cause of death, and so on.

InventorySaver plugin commands:​

/invsave - Display help for commands.
/invsave history player enderchest - Display the player's saved inventory/chest in the menu.
/invsave save [Player nickname] enderchest - Manually saving the player's inventory/chest.
/invsave clear [Player nickname] enderchest - Clear the player's inventory/chest, even if they are offline.
/invsave view [Player nickname] enderchest - Open the player's inventory/chest offline.
/ invsee edit [Player nickname] - Open and edit the player's inventory.
/invsave load [Player nickname] inventoryID enderchest - load the player's inventory.
/invsave delete [inventoryID] enderchest - Delete inventory or enderchest by id.
/invsave search offline/online item/material material enderchest - Searches for the selected item in the player's inventory or enderchest.
/invsave reload - reload plugin configurations.
/invsave tasks - Manage plugin tasks.
/invsave tasks stop - Stop all asynchronous plugin tasks.
/invsave tasks list - Displays all pending, running and active asynchronous tasks of the plugin.
/invsave sync - Manage inventory sync option.
/invsave sync import - Import all player data from the server into this plugin to enable the sync feature.
/invsave sync migrate - Migrate customized data from MysqlPlayerDataBridge to this plugin to enable sync feature.
/invsave sync unlock - Unlock player synchronization.
/invsave sync unlock player [Player nickname] - Remove player sync lock.
/invsave sync unlock all - Remove player sync lock for all players.
/invsave sync save kickallinsync - Save all players and sync the kick from the server. This command is only meant to be run before stopping/restarting servers.

Be careful, removing sync locks can lead to out of sync and data loss between transfers from one server to another. This command is intended to be used only in case of emergency (for example, if the server crashes).

InventorySaver plugin permissions:​

invsave.* - Gives access to all InventorySaver commands and events
invsave.commands.* - Gives access to all commands* - Gives access to all menu events/interactions
invsave.command.invsave - Permission to use the /invsee command. - Permission to display /invsee help.
invsave.command.invsave.history - Permission to use the /invsave history command.
invsave.command.invsave.history.enderchest - Permission to use the /invsave history enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.view - Permission to use the /invsave view command.
invsave.command.invsave.view.enderchest - Permission to use the /invsave view enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.edit - Permission to use the /invsave edit command. - Permission to use the /invsave save command. - Permission to use the /invsave save enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.clear - Permission to use the /invsave clear command.
invsave.command.invsave.clear.enderchest - Permission to use the /invsave clear enderchest command.
invsave.command.invsave.load - Permission to use the /invsave load command.
invsave.command.invsave.load.enderchest - Permission to use the /invsave load command with the enderchest option.
invsave.command.invsave.delete - Permission to use the /invsave delete command.
invsave.command.invsave.delete.enderchest - Permission to use the /invsave delete command with the enderchest option. - Permission to use the /invsave search command.
invsave.command.invsave.reload - Permission to use the /invsave reload command.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks - Permission to use the /invsave tasks command. - Permission to display help for the /invsave tasks command.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks.stop - Permission to use the /invsave tasks stop command.
invsave.command.invsave.tasks.list - Permission to use the /invsave tasks list command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync - Permission to use the /invsave sync command. - Permission to display help for the /invsave sync command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.import - Permission to use the /invsave sync import command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.migrate - Permission to use the /invsave sync migrate command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.unlock - Permission to use the /invsave sync unlock list command. - Permission to use help on the /invsave sync unlock command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.unlock.player - Permission to use the /invsave sync unlock player command.
invsave.command.invsave.sync.unlock.all - Permission to use the /invsave sync unlock all command. - Permission to use the /invsave sync save command. - Permission to display help for the /invsave sync save command. - Permission to use the /invsave sync save kickallinsync command.
invsave.inventory.admin.load-inventory-to-admin - Possibility to upload inventory from history parts to you.
invsave.inventory.admin.load-inventory-to-player - Ability to load inventory from detailed history to player.
invsave.inventory.admin.set-up-xp-to-player - Ability to load XP level and XP points from detailed history to player.
invsave.inventory.enderchest.admin.load-inventory-to-admin - Ability to load enderchest from detailed history to you.
invsave.inventory.enderchest.admin.load-inventory-to-player - Ability to load enderchest from detailed history to player.

How to install InventorySaver plugin?​

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Ready.
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  1. 3.6.4-VERSION-1.19

    * Fixed /invsave view and /invsave clear commands on Minecraft 1.18 due to update to 1.19...
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