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HeadDataBase is a plugin that adds decorative heads to the Minecraft server. Head DataBase is a very useful plugin suitable for any server. The plugin is very easy to set up, so it will not be difficult to deal with it. The plugin adds decorative heads to your server. Starting from mobs and ending with various items.

Head DataBase plugin commands:​

/hdb - Menu.
/hdb info - Information.
/hdb reload - Plugin restart.
/hdb search - Search for the head.
/hdb random - Give a random player head.
/hdb give - Give yourself a head

Head DataBase plugin permissions:​

- - Permission to buy heads.
- [Category] - Permission to buy only a certain category.
- headdb.category [Category] - Permission for all categories.
- - Get all heads for free.
- headdb.admin.showid - Admin can view heads ids.
- headdb.admin.disabled - View disabled categories.
- - Permission to open head menu

Head DataBase Categories:​

alphabet - Alphabet
animals - Animal
blocks - Blocks
decoration - Decorations
food_drinks - Food, drinks
humans - People
humanoid - Creatures
miscellaneous - Miscellaneous
monsters - Monsters
plants - Plants
online_players - Online players
custom - Orders
custom2 - Orders 2
custom3 - Orders 3
custom4 - Orders 4
custom5 - Orders 5

Configuration files of the Head DataBase plugin:​

#You can change your language here.
#Supported languages can be found in the texts folder.
locale: "en_US"

# put a cooldown on getting heads
cooldown-heads: false
cooldown-time: 3

# automatically remove invalid custom heads (HD heads) from inventories
# recommended for creative servers!

remove-invalid-heads: false

# toggle for keeping the category on heads.
keep-category: false

# toggle for showing heads in search which you do not have permission to buy
show-no-permission-search: false

#Disable some heads here
#They only will be removed on a database update or a server restart/reload
# - "Chorus Plant"
# - "ID:7302"
# - "TAG:Animals"

#Disable categories here
#They only will be removed on a database update or a server restart/reload
- ""
- "online_players"
- "custom2"
- "custom3"
- "custom4"
- "custom5"
# - "custom"

# change the names of the heads here
# ID: "name here"
12105: "Iron Armour Herobrine"
# 3229: "&oBarrier Block"

# Toggle for showing the info and suggestions buttons in the main inventory
info-enabled: true
suggest-enabled: true
search-enabled: true
command-enabled: false
featured-tags-enabled: true
main-menu-category-slots: "10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,33,34"
main-menu-info-slot: 41
main-menu-suggest-slot: 42
main-menu-search-slot: 43
main-menu-command-slot: 49

# Custom command to executed when clicking the command item (can be used as a back button to another menu)
custom-command: "menu"

# Featured tags
main-menu-featured-tags-slots: "37,38,39,40,41,42,43"
# [title]:[id,id...]:[search]:[startMonth-startDay]:[endMonth-endDay]
# title can contain a lang formatted message.
- "event.halloween:13779,12750,13584,12581:Halloween:10-20:11-7"
- ",3158,2910:Christmas:11-24:12-31"
- "event.newYear:4446,4447,4448:Firework:1-1:1-7"
- "event.valentines:14696,14691,14672,14687,14673:Valentine:2-1:2-21"
- "event.4thOfJuly:890:Firework:7-3:7-5"
- "event.easter:726:Easter:3-31:4-30"

# seasons
- "event.winter:3295,1697:Winter:10-25:12-31"
- "event.winter:3295,1697:Winter:1-1:3-31"

- "event.summer:573:summer:6-15:9-30"

# fun special days
- "event.MayThe4th:14018,11622,8108,14028:Star wars:5-1:5-8"
- "event.piDay:13603,45,57,46:pie:3-13:3-15"
- "event.pokemon:13797,8642,1644,2457:pokemon:2-26:2-28"
- "event.StPatricksDay:14225,3034:St Patrick's Day:3-16:3-18"
- "event.dayOfTheDead:23693,23724,23725:Day of the Dead:11-1:11-3"
- "event.pirate:4053,11331,2711:pirate:9-18:9-20"
- "event.taco:28,20769:Taco:10-3:10-5"
- "event.mario:7287,23510,20124:Mario:3-9:3-11"

# all year round
- "messages.recentHeads:11504:recent:1-1:12-31"

# Toggle for using a arrow (only back and next) instead of the paper web based one
# Also moves the back to main menu to the middle and removes the compass
arrow-menu-nav-enabled: false
arrow-menu-search-enabled: true
arrow-menu-current-page-enabled: true
#slots (only works with arrow menu navigation)
back-to-menu-slot: 45
arrow-back-slot: 47
current-page-slot: 49
arrow-next-slot: 51
arrow-search-slot: 53
#switch search and back to main menu places
# false: left = back & right = search
#(only works with page menu navigation)
page-menu-switch-slots: false

#items (also work on the other paper navigation system)
#all the items have to be different from eachother
#use the 1.12 and below Material syntax (1.13 materials are not yet supported)
arrow-item: "arrow"
paper-page-item: "paper"
current-page-item: "empty_map"
back-to-menu-item: "book"
info-item: "sign"
suggest-item: "writeable_book"
search-item: "compass"
command-item: "barrier"
background-item: "stained_glass_pane:8"
background-border-item: "stained_glass_pane:7"
loading-head-item: "skull_item:3"

# Toggle for chat search, if false it will ask you to do the command instead.
use-chat-search: false

# Close inventory when you don't have enough money to buy a head
close-inventory-on-failed-purchase: false

# Close inventory when you buy a head
close-inventory-on-successful-purchase: false

# Toggle for returning lore and name to the item when picked up
return-name-on-pickup: true

# Experimental async head loading
# Can be disabled in 1.13 as heads no longer lag out clients
experimental-loading: true
loadHeadAmount: 9
loadTimeDelay: 10.0

#Enable Economy here
#If the price is 0 it won't show up!
Economy-Enabled: false
Economy-Currency: "$"
#Type can be "item", "currency" or "playerpoints"
Economy-Type: currency
Economy-Item: gold_ingot
#if ItemName equals "" then it ignores the name of the item
Economy-ItemName: ""
#if ItemLore equals "" then it ignores the lore
#else ItemLore only checks the first line of the lore
Economy-ItemLore: ""

alphabet-price: 100
animals-price: 100
blocks-price: 200
decoration-price: 100
food_drinks-price: 100
humans-price: 100
humanoid-price: 100
miscellaneous-price: 100
monsters-price: 100
plants-price: 100
custom-price: 1000
custom2-price: 1000
custom3-price: 1000
custom4-price: 1000
custom5-price: 1000
online_players-price: 100
phead-price: 100

# you can set the category ID's here

alphabet-id: 164
animals-id: 335
blocks-id: 106
decoration-id: 4151
food_drinks-id: 22
humans-id: 3996
humanoid-id: 1530
miscellaneous-id: 537
monsters-id: 4187
plants-id: 11461
custom-id: 242
custom2-id: 242
custom3-id: 242
custom4-id: 242
custom5-id: 242
online_players-id: 2669

# Send custom heads to public database
# Heads added to your own custom categories might get added to the database.
send-heads-to-database: true
author-name: "HDB-default"

# format= name: "base64"
# do not use any ,'s in your name !
# you can use uuid:[player-uuid] to use normal players their skins
# tutorial:

# NOTE: If you see duplicated textures restart your client to refresh your cache
Head Database: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="
Made by: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3Njg5ZjgzMzQzNmFhNzExYWJiZDQ1MTY4ODU2Nzc1YTJiMTE0NjU2Y2RmNGRjNWE2YzZmMWFmYWU1MjAifX19"
Arcaniax: "uuid:4d3c1f2f71264d9b93ec01208a57188c"
-: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWQ3YWJjNDM2ODI5MzA3MGRjYjE2ZTRmN2ZlMGMyMWM3MzE3MTIxOTllYjI3MmYyZmRiN2E2ZmU2OTZjYmYzIn19fQ=="
Hosted by: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDVjNmRjMmJiZjUxYzM2Y2ZjNzcxNDU4NWE2YTU2ODNlZjJiMTRkNDdkOGZmNzE0NjU0YTg5M2Y1ZGE2MjIifX19"
LordRazen: "uuid:8d0a41175a764b72a7dc67b555119fef"
§eplayer§6's head;100: "personal_head"
Steve's skull;100: "vanilla:steve"
Skeleton skull;200: "vanilla:skeleton"
Wither skeleton skull;3000: "vanilla:wither_skeleton"
Zombie head;200: "vanilla:zombie"
Creeper head;200: "vanilla:creeper"
Dragon head;10000: "vanilla:ender_dragon"
head from ID: "id:20360"
extra category 4: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="
extra category 5: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="

File en_US.lang

# en_US.lang

! &bUsing default &3"en_US.lang" &bcreated by &6Arcaniax

# Change the messages here, you can use & to use colors.
# buyMessage must contain %Item% and %price%
# database can contain %count%

messages.prefix: &6HeadDB> &r
messages.database: &4Head DB&8 %count% heads &4Head Search&8 %count% heads Page
messages.price: &aPrice: &2
messages.heads: heads
messages.head: head
messages.other: other
messages.loading: &c..Loading..
messages.recentHeads: &aRecently added
messages.noPermissionToBuyLore: &cNo Permission
messages.searchCommand: &7/hdb search [input]
messages.pheadCommand: /phead [name]
messages.loreColor: &8
messages.headItemColor: &9
messages.categoryColor: &c&l
messages.categoryLoreColor: &e

messages.suggest: &bYou can suggest heads here:
messages.submit: &bYou can submit heads here:
messages.noPermission: &cYou are not allowed to do that!
messages.notEnoughMoney: &cYou don't have enough money to do this!
messages.notEnoughSpace: &cYou don't have enough space in your inventory!
messages.buyMessage: &aYou bought %item% &afor &2%price%
messages.backToMenu: &cBack to menu
messages.clickToSearch: &a&n&lClick here&b to search for heads
messages.noHeadsFound: &eNo heads found, try again!
messages.moreSpecific: &ePlease be more specific!
messages.headsFound: &eHeads found!
messages.searchForHeads: &cSearch for heads
messages.pluginInfo: &cPlugin info
messages.pluginSuggest: &cYou can suggest heads here
messages.pluginSuggestLore: &7Please check the database first!
messages.chatSearch: &bType in your search input
messages.databaseStillLoading: &cDatabase is still loading, try again in a second!
messages.customCommandItemName: &cBack to main menu
messages.patience: &cPlease wait a moment before getting another head!


category.alphabet: Alphabet
category.animals: Animals
category.blocks: Blocks
category.decoration: Decoration
category.food_drinks: Food and Drinks
category.humans: Humans
category.humanoid: Humanoid
category.miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
category.monsters: Monsters
category.plants: Plants
category.custom: Custom Server Heads
category.custom2: Custom Server Heads 2
category.custom3: Custom Server Heads 3
category.custom4: Custom Server Heads 4
category.custom5: Custom Server Heads 5
category.online_players: Online Players
category.disabled: Disabled


event.halloween: &eHalloween &bChristmas
event.newYear: &6Happy new year
event.valentines: &cValentine's Day
event.4thOfJuly: &cHappy 4th of July
event.easter: &fEaster
event.winter: &fWinter
event.summer: &6Summer
event.MayThe4th: &3May the 4th be with you
event.piDay: &3Pi day
event.pokemon: &6Pokémon Day
event.pirate: &cTalk Like a Pirate Day
event.taco: &6Taco Day
event.mario: &cMario Day

How to install the plugin?​

1. Download the plugin. 2. Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins
folder of your server. 3. Restart the server. 4. Done.
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