EliteArmor plugin description:
EliteArmor is a plugin for Minecraft that will add the possibility of your own armor and crafting recipes to this armor. This plugin is highly customizable, meaning you can change almost everything in the plugin to suit your server. You can also create your own armor sets without limits! This includes the ability to create as many sets as you want without delay.
You can also create armor with effects, and create crafting recipes for this armor. Another small innovation in the plugin. In EliteArmor, you can even craft rainbow armor.
NEW for v6
Separate files for each set of armor
A wide range of recoded effects (many optimizations) + New effects and the way they work
Optimized command system
Ability to not require a full set to activate effects
Stacked effects values
EliteArmor plugin screenshots:
132 Premade Modifiers

EliteArmor plugin installation:
- Download the EliteArmor plugin for your version
- Move the downloaded .jar file to the /plugins/ folder of your server.
- Reload the server.
- Ready!