Description of the BOOMBOX plugin:
This plugin allows you to add any music in .nbs format to the game, set a purchase price for it, and listen to it in radio mode, in unified format and in playlist mode. You can also use headphones, volume and take a boombox with you on your trip!Required for the BOOMBOX plugin:
➜ Download NoteBlockStudio to convert MIDI files to NBS ->➜ Download Vault ->
➜ Download any economical plugin like essentialsX - >
➜ All MIDI songs here ->
➜ Some NBS songs here -> /tree/master/NBS files.
Sounds will be produced by note blocks. Therefore, I advise you to choose the works of the classics.
Features of the BOOMBOX plugin:
To start listening to the radio, click on it. You will be connected to listen to the current song. Radio works synchronously for everyone. All music tracks are played on the radio, even those that were not purchased from you. Between songs, voices will sound (as on the radio itself in life), after which the next music will play. You can turn off the radio only by pressing it again.CATALOG
Here are all the music tracks that are on the server and that you can buy, and after the purchase you can listen to the left mouse click, and on the right - add to the playlist or delete. Holds 10 pages of tracks. Roughly speaking, 280 compositions.PLAYLIST
Here are all the music tracks you have added. After the end of the track you have chosen, the next one will start playing and so on ad infinitum. Holds 10 pages of tracks. Roughly speaking, 280 compositions.PLAY / PAUSE / NEXT / PREVIOUS
You can stop a track if it's playing from a directory or playlist, then hit the play button again and the track will resume where it left off.Where and what track is playing can be seen by simply hovering over the section.
If the music was launched from a playlist, then you can switch it to the next or previous one.
You can change the volume to hear the song from far away, or turn it off by setting the volume to 0.HEADPHONES
You can listen to music alone! Just press the headphone button in the menu and all the music is yours!POCKET BOOMBOX
Press Shift + Right Click to take the boombox with you. He will fly after you. If you turn on the music and take it in hand, it will play the music evenly and play the animation. To put it in place, press the same combination on any free blockDISCO-POOL
Animation of the floor when there is a tape recorder on it and music is playing. Blocks 5 by 5 of colored concrete and glass. Also a color track when the player is running with a pocket tape recorder.BOOMBOX plugin commands:
To load music, drop the .nbs file into the Music folder and then type boombox load!/boombox create - Gives the player a boombox.
/boombox load filename.nbs Custom price name... - Load music into plugin
For example: /boombox load ussr.nbs &6&lAnthem of the ussr 100
/boombox remove filename.nbs - Remove song from data.
/boombox help - Plugin support.
Permissions for the BOOMBOX plugin:
boombox.all - Allows the player to use all commandsboombox.use - Allows the player to open, place, break the boombox
boombox.create - Allows the player to create a boombox
boombox.load - Allows the player to load a song
boombox.leave - If the player exits the game, the music continues to play
boombox.pocket - Allows players to take a tape recorder with them and listen to music on the go
Standard BOOMBOX plugin configuration:
# ██████╗░░█████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░░███╗██████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░██╗# ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░████║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝
# ██████╦╝██║░░██║██║░░██║██╔████╔██║██████╦╝██║░░██║░╚███╔╝░
# ██╔══██╗██║░░██║██║░░██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██╗██║░░██║░██╔██╗░
# ██████╦╝╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚═╝░██║██████╦╝╚█████╔╝██╔╝╚██╗
# ╚═════╝░░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝
# Hello. This is a configuration file. Here you can change values!
# Creator - MyShimado -
# If you have any problems - write about it in the discord (
# Don't change it
Version: 1.2
# Messages languages: en, ru
Language: 'en'
# Send message, when OP joined the server
Send message to op (discord support): true
# Params to /boombox load command
Max File Name Size: 20
Max Track Name Size: 40
# Allow players to take the bookbox and listen on the go
Pocket BoomBox: true
Pocket BoomBox head url: 4ceeb77d4d25724a9caf2c7cdf2d88399b1417c6b9ff5213659b653be4376e3
# When music is on, floor blocks will change
Disco Floor BoomBox: false
# -=====================- #
# -=====================- #
# Slots to icons: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
# If you want to use head as material - Enter head url (Radio Icon Material: 682ad1b9cb4dd21259c0d75aa315ff389c3cef752be3949338164bac84a96e)
Background Catalog: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
Background Playlist: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
# Radio
Radio Icon Slot: 2
Radio Icon Material: 'NOTE_BLOCK'
# Catalog
Catalog Icon Slot: 4
Catalog Icon Material: 'DIAMOND'
# Playlist
Playlist Icon Slot: 6
Playlist Icon Material: 'BOOK'
# Music Volume
Music Volume Button Icon Material: 'BLACK_WOOL'
Music Volume Blocks Icon Material: 'NOTE_BLOCK'
# Next / Previous song buttons
Next Icon Material: '9796de601b51b98cea5b899944b1a487184840174d848f8c57fe0b44c849ce40'
Previous Icon Material: '4fe668e0d3141978b8ae27bf211b01b44f106b9d647417b8520a0adbcf2ef35f'
# Next / Previous page buttons
Next Page Icon Material: '682ad1b9cb4dd21259c0d75aa315ff389c3cef752be3949338164bac84a96e'
Back Page Icon Material: '37aee9a75bf0df7897183015cca0b2a7d755c63388ff01752d5f4419fc645'
# Another buttons
Headphones Icon Material: 'b8fcdaed6481b4e991d396311bdbc03575ff5ae492b434c9a187b50ce9316267'
Play Icon Material: '4ae29422db4047efdb9bac2cdae5a0719eb772fccc88a66d912320b343c341'
Pause Icon Material: 'ec2eb921628e4e38c9d9da39bba577da6dbfe08f10993fec8c8155aaaf976'
# -================- #
# -=- ANIMATIONS -=- #
# -================- #
# Adds animation to the title, I do not recommend using it, as it will consume 3-4% of CPU
# + You need edit titles in messages folder and remove all color elements (&e, &d, &l and etc.)
Menu color animation: false
Allow animation when playing music: true
Radius of notes: 2
Radius of beams: 3
Distance between beams particles: 0.8
Particles in beam: 10
Beams by one note: 4
# ██████╗░░█████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░░███╗██████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░██╗
# ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░████║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝
# ██████╦╝██║░░██║██║░░██║██╔████╔██║██████╦╝██║░░██║░╚███╔╝░
# ██╔══██╗██║░░██║██║░░██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██╗██║░░██║░██╔██╗░
# ██████╦╝╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚═╝░██║██████╦╝╚█████╔╝██╔╝╚██╗
# ╚═════╝░░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝
# Hello. This is a configuration file. Here you can change messages!
# Creator - MyShimado -
# If you have any problems - write about it in the discord (
# Boombox block
Block name: '&6☻ &e&lBOOMBOX&r &6☻'
Block lore:
- '&6♫ &fPortable musical instrument!'
- '&6♫ &fYou can play any music on the list!'
- '&6♫ &fTop hits and great music list!'
# -==============- #
# -=- GUI INFO -=- #
# -==============- #
GUI TITLE: '&c&m-------&r &c☻ &c&lBOOMBOX&r &c☻ &c&m------'
GUI RADIO NAME: '&e✯ &lRADIO &r&e✯'
- '&6◈ &fYou can listen to music automatically!'
- '&6◈ &fAll tracks are free!'
- '&6◈ &fAnnouncer speech between tracks!'
- '&6◈ &fWorks endlessly!'
- '<track status>'
GUI CATALOG MENU NAME: '&8&m------&r &8&lツ CATALOG ツ&r &8&m------&r'
- '&6◈ &fYou can buy songs and listen to them!'
- '&6◈ &fBuy or get tracks for free!'
- '&6◈ &fListen as many times as you like!'
- '&6◈ &fCan be turned off at any time!'
- '<track status>'
GUI PLAYLIST MENU NAME: '&8&m------&r &8&l✌ PLAYLIST ✌&r &8&m------&r'
- '&6◈ &fYou can add your favorite songs and listen to them!'
- '&6◈ &fYou can add existing tracks!'
- '&6◈ &fListen as many times as you like!'
- '&6◈ &fCan be turned off at any time!'
- '<track status>'
VOLUME NAME: '&b&lVOLUME: &f<number>%'
- '&b▻ &fLeft Click &8- Increase the volume'
- '&b▻ &fRight Click &8- Decrease the volume'
- '&b• &7Listen to music alone'
PAGE: "&6&lPAGE {number}"
PLAY: "&6&lPLAY"
Track Switched On:
- ' '
- '&5♪ &lPLAYING&r &5♪ &f- <track>'
- '&a&l◄ INTERVAL ►&r <track line>'
- ' '
Musical Pause: '&b&lMUSICAL PAUSE'
Musical Boss Bar Text: '&a&l► &lCURRENT TRACK &r&f- &d<track>'
# -==============- #
# -=- MESSAGES -=- #
# -==============- #
You dont have the permission: '&cYou dont have the permission!'
You are not the player: '&cYou are not the player!'
Folder isnt exists: '&cFolder isnt exists!'
You got a boombox: '&aYou got a boombox!'
Player isnt exists: '&cPlayer isnt exists!'
Its not your boombox: '&cIts not your boombox!'
Music isnt exists: '&cMusic isnt exists!'
You dont have enough money: '&cYou dont have enough money!'
You bought a new track: '&5You bought a new track <name> &r&5for &6&l<price>$'
Music added to playlist: '&6Added to playlist'
Music added: '&2+ Music added!'
Music deleted: '&2Music deleted!'
Disk price: '&fPrice - &6&l<price>$'
Disk price 0 (free): '&6For free!'
# -===================- #
# -=- HELP COMMANDS -=- #
# -===================- #
BoomBox help message: '&aBoomBox help: &f/boombox help'
BoomBox help messages:
- '&aBoomBox commands:'
- '&f• &aCreate BoomBox &7- &f/boombox create'
- '&f• &aLoad Music &7- &f/boombox load filename customname price'
- '&f• &aRemove Music &7- &f/boombox remove filename'
- '&f• &aPlugin reload &7- &f/boombox reload'
- '&f• &aPlugin help &7- &f/boombox help'
BoomBox create: '&aUsage: &f/boombox create'
BoomBox load:
- '&aUsage: &f/boombox load filename customname price'
- '&aFor Example: &f/boombox load mario.nbs Mario Opening 100'
BoomBox remove: '&aUsage: &f/boombox remove filename'
Plugin reloaded: '&aBoomBox reloaded!'
BOOMBOX plugin dependencies:
- - Vault -
- - NoteBlockAPI -
- - Any economy plugin - (for 1.12-1.13.2 you also need to download the missing sounds)