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Oraxen Plugin Description:​

Oraxen is a plugin for Minecraft that makes it easy to use the new features of Minecraft 1.14 to create new items with custom textures. It handles resource bundle creation, loading (using Polymath), is fully open source, and has an extensible API.

How it works?​

When the Spigot server starts with oraxen installed, the plugin reads all item configurations and uses them to create json models to link your png textures to your items. It will zip the resources using an optimized algorithm and load them into the polymath instance. Polymath is free and open source software written in Python to host Minecraft resource packs.
By default, oraxen will use my own instance hosted in Switzerland on an Oracle Virtual Private Server. When a player connects to your server, oraxen will bind them to a polymath instance, which will give them a resource pack.

Oraxen plugin commands:​

/o inv - Opens an inventory containing oraxen items sorted by file

/o inv all - Opens an inventory containing all oraxen items.

/o give <player> <item> - Gives the player one item

/o give <player> <item> <amount> - Give the specified number of items

/o repair - Repair the item you are holding

/o repair all - repair all items in inventory

/o recipe builder <builder> - Creates a recipe builder of type <builder> and opens it
/o recipe save <name> - Saves your recipe with the name <name>
/o recipe save <name> <permission> - Same, but with permission <permission>
/o recipe show all - Show loaded recipes
/o recipe show <recipe> - Show one recipe

/o pack send - Send you a package directly through the game
/o pack send <player> - Send a package to <player> directly through the game
/o pack get - Send you a customized message
/o pack get <player> - Send a customized message to <player>

/o reload - Reloads item config, reloads recipe config, restores pack and reloads it
/o reload items - Reloads item config
/o reload pack - Reloads resource packs
/o reload recipes - Reloads recipes

/o debug - Enable debugging

Oraxen plugin permissions:​

oraxen.command.inv.view - Allows you to view inventory

oraxen.command.inv.give - Allows you to get an item from the inventory renderer

oraxen.command.inv.* - Gives you the previous two permissions

oraxen.command.give - Allows /o give - The right to use the /o repair command - Permission to use the /o repair all command - Allows you to create new recipes via /o recipe

oraxen.command.pack - Permission to use /o pack commands

oraxen.command.reload - The right to use /o reload commands

oraxen.command.debug - The right to use the /o debug command

Screenshots of the Oraxen plugin:​





Frequently asked Questions:​

Is Oraxen a mod?​

No, Oraxen is not a mod in the usual sense of the word. This is a plugin for minecraft that allows you to add items, blocks and similar cool things to the game using an automatically installed texture pack.

Oraxen uses its own texture pack, can I still use mine?​

If you're a player: yes, Oraxen uses a server-based resource pack that doesn't replace anything: you can use your own. If you own a server that already uses a resource pack: yes, but you will need to integrate your package into Oraxen (just drag and drop your files into the /pack folder in Oraxen) ...or integrate the oraxen package with yours (but then you will have to do this every time, which is a bit silly).

Does Oraxen replace items?​

Oraxen's goal is to add items to the game without losing features, so the short answer is no, however minecraft has some limitations (for example, you can't add blocks or armor), so we had to make a choice (a choice that can be overridden by disabling the relevant mechanics) :
- by default, leather amors will look slightly different on the body (they will keep the same texture in the inventory)
- new blocks will use vanilla unused variants of mushroom leg blocks: this can create problems in buildings created using these unusual options and look like a bug if you place two blocks of mushroom legs side by side (this is just a display bug that will be fixed by right-clicking or disabling).

When I add an item, it breaks the textures of already created items​

By default, oraxen automatically sets custom model data for your items and generates it in the most optimized way. Each item must have its own model data, so when you add another item it can break the others. To avoid this "problem" (which isn't actually a problem for test servers, but can be problematic for production servers), enable the automatically_set_model_data option in settings.yml.

Don't forget to reload the plugin with /o reload and your resource pack with /o pack getpack (you can also disconnect and reconnect to the server).

My textures work when using optifine but not vanilla​

As of minecraft 1.11 it is not possible to use upper case in textures and model names in vanilla, however optifine still supports it. Please never use upper case to avoid problems.

I use bungeecord and my players re-download the package every time they move to a different server.​

Just install Bungee Pack Layer on your bungee server

How to update Oraxen?​

Here is a great video that might help you:

How to hide item tooltips?​

How to install the Oraxen plugin?​

ProtocolLib is required for the plugin to work.

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Take the downloaded file and transfer it to the plugins folder of your server.
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Ready.

Plugin documentation - go

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  1. 1.139.1

  2. 1.137.3

  3. 1.137.0

    Hey guys, I am back from a week of vacations. In the meantime Boy developed quite amazing...