Map-Ads is an advertising plugin that utilizes maps. Players can rent ad-screens for a specified amount of time and submit their own images which will then be displayed. Staff can review these images before they go live.
Only works on 1.16.5 - 1.19.3!
v1.2.0 - v1.2.11 requires maps v2
v1.2.12 and up requires maps v3
How it works
Admins can create ad-screens that can be used by players to display their own images to advertise something (their shop for example). Multiple ads can run on one screen (the screen cycles through the ads, each ad will be shown for a minute). Staff has to manually review ads before they go live.
Compatibility issues
Installation / Configuration / Usage
Please check out the wiki! Everything is explained there in detail.
Spoiler: Commands
/mapads advertise
/mapads defaultimage set SIZE/SCREEN DITHER IMAGEURL
/mapads help
/mapads premium
/mapads preview DITHER IMAGEURL
/mapads review list
/mapads screen create NAME SCREENID
/mapads screen set transition NAME TRANSITION
/mapads screen set screenid NAME SCREENID
/mapads screen teleport NAME
/mapads advert list
/mapads advert remove ADVERTID
/mapads group create GROUPID GROUPNAME
/mapads group remove GROUPID
/mapads group list
/mapads group screen add GROUPID SCREENID
/mapads group screen remove GROUPID SCREENID
Spoiler: Permissions
mapads.admin - Players with this perm get notifications about broken screens and new ads
mapads.update - Players with this perm receive messages about new updates
mapads.command.advertise - /mapads advertise
mapads.command.defaultimage - /mapads defaultimage - /mapads review
mapads.command.preview - /mapads preview
mapads.command.premium - /mapads premium
mapads.command.screen - /mapads screen
mapads.command.advert - /mapads advert - /mapads group
mapads.limit.concurrent-ads.NUMBER - Limits the maximum amount of ads a player can rent at the same time (replace NUMBER with the amount)
Spoiler: Images
Spanish showcase by @Ajneb97 (v1.2.1)
Things to keep in mind
Support, feature requests, bug reports
Please join the Discord server to receive support, request features or report bugs. Please do not use the review section for that.
Please note that I will only give support to purchasers of the plugin. You can still file bug reports / feature requests without purchasing the plugin.
Alternative payment methods
Join my Discord and create a ticket if you are unable to use PayPal.
Other plugins made by Cerus
Map-Ads is an advertising plugin that utilizes maps. Players can rent ad-screens for a specified amount of time and submit their own images which will then be displayed. Staff can review these images before they go live.
Only works on 1.16.5 - 1.19.3!
v1.2.0 - v1.2.11 requires maps v2
v1.2.12 and up requires maps v3
How it works
Admins can create ad-screens that can be used by players to display their own images to advertise something (their shop for example). Multiple ads can run on one screen (the screen cycles through the ads, each ad will be shown for a minute). Staff has to manually review ads before they go live.
- Everything is clientside
- No existing maps will be overwritten
- Won't hurt your servers performance since the heavy lifting can be done in separate threads*
- Certain animations can cause performance problems depending on your CPU and Minecraft version.
- Easy-to-use GUIs for staff and players
- Configurable help book that explains the advertising process to players
- Discord integration
- Requires free map-ads-discord-bot extension
- Docs
- Image dithering
- Currently only supports the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm
- What is image dithering?
- Screen groups
- (Experimental) Transition recording
- Good documentation
- Developer API
- Open-source
- Compatible with Spigot, Paper and Purpur
Compatibility issues
- Colorful Tools and ImageOnMap overwrite the /maps command. Use /maps:maps as a workaround.
Installation / Configuration / Usage
Please check out the wiki! Everything is explained there in detail.
Spoiler: Commands
/mapads advertise
/mapads defaultimage set SIZE/SCREEN DITHER IMAGEURL
/mapads help
/mapads premium
/mapads preview DITHER IMAGEURL
/mapads review list
/mapads screen create NAME SCREENID
/mapads screen set transition NAME TRANSITION
/mapads screen set screenid NAME SCREENID
/mapads screen teleport NAME
/mapads advert list
/mapads advert remove ADVERTID
/mapads group create GROUPID GROUPNAME
/mapads group remove GROUPID
/mapads group list
/mapads group screen add GROUPID SCREENID
/mapads group screen remove GROUPID SCREENID
Spoiler: Permissions
mapads.admin - Players with this perm get notifications about broken screens and new ads
mapads.update - Players with this perm receive messages about new updates
mapads.command.advertise - /mapads advertise
mapads.command.defaultimage - /mapads defaultimage - /mapads review
mapads.command.preview - /mapads preview
mapads.command.premium - /mapads premium
mapads.command.screen - /mapads screen
mapads.command.advert - /mapads advert - /mapads group
mapads.limit.concurrent-ads.NUMBER - Limits the maximum amount of ads a player can rent at the same time (replace NUMBER with the amount)
- An economy plugin
- Supported economy plugins: Vault, PlayerPoints, AquaCore (untested)
- maps
- For versions 1.1.4 and below use maps v1.0.6
- For versions 1.2.0 - 1.2.11 use maps v2
- For versions 1.2.12 and up use maps v3
- map-ads-discord-bot (for the Discord integration)
Spoiler: Images
Spanish showcase by @Ajneb97 (v1.2.1)
Things to keep in mind
- The plugin was not designed to sync ads across multiple servers!
- This plugin was meant for Hub or SMP servers, but you could use it on basically any type of server.
- This plugin uses bStats.
Support, feature requests, bug reports
Please join the Discord server to receive support, request features or report bugs. Please do not use the review section for that.
Please note that I will only give support to purchasers of the plugin. You can still file bug reports / feature requests without purchasing the plugin.
Alternative payment methods
Join my Discord and create a ticket if you are unable to use PayPal.
Other plugins made by Cerus