Addon of: ⚔ Ultimate Clans V5 ⚔ | Modular, Single or Bungeecord Clans.
Addon for clan wars with configurable arenas, kits, amounts and configurable rewards. The clan must send the challenge to online clans and the opponent accepts will be teleported to the arena, other dogators of the same clan can participate and the war ends when there is only 1 clan left in the arena.
This addon must be installed in the folder "/plugins/UltimateClans/addons/"
NORMAL - In normal mode the region manager blocks or enables blocks and protections
FFA - In FFA mode players can place temporary blocks during the event.
Administrator commands:
Addon of: ⚔ Ultimate Clans V5 ⚔ | Modular, Single or Bungeecord Clans.
Addon for clan wars with configurable arenas, kits, amounts and configurable rewards. The clan must send the challenge to online clans and the opponent accepts will be teleported to the arena, other dogators of the same clan can participate and the war ends when there is only 1 clan left in the arena.
This addon must be installed in the folder "/plugins/UltimateClans/addons/"
NORMAL - In normal mode the region manager blocks or enables blocks and protections
FFA - In FFA mode players can place temporary blocks during the event.
Administrator commands: