Download AdvancedAntiVPN - Prevent Bad Actors, Bots & More ☄️ Services/Actions ☄️ [1.8.x - 1.19.x]

GOLD Download AdvancedAntiVPN - Prevent Bad Actors, Bots & More ☄️ Services/Actions ☄️ [1.8.x - 1.19.x] 2.18.2

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is a Spigot + Forks, BungeeCord + Forks & Velocity + Forks plugin that can use multiple Anti-VPN, Anti-Proxy or Anti-Tor services to detect players who are attempting to use them to bypass bans/mutes or bot attack your server. One of if not the only plugins that work on multiple platforms using multiple services for detections that you can pick and choose from as you wish to ensure real players are never blocked.

The plugin works by utilizing IP information services to scan IP addresses against databases of millions of IPs, especially ones that have been used maliciously in the past such as forum spam, brute force, DDOS attacks and more, Using AI and more to detect bad actors then trigger actions as a response to them attempting to connect to your network.

Utilize single or multiple services, block players, and notify staff members in-game or even on Discord. Do none of these or all of these, it's entirely up to you!

Don't be vulnerable, secure your server and block bad actors bypassing your punishment systems or attempting to bot your server before it happens! Install it once and let it do its magic passively in the background!

Please note that due to the nature of using API services, they have free limits and most services have a 500-1000 daily free query limit so If you have less than 500-1000~ unique daily players then you will never need to pay extra for any of the services due to the free query amount being more than enough. See the service list below for more information.

  • Config settings for almost everything including flagged threshold, cache times, actions, services and more! Check out the configuration below.
  • Universal Plugin, works on Spigot, BungeeCord and Velocity implementations, This includes any forks of Spigot, BungeeCord or Velocity.
  • Flagged Thresholds, change how many services should detect a player to be using a VPN/Proxy/Tor to be flagged and then enabled actions executed. For example, you could use 2 services and only one of them has to detect the player to flag them, or use 3 services and have to have all 3 detect a player to flag them.
  • IP Services, utilize services to detect Proxies/VPNs/Tors, use a single or all of them. We currently support:
    • ProxyCheck: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings.
    • IPHub: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings.
    • GetIPIntel: 500 Free daily queries. Supports 750+ daily unique players with default settings.
    • VPNAPI: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings.
    • IPHunter: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings.
    • More coming soon!
  • Flagged Actions, execute several different actions when a player is flagged, depending on what you want to do, you can use a single action or all of them. We currently have:
    • Block: Stop the player from joining the server/network.
    • Notify: Notify staff by sending a message in-game and across the network.
    • Discord Webhook: Post a rich embed message into any Discord channel! Log information and/or tag staff members to alert them.
    • Commands: Execute a list of commands with or without a delay.
    • More coming soon!
  • Whitelist/Blacklist. Add IPs into the whitelist or blacklist to bypass checks or always block.
  • Parallel Checking, take less than a quarter of a second on average to check a player joining, so fast your players won't notice a difference!
  • Cache System. Uses the minimum required connections and caches information for a configurable amount of time to reduce eating up your service queries and to keep system impact as low as possible.
  • SQLite & MySQL support, fast database implementation, sync your cache information across multiple servers if you wish.
  • Regular plugin updates with bug fixes.
  • Highly efficient with performance in mind since the start and highly optimized, if you see any timings/heap reports with AdvancedAntiVPN being an issue, send me the information and I will do my best.
  • Completely Async. All web and events are fired async so AdvancedAntiVPN will never lock the main thread when connecting to the services or executing actions.
  • Supports all Popular Versions. This means you can check players on 1.19, 1.12 or even 1.8!
  • Hex colors in supported Minecraft versions.
  • and many more...



  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Shows the command help menu.
  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Reload Will reload the plugin and everything within it including config, services, actions etc.
  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Help Will show you information about the plugin commands and how to use them.
  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Stats Will show you information about the IP(s) in your database and how many are flagged, within cache time etc.
  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Whitelist Add/Remove (IP) Add an IP to the whitelist to allow them to bypass any checks.
  • /AdvancedAntiVPN Blacklist Add/Remove (IP) Add an IP to the blacklist to always block it without using any services to check it.
  • advancedantivpn.command.reload Permission for reload arg.
  • Permission for the help arg.
  • advancedantivpn.command.stats Permission for the stats arg.
  • advancedantivpn.command.whitelist Permission for the whitelist arg.
  • advancedantivpn.command.blacklist Permission for the blacklist arg.
  • advancedantivpn.bypass Permission to bypass all checks on join
  • advancedantivpn.* Permission for all the above.
(Note: The bypass permission requires Vault installed when using the plugin on Bukkit servers or LuckPerms installed when using the plugin on BungeeCord or Velocity servers)


If you need support/help then don't hesitate to get in touch with me in a direct message here.
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  1. 2.18.2

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