Download ⚔ Ultimate Clans V5 ⚔

GOLD Download ⚔ Ultimate Clans V5 ⚔ 5.10.0

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Optional Addons (V5):

(Free) DeathChest -
(Free) Holograms -
(Free) Scoreboard -
(Free) ClanSync -
(Free) Discord Integration -
(Free) PVP Manager -
(Free) Banner Manager -
(Free) TitansBattle (Bridge) -
(Free) Corpse Addon -
(Free) DataExchange Addon -

(Paid) Quests -
(Paid) Chest -
(Paid) War -
(Paid) Bank -
(Paid) Nexus -
(Paid) Land -
(Paid) Gladiator -
(Paid) LeaderBoard -

Compatible plugins:

⊲ Ultimate Koth ⊳ - By UlrichBR

PlaceholderAPI, Vault, PlayerPoints, WorldGuard, LeaderHeads, ComplexTurrets, SuperVanish and PremiumVanish, CombatLogX, DeluxeCombat, PvPManager and PvPmanager Lite, Duels, TitansBattle, GriefDefender, ProtocolLib, TokenEnchant, ItemsAdder.

Default languages:

Português Brasileiro (BR), Deutsch (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Russian (RU). others soon..


  • Modular system of addons that allow you to better manage how you want the plugin to work.
  • Editing system by Sign on the player screen.
  • Data export system for other types of storage.
  • Native support for Bedrock via Geyser+Floodgate.
  • Two types of economy available (Vault and PlayerPoints)
  • New bungecord synchronization method, with teleport and chat between servers.
  • A system of independent languages in a single file.
  • Configurable BossBar for clan actions.
  • Multiple home system shared or not with allies.
  • Editable Clan Banner (Future Clan Nexus).
  • New clan chest with multiple pages, buy new ones and lock for admins.
  • An intelligent command autocompletion system.
  • Administrators can spy on the chat between clan members and allies.
  • Simple Scoreboard.
  • Large yet lightweight and low memory and CPU consumption.
  • Create clan, edit and delete.
  • Change leader, promote and demote
  • members and moderators, invite and expel members.
  • Change Tag, Name, Description.
  • System of rivalries and allies with limits.
  • Turn the friendly fire on or off individually or for everyone.
  • Clan exclusive chat, shared with allies or not.
  • KDR scoring status by Points, Kills, War, Members and others.
  • More than 80 placeholders with PAPI including relation placeholders.
  • Titles, Actionar, 6 types of holograms, Hexa colors in messages and menus.
  • Editable files, languages, menus and json.
  • System of confirmations and changes in chat with json.
  • Clan wars with rewards, times, editable kits and configurable multi arenas.
  • Marking system for regions and blocking by worlds.
  • Regroup the clan, ban members,
  • and invite new members by adding commands to actions.
  • Pricing for commands, cooldown, limits and turning commands on or off.
  • Support for languages like Russian, Chinese, Japanese and others using 'UnicodeBlock'.
  • Synchronization system for using clans in Bungeecord.
  • Data saved in Mysql, Sqlite or Yaml easily edited.
  • Nbt Tags for adding textures to menus.
  • Exclusive Land Addons, Clan Bank, Chest, Custom Quests, Gladiator Events.
  • Levels system for scoring.
  • 30 commands for players.
  • 36 commands for administration.
  • Auto update of files on new updates (The plugin automatically adds new modifications)
  • Action scoring system for Clan levels.


Player Commands: (Aliases: [clans, c, gang])
/clan help - Show help menu.
/clan create <tag> - Create a new Clan
/clan cancel - Cancel pending actions.
/clan changeleader <player> - Transfer the leadership.
/clan desc - Add desc to Clan.
/clan disband - Delete you Clan.
/clan leave - Leave a Clan.
/clan invite <player> - Invite a Player to your clan.
/clan join <tag> - Accept the invitation of a player.
/clan deny <tag> - Deny invitation of a player.
/clan kick <player> - Remove player from Clan.
/clan promote <player> - Promote player do Mod.
/clan demote <player> - Demote player on Clan.
/clan home - Clan home.
- /clan home create <name> - Create Clan home.
- /clan home delete<name> - Delete clan home
- /clan home list - List to Clan homes.
- /clan home teleport <name> - Teleport to Clan home.
/clan chat - Lock chat to Clan or use <aqua>/ <msg>
/clan ff - Toggle Friedly Fire on Clan.
/clan modtag <newtag> - Change tag of Clan.
/clan list (type) - List of all Clans.
/clan info (tag) - Show info of clan.
/clan profile (player) - Show profile of player.
/clan rival - Clan to rivals.
- /clan rival add <tag> - Add Clan to rival.
- /clan rival remove <tag> - Remove Clan to rival.
/clan rivalries - List rivalries
/clan ally <tag> - Clan ally.
- /clan ally add <tag> - Add Clan as ally.
- /clan ally remove <tag> - Remove clan ally.
- /clan ally accept <tag> - Accept ally invite.
- /clan ally deny <tag> - Deny ally invite.
/clan alliances - List alliances.
/clan members - Shows the list of members.
/clan settings <TYPE> <VALUE> - Change clan settings.
/clan regroup - Clan regroups
- /clan regroup send - Send a regroup request
- /clan regroup accept - Accept a regroup request
- /clan regroup deny - Deny a regroup request
/clan ban <nickname> - Ban a player
/clan unban <nickname> - Unnan a player
/clan nickname <nickname> - Change clan nickname.
/clan bank - Open Clan bank.
/clan war - Open Clan war.
/clan quest - Open clan Quests
/clan land - Open Clan Land.
/clan nexus - Open Clan nexus.
/clan chest - Open Clan chest.
Admin Commands: (Aliases: [uclans, uc, ugang, ug])
/uclan help - Show help menu.
/uclan chatspy - Spy on clan chat
/uclan addslot <player|tag> <amount> - Add slots to the Clan.
/uclan setslot <player|tag> <amount> - Set slots to the Clan.
/uclan removeslot <player|tag> <amount> - Remove slots to the Clan.
/uclan addpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason] - Add points to the Clan.
/uclan setpoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason] - set points to the Clan.
/uclan removepoints <player|tag> <amount> [reason]- Remove points to the Clan.
/uclan changetag <tag> <newtag> - Changing a clan tag.
/uclan resetplayerkdr <player> - Reset Player KDR.
/uclan resetclankdr <tag> - Reset Clan KDR.
/uclan globalff - Change a global ff.
/uclan delete <tag> - Delete a new Clan.
/uclan forcejoin <player> <tag> - Adds a player to a clan.
/uclan verify <tag> - Verify a Clan.
/uclan reload - Reload the plugin.




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