About Resource Pack
This plugin works based on a resource pack, premade resource pack is available in Discord if you have verified your purchase (use /verify to activate the verification bot). You can make your own extensions if you want.
NOTE: This plugin requires ProtocolLib5.0 and Paper(or its forks) to work!
Game Mechanics
Fishing Mini-game:
Player can experience a totally different fishing mechanic, getting rid of the boring vanilla fishing system. Bar's layout and difficulty are customizable!Lava Fishing:
Lava fishing is something difficult to achieve but really romantic. It used to be an idea but in CustomFishing it comes true!Fishing Totems:
Totem can provide additional buffs for players in it. Totem block supports unlimited pattern and custom blocks from ItemsAdder & OraxenFishing Bags:
Fishing bag (with MySQL & MariaDB support) is a special container where players can store their baits/rods/utilities. Baits in offhand/fishing bag would be consumed on casting the rod with a fake item animation.Other features:
● Fishing competition: allows players to compete for prizes. CustomFishing supports Redis Server to sync competition data between servers!● MythicMobs support: Players can fish MythicMobs, so you can make sharks, TNTs or any other interesting stuffs with this feature.
● Fish Finder: A utility for players to see the possible loots here
● Condition system: Over 10 built-in conditions and supports Placeholder conditions with expressions!
● Sell shop: A shop where players can sell their fish, and it is powered by custom price formula. The GUI is totally customizable.
● Powerful item system: supports custom NBT tags, and other hooked plugin's items. You can even import an item from other plugins with a simple /customfishing improt command.
● Highly optimized: Packet based system. Fishing Bars & fake items would not cause lag on server side. A special method is used to get player's next loot asynchronously.
● Enchantments: CustomFishing doesn't have an enchantment system but it's able to read enchantments from NBT tags and customize its buffs. So plugins for example EcoEnchants would be totally compatible.
Plugin Command
- /customfishing items loot/bait/util/rod get/give
- /customfishing competition start/end/cancel
- /customfishing reload
- /customfishing import file
- /fishingbag open [player]
- /sellfish
Permission Node
- customfishing.admin
- customfishing.sellfish
- fishingbag.rows.1-6
- %competition_rank%
- %competition_score%
- %competition_time%
- %competition_minute%
- %competition_second%
- %competition_1st_score%
- %competition_1st_player%
- %competition_2nd_score%
- %competition_2nd_player%
- %competition_3rd_score%
- %competition_3rd_player%
About Payment
中国用户请到此链接购买下载If you are a Chinese user and can't use PayPal or Stripe, WeChat and AliPay is supported here: Link