
Free Code

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Description of plugin Code:​

This addon greatly expands the capabilities of the code block in the message: its own block header, three new buttons (expand, collapse, copy), a height change bar, show numbers and highlight lines of code.
A simple but reliable plugin that I saw on this site, but for some reason it was not published for everyone.

Key points in the Code plugin:​

The title and line numbers for highlighting can also be specified directly in the text editor using the title="..."and parameters highlight="...".

For example, the code [code lang="php" title="My Custom Title"]<? ... ?>[/code] will create the following block:

The programming language of the block is displayed when hovering over the title:

Line highlighting example:[code lang="php" highlight="2, 5-8"]a log of code...[/code]

Installing Code​

  1. Download the addon
  2. Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root of the forum
  3. In the admin panel, go to the "Plugins" section and install Code

Removing Code​

ATTENTION: after removing the addon, blocks of code with their own names will no longer be correctly (or simply no longer) highlighted!
  1. Remove addon from admin panel
  2. Go to forum root folder and delete js/Code folder
  • 1671635531993.png
    37.3 KB · Views: 44
First release
Last update
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