No permission to download






Test this plugin before buying it!

✪ IP:
✪ Version: 1.19.2 Paper (1.7.x-1.19.x support via ViaVersion)
(Official test server with the default configuration. Also, you have here all Admin permissions)

Make sure to not use a Forge/Fabric/LiteLoader/WorldDownloader client.
The test server is protected by the SecuredWorlds plugin.

Unofficial servers using this plugin:
IP: (Survival & Skyblock)

Do you want to see your server IP here? Simply contact me through Discord.



❂ Preview a kit and the kit upgrades:
Click here!

❂ View the live kit cooldown in a rainbow animated category menu:

❂ Redeem an available kit with animated title-subtitle:

❂ Redeem an unavailable kit with animated title-subtitle:

❂ Redeem a locked kit with animated title-subtitle:

❂ Claim a kit voucher:

❂ Preview a kit via command:

❂ Claim an available kit via command:


❂ Kit voucher item:

❂ Kit category close menu button: **(NEW - v1.**

❂ Kit category open menu button:

❂ Display kit information:

❂ Display an available kit:

❂ Display an unavailable kit:

❂ Display a locked kit:

❂ No available upgrades:

❂ Default level kit upgrade:

❂ Current kit upgrade:

❂ Insufficient founds upgrade:

❂ Unavailable kit upgrade:

❂ Available kit upgrade:

❂ Locked kit upgrade:

❂ Complete kit upgrade:

❂ Maximum level kit upgrade:

❂ Redeem available kit title:

❂ Redeem unavailable kit title:

❂ Redeem locked kit title:


● No dependencies
No force install other plugins to use this.
- There are only optional dependencies.

● Compatibility with all popular Java versions
- Currently, the supported Java versions are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19.

● Custom PlaceholderAPI placeholders
- Registering custom placeholders into PlaceholderAPI.
- View all available placeholders on our wiki.

Vault economy support [OPTIONAL]
- This can be used only to upgrade the kits via the VAULT currency.
- You must have an economy (E.g. EssentialsX) plugin to use this feature.

MiniMessage effects support
- You can use HEX colors.
- You can use rainbow-colored text.
- You can use gradient-colored text.
- Use the MiniMessageViewer website to practice.
- WARN: The HEX colors will be converted to classic colors if your server does not support them.

● HEX colors support [OPTIONAL]
- The HEX color format is: &#rrggbb (E.g. &#FFA500)
- Use for an online RGB gradient generator.
- WARN: This is working only for 1.16+ versions.

Asynchronous live menus
- Ability to display live the remaining kit cooldown time in a kit menu item name or lore.
- The refresh rate was set to one second to save CPU power.
- A kit menu icon will be changed only if the item was different from the previous kit icon.
- No player inventory or menus flickering on refreshing items.

● Main kits menu
- Ability to create up to 54 kit categories or kits in this menu.
- Ability to configure the menu title.
- Ability to configure the menu rows.
- Ability to configure a list of kits in this menu.
- Ability to add unlimited open menu sounds and particles.
- Ability to add unlimited close menu sounds and particles.

● Category kits menus [OPTIONAL]
- Ability to create up to 54 kit categories in the main kits menu.
- Ability to configure the category menu title.
- Ability to configure the category menu rows.
- Ability to configure the open menu button.
- Ability to configure the close menu button.
- Ability to configure a list of kits in categories.
- Ability to add unlimited open category sounds and particles.
- Ability to add unlimited close category sounds and particles.

● Kit upgrades [OPTIONAL]
- Ability to create unlimited kit upgrades.
- Ability to upgrade a kit only if you have permission to claim the kit.
- You can use only one kit level to disable the upgrades.
- Ability to use a different kit cooldown for each kit upgrade.
- Ability to use different kit items for each kit upgrade.
- Ability to use a different upgrade cost for each kit upgrade.
- Ability to use VAULT or EXP currency for the kit upgrades.
- Ability to preview any kit level using the kit preview command.
- Ability to preview any kit level using the switches buttons.

● Kit vouchers [OPTIONAL]
- Ability to create unlimited kit vouchers.
- Ability to give multiple kits for each kit voucher.
- Ability to give a kit with a specified level.
- Asynchronous multiple fireworks for each kit voucher.
- Asynchronous title animations for each kit voucher.
- Multiple customs sounds for each kit voucher.
- Multiple customs particles for each kit voucher.
- Multiple console commands for each kit voucher.
- You can claim kit vouchers by right-clicking the voucher item.
- Full offhand slot support to claim the kit voucher.
- You can use the interact blocks list (chest, door, furnace, etc) by right-clicking them with holding a kit voucher.
- If you sneak right-clicking in the interact blocks list you can claim the kit voucher.
- Ability to configure the interact blocks list.

● Kit statistics [OPTIONAL]
- Kit redeemed times statistic.

● In-game kit items editor [REQUIRED]
- You can create or edit kit items by using your inventory.
- One command (/advancedkits edit <kit> <level>) to set or edit the kit items.
- NBT support (Support all special items such as crate keys, custom enchantments, etc).
- You can use up to 36 items for each kit.
- TIP: Use the ItemEdit plugin by @emanon to make quick custom kit items.

● YAML storage [REQUIRED]

- YAML database for each player with full UUID support.
- The player database will save kit cooldown, kit level, kit redeemed times.
- YAML database for each kit.
- The kit database will save only the kit items.
- Auto remove the invalid kits from the player database.
- Asynchronous auto-save online player data with configurable delay (ticks).
- Asynchronous load and unload the player data.

High code quality [PRIORITY]

- AdvancedKits will not lag your server.
- I made this plugin with love. <3

● Unlimited commands to claim kits [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to create unlimited commands to claim a kit with the format "/<your custom command> <kit>".
- You can set your own permission on these commands.
- Also, you can disable this feature.

● Unlimited commands to preview kits [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to create unlimited commands to preview a kit with the format "/<your custom command> <kit> [level]".
- You can use your own permission on these commands.
- Also, you can disable this feature.

● Unlimited commands to open kits menu [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to create unlimited commands to open the kits menu with the format "/<your custom command>".
- You can use your own permission on these commands.
- Also, you can disable this feature.

● Unlimited preview menus

- Ability to configure the time of ticks on filling the kit items in the preview menu.
- Ability to configure the kit preview menu title.
- Ability to configure the kit preview menu rows.
- Ability to configure the switch page buttons.
- Ability to configure the kit upgrade button for each kit upgrade status.
- Ability to use unlimited menu fillers.

● Automatic armor/offhand item equip [OPTIONAL]

- The automatic equipping works only if the player has nothing in the armor/offhand slot.
- If the player has already an item in the armor/offhand slot then the player will get the item in inventory.
- If the player has full inventory then the item will be dropped in the ground.
- To enable this feature just put the items in your armor/offhand slot when editing kit items.

● Customizable permissions

- You can change all permissions to your own text.

● Customizable cooldown time unit

- You can configure the remaining kit cooldown time format.

● Permission to redeem a kit [REQUIRED]

- Players can redeem kits only if they have the required permission.
- Ability to configure each kit permission.
- This is a good Pay2Win feature.
- You can use the same permission for many or all kits.
- TIP: Use the LuckPerms plugin by @Luck to manage the user permissions.

Asynchronous title animations [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to configure the title and subtitle text.
- Ability to configure the fade-in time (ticks).
- Ability to configure the stay time (ticks).
- Ability to configure the fade-out time (ticks).
- Ability to configure the delay (ticks).
- These title animations are used when a user trying to redeem a kit.
- You can set different titles for each kit.
- You can use kit placeholders into title and subtitle.

Asynchronous firework effects [OPTIONAL]
- These fireworks will not damage players or entities.
- The firework effects will be displayed for all players.
- These firework effects are used when a user trying to redeem a kit or a voucher.
- Ability to configure the firework type.
- Ability to use multiple firework colors for each firework.
- Ability to detonate multiple fireworks at the same time.

● Support classic color codes

- Support legacy color codes (&a, &b, etc).

● Asynchronous menu animations [OPTIONAL]

- There are 2 animation types to filling the main kits menu or a category menu.
- Each menu can use a different animation type.
- Each menu can use different filling items.
- You can disable the animation by putting only one item in the filling list of items.
- You can disable the filling menu by leaving empty the filling list of items.
- You can use unlimited items in the items filling list.
- You can fully configure the filling menu items.
- You can configure the refresh rate of the animation.

● Tab completer on commands
- Filling only the available kits in the kit claim commands.
- Filling all kits on the kit preview commands.
- Filling all kit upgrade levels on the kit preview commands.
- No filling player names on the open menu command.
- Filling everything value on the main command.

● Custom sounds [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to configure the sound category.
- Ability to configure the sound pitch.
- Ability to configure the sound volume.
- Ability to send a mix of multiple sounds at once.
- Ability to create unlimited sounds or to disable them.
- The sounds are stored in cache for the best performance.
- Dedicated YAML file to configure the general sounds.

● Custom items in all places
- HIDE_ATTRIBUTES item flag on all items.
- HIDE_ENCHANTS item flag only on items with a glow.
- HIDE_DESTROYS item flag on all items.
- HIDE_PLACED_ON item flag on all items.
- HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag on all items.
- Ability to use a player head with custom texture URL.
- Ability to use a potion with custom color.
- Ability to use a splash potion with custom color.
- Ability to use a lingering potion with custom color.
- Ability to use a firework star with custom color.
- Ability to use a tipped arrow with custom color.

● Multiple custom particles [OPTIONAL]
- N/A

● Player head textures [OPTIONAL]
You can use on display items a player head with a custom texture via URL.
- Visit to search for custom heads. (You have to copy Minecraft-URL)

All messages are configurable

- Change the messages in the messages.yml file.
- Reload them by using the command "/advancedkits reload messages".

● Useful Admin commands

- Give a kit to an online player with a specified kit level.
- Give a kit to an online player with the player's current kit level.
- Give a kit voucher to an online player.
- Reset a kit cooldown to an online player.
- Open the main kits menu to an online player or in yourself.
- Reload files without reloading or restarting your server.
- Tab completer on all admin sub-commands.

● Kits on the first join [OPTIONAL]

- Ability to give multiple kits on player first join.
- Ability to give a kit with a specified level.

● Powerful developer API

- UpgradeKitEvent event
- PreReceiveKitEvent event
- Currently, this feature is BETA.

Active developer & Discord support

- Join our Discord server and verify your account for support.

❥ Variables info:
<> (Required)
[] (Optional)

/advancedkits give <player> kit <kit> [level]
Description: Gives to player a kit.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /advancedkits give <player> voucher <voucher>
Description: Gives to player a voucher.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /advancedkits open [player]
Description: Opens the main kits menu.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /advancedkits reload
Description: Reloads all files.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /advancedkits edit <kit> <level>
Description: Edits the kit items.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /advancedkits resetcooldown <player> <kit>
Description: Resets a kit cooldown to any online player.
Permission: advancedkits.command.use (Configurable)

Command: /kits (Configurable with unlimited aliases)
Description: Opens the kits menu.
Permission: advancedkits.command.kits (Configurable)
Note: This command is optional and can be disabled.

/kit <kit> (Configurable with unlimited aliases)
Description: Claims a kit.
Permission: advancedkits.command.kit (Configurable)
Note: This command is optional and can be disabled.

Command: /kitpreview <kit> (Configurable with unlimited aliases)
Description: Previews a kit.
Permission: advancedkits.command.kitpreview (Configurable)
Note: This command is optional and can be disabled.

1. Purchase the plugin and download it.
2. Move the downloaded file into your server plugins folder.
3. Start, reload, or restart your server.
4. Configure files and reload the plugin to apply your changes.
5. Enjoy it!

(( Have any issues? Join our Discord server for support! ))


config.yml - messages.yml - kits.yml
categories.yml - vouchers.yml -

particles.yml - kitsmenu.yml - menufillers.yml

Check all default files here!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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