

    Free Adapt - Leveling, Skills, and Abilities 1.13.1-1.20.1

    Hunter Hunter, Adrenaline: Taking damage for most people might be a problem, but for you its the best thing to happen! Bonus Damage! Hunter. Regeneration: When you get struck, you gain a stack of regeneration, at the cost of a MASSIVE hunger debuff Nether Nether, Skull Yeet: This skill lets...
  2. SOHAM

    NULLED Head Database 4.17.3

    Head Database is a fast and user-friendly plugin that allows you to obtain thousands of custom Minecraft skulls that feature unique designs. This easy-to-use heads plugin gives you access to creative designing opportunities that overall enhance the quality of your builds, and gives creative...
  3. SOHAM

    NULLED PlayerControlPlus | Save and Inspect players Activity on your Server [1.8-1.19] 3.9.2

    WHAT CAN I DO WITH PLAYERCONTROL+? The plugin will constantly save what your players do on your server/network. If someone writes something in the chat, executes a command, kills a user, even craft some item, the plugin is going to save it. Using the /pc check command you will be able to see all...