StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more

NULLED StrikePractice – 1v1, 2v2, Bots Fights, PvP Events, Parties, Build fights and more 3.8.1

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➡ Duels (1v1), 2v2, Party vs Party, Party Split and Party FFA
Bot fights (duels and party vs bots)*
Replay your fights*
➡ Fully editable kits (build, combo, spleef, bedwars, MLG rush, boxing, skywars, horse, parkour, only bow damage, disable hunger and regen for UHC kits)
➡ Arena regeneration
Multiple rounds support! Best of any number of rounds
➡ Premium matches queue and limit rankeds/unrankeds. Get more donations with this feature!*
➡ Almost everything is customizable
➡ Arena selector with arena icons
➡ Automatic events: 1v1 Tournament, Sumo, Last Man Standing (FFA Event), King of the hill (KOTH) and Juggernaut (1 vs everyone else) with a GUI for staff/VIPs. You can also create other 1v1 tournament-like events by creating specific arenas (e.g spleef event)
➡ FFA arenas
➡ Post match inventory view with fight statistics (hits, longest combo, potions thrown, potions missed and potion accuracy)
MySQL/MariaDB support (all stats, save fights and inventories for the web addon)
➡Built-in enderpearl cooldown with placeholder, scoreboard, xp bar and above hotbar support
Kit Editor with multiple saved layouts per kit (players can choose the layout at the start of a fight)
➡ Colored name tags in fight
➡ Spectator mode
➡ Easy setup: automatically generate a kit based on the name with one command: ”/battlekit create <name>” and fully copy arenas with ”/arena copypaste”
➡ Customizable spawnitems (any item, any command)
➡ Customizable scoreboard with many placeholders and PlaceholderAPI support
➡ Lobby and in fight tablist addon (free)
➡ Open parties and public parties (broadcasted) for streamers, staff, Youtubers and VIPs
➡ Stats (placeholders, sign stats and /stats)
➡ Multiple free and paid addons! Leaderboards, website, per kit knockback etc.* (see ”More Information”)
➡ Multilingual. Players can change their language with /language. Multiple languages already supported.
➡ Pre-configured and premade kits, spawnitems
➡ Custom knockback per kit (built in or with a console command*)
➡ Early access builds (on Discord, paid)
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