Shop - the intuitive shop plugin

NULLED Shop - the intuitive shop plugin

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Allows players to quickly create shops to buy, sell, barter, or gamble items seamlessly!
By focusing on ease of use, players of any skill level can create in-game shops in a way that feels like a native feature.

  • Change currency to a custom item, virtual currency (Vault), or experience points seamlessly.
  • Create shops in multiple ways. Either fill out a sign or hit a chest with an item and fill out info in chat (both configurable)
  • Fully customizable.
  • No commands required.
  • No permissions required. (But are supported)
  • Easily handles items with custom display names, descriptions, and enchantments. (and custom player heads)
  • All shop displays use client side packets so there is no lag on the server or chances of duping the items
  • Full logging support for MySQL and MariaDB
  • Create admin shops that don't need to be stocked
  • All sign text is translatable and customizable. (along with text colors)
  • All chat messages are translatable and customizable. (along with text colors)
  • Control what types of shops individual players are able to create and use.
  • Control the amount of shops individual players are able to create and use
  • Blacklist certain worlds from having shops created in them.
  • Ability to set an optional price players must pay to create and/or destroy shops
  • Integrates with WorldGuard and Towny
  • Integrates with DynMap to show shops on the map
  • Works with chests, barrels, shulker boxes, even ender chests!
  • Plug and Play.
First release
Last update
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