PlayerRadios - Player Stations | 1.8 - 1.19 | NBS-/OpenNBS-Support | GUI-based | Easy-to-use

NULLED PlayerRadios - Player Stations | 1.8 - 1.19 | NBS-/OpenNBS-Support | GUI-based | Easy-to-use 4.2.1

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If you're running an older Minecraft version (< 1.13), make sure to download MrCore v2.13, as that is the last version to support Java 8 (which is required for some older MC versions). All future versions require at least Java 11.

Wanna use PlayerRadios in your project?
Use the API class (me.mrletsplay.playerradios.PlayerRadiosAPI)
Note: The API is still work in progress and will be improved in future updates

- MrCore (will be downloaded automatically on the first install, but needs to be updated manually!)

(Note: You can also use /playerradios instead of /pr and custom keywords instead of "true" when using commands)
/pr - Opens the PlayerRadios station GUI
/pr playlist - Shows the playlist of the station you're currently listening to
/pr export <Song ID/all> <format (sng/rsng/nbs/sng-archive)/settings> - Export a song/all songs to the specified format/Export the song settings. (Note: NBS files will not be like the original files because of the way songs are stored. For more information about this format, read my documentation of SNG)
/pr help [topic] - Shows the help (about a topic)
/pr <reload/rl> - Reloads PlayerRadios
/pr version - Shows the current PlayerRadios version and checks for an update (if enabled)
/pr bugreport - Creates a paste with more information about your PlayerRadios settings (Config & Stations file) to make bug reporting (& fixing) easier

If "general-settings.enable-user-stations" is set to true or player has permission "playerradios.create-when-disabled":
/pr search <Song-Name> - Search for a song
/pr station create <Name> - Create a station
/pr station list - Lists all your stations
/pr station playlist <Station ID> - Lists a station's playlist
/pr station playlist add <Station ID> <Song ID> - Adds the specified song to a station's playlist
/pr station playlist remove <Station ID> <Index> - Removes the song at the specified index from a station's playlist
/pr station set name <Station ID> <Name> - Changes the name of a station
/pr station set loop <Station ID> <true/false> - Enables/Disables looping of a station's playlist
/pr station <start/stop> <Station ID> - Starts/Stops a station
/pr station skip <Station ID> - Skips the track that is currently playing on a station
/pr station delete <Station ID> - Deletes a station
/pr submit <Link> - Submits/uploads a song to the server's song list
/pr force station <Player> <Station ID/none> - Changes the station a player is listening to/stops playback
/pr force volume <Player> <Volume> - Changes a player's volume

- Players with this permission will get notified when an update is available
playerradios.create-when-disabled - Players with this permission can create stations when "enable-user-stations" is set to false
playerradios.edit-other - Players with this permission can edit other player's stations
playerradios.export - Needed for /pr export <Song-ID/all> <format>
playerradios.export.all - Needed for /pr export all <format>
playerradios.reload - Needed for /pr <reload/rl>
playerradios.submit - Needed for /pr submit if "submit.needs-permission" is enabled
playerradios.submit-when-disabled - Needed for /pr submit if "submit.enable" is disabled
playerradios.color - Allows a player to use colored station names (using '&')
playerradios.allow-bugreport - Needed for /pr bugreport
playerradios.rename-when-disabled - Allows a player to rename their station when "allow-station-name-edit" is disabled
playerradios.force - Allows a player to use the /pr force commands

You want to make radio stations for your players to listen to while playing on your server? With PlayerRadios that's as easy as pie. With PlayerRadios you can easily create radio stations for your players. It ever allows players to create their own stations with own playlists. To manage your station you can either use the commands shown above or simply type /pr station <Station ID> to get to an easy-to-use GUI.

How to create a song:
You can add songs by importing them (putting them in the "/import/<format>" folder). You can create NBS files using Note Block Studio (updated version is OpenNoteBlockStudio)

- NBS-Support
- You can import NBS-files by dragging them into the "/plugins/PlayerRadios/nbs-files/" folder. (Note: NBS-files will automatically be converted to SNG and stored in the "/songs/" folder. They will get deleted!)
- Easy-to-use GUIs - User-friendly GUIs to simplify the setup of stations
- Continuous development - I will continue to support & update this plugin in the future
- Update checker - Get notified whenever there's an update available
- Player stations - Allow players to create their own radio stations
- bStats - This plugin uses bStats to collect statistics anonymously
- Custom file format - PlayerRadios uses a custom file format which is compared to NBS about 1/3 in size
- Default station - Set a default station to automatically play when joining the server
- Multilanguage - As of right now, this plugin supports these languages by default:
English, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese
(thanks to @Stashenko, @Endergame15, @MrFloxy and @ahdg for taking their time to translate the plugin)
But you can of course always add more translations!
- Song submission - Players can submit/upload songs to the server's song list
- PlaceholderAPI- Valid placeholders:
First release
Last update
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