EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More

NULLED EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More 2.1.5

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EliteEnchantments is a custom enchantment plugin, using this plugin you can create your own enchantments along with customising almost everything about the plugin from messages to items. No coding experience required


∎ Complete Recode of the whole plugin, as in from scratch
∎ Mobs can now use enchantments (if a mob has enchanted armor, effects will trigger exactly as they would for players)
∎ Fallen Heroes - These are minibosses for each GKit that spawn in wearing the armor of the GKit. On death they have a chance to drop either the GKit armor or gem
∎ Ability to display enchants like how it is on Hypixel Skyblock
∎ You can now use multiple enchant trigger types and have specific effects for each trigger (Example: Click here to view an example)
∎ Almost everything in this plugin is now fully configurable, you can configure GUIs, Messages and everything else
∎ Complete overhaul of the premade enchantments to be way more balance
∎ Massive performance changes
∎ Massive overhaul of effects, removed some, enhanced some and made some more configurable
∎ More extensive Developer API so you can now create more of your own features including your own conditions etc.
∎ New Logo and artwork
∎ Massive Web Panel Overhaul
First release
Last update
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