GOLD DOWNLOAD PLUGIN ✯ EPIC MOBS ✯ [1.17-1.19] 1.4.12

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Plugin Description
  • Customizable mobs in-game, you can create as many Epic Mobs as you want, you have your freedom! There will be 4 environment types of mobs as of the moment, these are (SUMMON, BOSS, NORMAL_DAY, and NORMAL_NIGHT) and each type of mobs can have its unique features, loots, and equipment depending on how the server owner setup the mob.
  • This plugin inherits the Bosses and Raids from Custom Enchantments Plugin which means, it is compatible with Custom Enchantments plugin. Raid events can be fully customizable, server admins can create their raid events and they can modify each mob's custom loots. (If custom enchantments are not present on the server, this plugin can still run with no issue).
Note before buying
  • There will be no refunds policy after buying the plugin. No matter what excuses, the downloaded plugin cannot be reverted.
  • You can always join my discord server and ask about the plugin before you decide to buy it.
  • Doubts? Try this free version. (1.4.3 - Stable | Trial)
[Free Trial]
Recommended Server:
- Spigot
- Paper
Soft Dependencies
(The plugin can still run without these plugins)
What are the Features?
  • Create Epic Mobs - Create as many epic mobs in your server, there are no limits!
  • Create Bosses - Customize your own bosses with custom drops!
  • Fight with Raid Events - Challenge your friends to win a raid event!
  • Create your own Raid Events - Create your own raid event with Epic Mobs of your choice!
  • Show Epic Mob information - Show information of the Epic Mob you created
  • Epic Mobs summon another Epic Mobs - You can allow your Epic Mob to summon minions!
  • Mobs Lag Reducer - Reduce server lag by regularly clearing the un-interacted Epic Mobs
  • Custom Spawners (1.4) - Epic Mobs now have custom spawners
  • Custom Spawn Eggs (1.4) - Epic Mobs now have custom spawn eggs
  • Epic Mobs biomes (1.4) - Allow Epic Mobs to spawn only on specific biomes!
  • Custom Persistent Data (1.4.3) - Epic Mobs can now have custom data such as avoiding despawn or provide buff to players.


  • /epicmobs : alias /ep - plugin command
  • /ep create (need permission)
    • Admins can create new Epic Mobs using this command, they will be guided on what Name, Teir, Health, Damage... that the mobs will have.
    • For Epic Mobs with 'SUMMON' environment, Admins can add them on custom Raid events.
  • /ep info
    • shows the attributes of the Epic Mob (All players can use this command).
  • /ep modify (need permission)
    • modify the Epic Mob.
  • /ep raid (need permission)
    • start/stop raid events.
  • /ep summon (need permission)
    • summon all epic-mobs by using this command.
  • /ep SpawnEggs
    • opens the custom spawn eggs selection GUI.
  • /ep Spawners
    • opens the custom spawners selection GUI.
  • /ep Reload
    • clears all epic mobs in-game, clears raids, and GUI's.
Short Teaser


Spoiler: Youtube Tutorial
Premade EpicMobs

Spoiler: Premade-EpicMobs

Spoiler: Pictures

Spoiler: Default Config.yml
Spoiler: Default Lang.yml

  • epicmobs.epicmob - Grant permission to create/delete/modify Epic Mobs and Raid Events
How to install
  1. Shutdown the server if it is running
  2. Copy the EpicMob.jar to the plugins folder of your server
  3. Start the server
Updating plugin
  1. Turn off the server (highly recommended)
  2. Replace the old EpicMob.jar with the new version.
  3. Make a backup copy of your EpicMobs.yml
  4. Gently start the server.
  5. DO NOT replace the EpicMob.jar while the server is running, it will corrupt the data due to (ClassNotFound exception) failure to save the Data Handlers.
  • Leave your reports here.
  • Like
Reactions: Shafuq
First release
Last update
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  1. 1.4.12

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