✓ ♛ Paintball ♛ [8 GAMES IN 1] TDM, FFA, CTF, DTC, RTF, KC, LTS, DOM

NULLED ✓ ♛ Paintball ♛ [8 GAMES IN 1] TDM, FFA, CTF, DTC, RTF, KC, LTS, DOM 3.8.7

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The Giant Feature List
  • 8 Full Minigames Included
    • Team Deathmatch: The traditional Paintball game mode. Whichever team gets the most kills wins
    • Capture the Flag: Whichever team gets the most other team's flags to their base wins
    • Rush the Flag: Same as Capture the flag, however there is only one flag in the middle. Each team fights for to rush it to their base.
    • Free For All: Team Deathmatch, without the teams. Each player is on their own team.
    • Domination: Each team has a 4x4 sqaure which other teams try and secure. They secure it by standing
      over it for a certain amount of time.Their score is subtracted every 10 seconds to the amount of bases they have
      (the more they keep secured the more points they get)
      Last Team Standing: No arena timer, the arena will not end until there is one team left, and that
      team wins.
    • Destroy the Core: Each team has a "core" with levels. To win you destory the other team's core by
      throwing Paintballs at it. Whichever team is last alive or has the highest life on their core wins.
    • Kill Confirmed: From Call of Duty. Like Team Deathmatch, however when you die you drop a tag. To
      confirm the kill you collect the tag and get points. If you do not confirm the kill and someone on the other
      team gets it, you do not get any points
    • Last Team Standing: Each player has a limited amount of lives (set in config.yml). The last team standing which hasn't run out of lives last wins.
  • 8 Free maps designed for this plugin
    • Download Abyss, Asylum, Castle, Classic, Nuketown, MilitaryBase, Parkour, WinterFortess
    • Use WorldEdit to place the schematic files
  • CrackShot Support
    • Create your own guns using CrackShot
    • Totally optional, if you do not want to use CrackShot there are really fun default guns already included!
  • Fun Donator Perks
    • From giving in game custom guns with different accuracy, speed, etc. to allowing donators to already join already full or in progress arenas, there's plenty of perks to add to your donation packs!
  • Multiple Arena Support and Unlimited Arenas going on at once
  • Paintball Splash Effects
    • Armor changes color when hit, and blocks change color on land (configure dyed wool, clay, glass, or even concrete/concrete powder!)
    • Creates a beautiful realistic paintball splash effect
  • 100% Configurable (every message can be changed!)
    • Edit every aspect of gameplay, even with per arena specific controls
  • Simple flatfile support OR SQL Support
  • Supports many versions: 1.8+
  • Up to 16 teams per arena
    • Customize each team's name and color
    • Color is matched on the player's wool hat, dyed armour, and scoreboard nametags
    • Beautiful death particles matching colors
  • Optional BungeeCord Support
  • 3 Arena Types
    • Normal: This is multi arena, where many arenas can occur at one time and players join with commands/signs
    • Rotation: One arena is always being played on the server and arena is automatically rotated randomly for each arena
    • Vote: One arena is always being played on the server and arena is set by the most votes using a vote menu
  • Easy Setup: Gives step by step setup for easy guiding of setting up arenas
    • Quick Admin Chest GUI setup coming soon
  • Wagers, Prizes, Win Commands
    • Customize the whole reward system, set awards/punishments for wins, loses, deaths, kills, ties, etc
    • Support percentage chance of winning something
    • Optional Vault Support
  • Amazing Scoreboards
    • The beautiful scoreboards are loved by many players
    • Fully customizable, no flicker, and in-depth information displayed nicely
  • Coin Shop
    • Allow players to buy cool guns and items to use in game
    • Customize use with donator permissions, vault prices, kill coin (kill streaks), prices, expiration times, materials, names, etc. all inside items.yml
  • Advanced Configs
    • arenas.yml: customize every single arena setting SPECIFICALLY for an arena, or keep it to the default config.yml
    • items.yml: customize every single Coin Shop item and even add CrackShot ones (see FAQ for how!)
    • config.yml: Customize every setting for gameplay
    • messages.yml: Customize every message
    • bungee.yml: Enable BungeeCord support with information
    • database.yml: Set your information for MySQL/SQL (this is optional, by default plugin stores in flat file and when you setup SQL it will auto store there)
    • playerdata folder: Stores all inventory items and player information to stop them from losing it
    • stats folder: Stores all statistics for leaderboards (use for holograms, commands, skulls, and signs)
    • Configs will never break and have an automated backup system to ensure no data is lost between updates, and configs automatically update during version changes
  • Game Hack Detection: Autoclicker
  • PlaceholderAPI Support for arena status, team_name, arena_name, team_color, stat types (see leaderboard section)
  • No Dependencies required, just drag and drop Paintball.jar and add optional dependencies (Vault, PlaceHolderAPI, etc.) if needed
  • No arena shape limitations
  • Extremely Easy Steps Setup
    • Never be left in the dark of how to create an arena, there is a step system provided after every command which shows exactly what commands you have to type in to finish setting up an arena
  • LeaderboardHeads Support (although my own leaderboard system can be used)
  • Holograms, Signs, and Skull Leaderboard Statistics
    • Display your per-player and server statistics on holograms, signs, or skulls which automatically update in real time
  • Join, Autojoin, Leave, and Spectate Signs
    • Never require your player to type in a command as signs provide every possible commands
    • Signs display arena status, player counts, and names IN REAL TIME
    • Automatically saves and restores inventories on join/leave/spectate
  • Multiple Spawn points
    • Create multiple lobby, game, or spectator spawn points so players can be disburse throughout the game
  • Titles, Actionbar, and Bossbar Usage
    • Information is always nicely shown to players with advanced techniques, such as loading bars
    • On start, it displays a description of how to play in action bar
    • Title bar is used for games like domination to show securing progress
  • Optional Join NPCs (see dependencies)
  • Supports Vault
    • If you do not have Vault, you can use the default money system provided by Minigames, OR you can use both at a time
  • Advanced Spectator
    • Spectators will be in ghost mode with fly abilities
    • Each get a menu for easy access to teleport to a player or leave the arena
  • No Arena modification
    • The plugin automatically detects the arena size, which means bounds do not have to be manually set with WorldEdit and that the plugin automatically prevents people from breaking blocks they shouldn't
  • Firework Kills Ending
    • Shows beautiful fireworks that show who killed who and the game winners
    • When the game ends creates show highlighting the winners and each player's stats
  • Wagers
    • Quickly make bets that use money to pay winning team, ex: /pb wager 10000 will use Vault to take out 10,000 from the account and distribute it among the winners
  • PlaceholderAPI Support (MSG me if missing anything you need)
  • Advanced Administrative Commands
    • From quickly resetting a player's statistics to removing or adding coins to a player, this plugin has every possible admin command you will need
  • Preventive Commands
    • Easily control and prevent what commands users should have inside arenas
  • Custom Chat Menu
    • Very nice looking chat that has per team, per arena, or global messaging
    • Supports Chat Colors
  • Automatically loads worlds if you do not have Multiverse
  • Configurable Metrics
  • Developer API
  • Easily change prefixes, scoreboards, colors, and sign layouts, hologram layouts, etc.
  • Simultaneous games
    • As many arenas playing at a time as you want
  • Join while in progress options
    • Not many plugins have this feature, but in config you can enable or disable the ability to join an arena WHILE it is already playing
    • Great donator perk!
  • Custom Health System
    • Coin Shop Guns merge with this new Health System to create AMAZING gameplay, extremely configurable and health is nicely shown in hearts and scoreboard
  • Safe Reloading
    • Almost no plugins support this, but Minigames, you can litterly type /reload in the middle of 10 games and have all your information continued as if it never happened
  • Unlimited spawnpoints
    • Customize every spawn point easily from spectator, lobby, and arena spawnpoints
    • Add as many spawnpoints as you like, the players will randomly teleport to one
  • Defined Errors
    • There is not one command or action that will not result in a DETAILED error (some plugins just leave you with a command menu or nothing when typing a command in wrong)
    • This will tell you exactly what is wrong with the plugin or your command when there is an issue with the syntax or plugin
  • Customize every action with its own sound
  • Specify accuracy inside config.yml OR per player
    • Use paintball.accuracy.<0%-100%> for example 50% accuracy is paintball.accuracy.50
    • Great for donator perks!
  • Have win commands be given with chances
    • Inside the win commands list add a line for 50% chance, "50:say "You are cool!""
First release
Last update
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