- Permissions
- Do command /SM ingame to see them
- Crawl
- Activation
- Double sneak on ground
- Contains
- Sound
- Cooldown
- Activation
- Slide
- Activation
- Run and double sneak on ground
- Contains
- Sound
- Cooldown
- Slide time
- Slide speed
- Slide speed per block
- Activation
- Wallkick
- Activation
- Sneak while looking at a wall and while not being on the ground
- Contains
- Charges
- Sound
- Kick strength
- Whitelisted/blacklisted blocks
- Activation
- Roof Hang
- Activation
- Right-click block above while being under it and while not being on the ground
- Contains
- Charges
- Sound
- Hang strength
- Whitelisted/blacklisted blocks
- Activation
- Climb
- Activation
- Right-click or left-click block while being next to it and while not being on the ground
- Contains
- Charges
- Sound
- Light or strong climb strength
- Choose blocks that work for climbing
- Activation
- Leap Of Faith
- Activation
- Double sneak in the air while having enough fall distance
- Contains
- Sound
- Choose blocks that deny leap's fall damage
- Activation
- Swim
- Activation
- Release sneak while in the water
- Contains
- Swim animation
- Sound
- Swim kick strength
- Charges
- Activation
- Mobkick
- Activation
- Sneak while looking at a mob in close range while not being on the ground
- Contains
- Charges
- Sound
- Kick strength
- Damage
- Activation
- Events
- PlayerToggleCrawlEvent
- PlayerToggleSlideEvent
- PlayerToggleWallkickEvent
- PlayerToggleRoofhangEvent
- PlayerToggleClimbEvent
- PlayerToggleSwimEvent
- PlayerToggleMobkickEvent