EnchantmentSlots | Add enchantment slot feature to your server! | 1.17 - 1.20

EnchantmentSlots | Add enchantment slot feature to your server! | 1.17 - 1.20 1.1.2

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Apr 14, 2022
MC-PLUGIN submitted a new resource:

EnchantmentSlots | Add enchantment slot feature to your server! | 1.17 - 1.20 - EnchantmentSlots | Add enchantment slot feature to your server! | 1.17 - 1.20

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EnchantmentSlots help you add enchantment slot in your server. All weapons, tools, armors will have a new attribute: enchantment slot. Players can only enchant a maximum of enchantment slot value enchantments to an item. This will help your server avoid player has too many enchantments and break the PvP or PvE balance.

  • Packet based, your server won't get the lore we added, only client will display it, this means we compatibility...

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